Home Page of Dennis J. Darland's Studies in 2020 djd
Email: Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
Comments welcome
For other things I'm doing see my home page.

Table of Contents

  1. My Library
  2. Books that I Completed in 2020
  3. Documentaries that I Watched in 2020
  4. Fact Based Movies that I Watched in 2020
  5. News as I Followed it in 2020
  6. Journals and Magazines that I subscribe to
  7. Free Online Courses I am in the Process of Taking


  1. My Library

    I have cataloged my books (updated 7/21/2020). I have indexes of:
    Index of my physical books.,
    Index of my eBooks. and
    Index of my audio books.


    For my prior reading see:
    1. My Reading in October 2007 through December 2008
    2. My Reading in 2009
    3. My Reading in 2010
    4. My Reading in 2011
    5. My Reading in 2012
    6. My Reading in 2013
    7. My Reading in 2014
    8. My Reading in 2015
    9. My Reading in 2016
    10. My Reading in 2017
    11. My Reading in 2018
    12. My Reading in 2019
  2. Books Completed in 2020

    1. Amen, Daniel C. - Change Your Brain - Change Your Body [1999] (Completed 3/25/2020)
    2. Baldwin, James - Fifty Famous Stories Retold [?] (Completed 7/9/2020)
    3. Boyd, Herb - Baldwin's Harlem: A Biography of James Baldwin [2008] (Completed 7/8/2020)
    4. Calarusso, Calvin A. - Child and Adult Development [1992] (Completed 1/12/2020)
    5. Calarusso, Calvin A. - Understanding Masturbation [2015] (Completed 1/11/2020)
    6. Durant, Will - Our Oriental Heritage [1935] (Completed 12/13/2020)
    7. Enrich, David - Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction [2020] (Completed 10/6/2020)
    8. Goodman, Amy - Democracy Now!: Twenty Years Covering the Movements Changing America [2016] (Completed 6/27/2020)
    9. Grann, David [Summary] - Killers of the Flower Moon [2017] (Completed 2/3/2020) HHBC
    10. Hoffman, Donald - The Case Against Reality [?] (Completed 2/1/2020) FTQC
    11. Linsky, Leonard - Referring [1967](Completed 7/9/2020)
    12. Linsky, Leonard - Semantics and the Philosophy of Language [1952] (Completed 8/8/2020)
    13. Maddow, Rachel - Blowout [2019] (Completed 4/14/2020)
    14. Nerburn, Kent - Voices in the Stones [2016] (Completed 7/29/2020
    15. Pierce. John T. - An Introduction to Information Theory [1961] (Completed 6/11/2020) HHBC
    16. Power, Samantha - The Education of an Idealist [2019] (Completed 5/25/2020)
    17. Rohde, David - In Deep: The FBI, the CIA, and the Truth about America's "Deep State [2020] Completed 6/25/2020
    18. Sharot, Tali - The Influential Mind [2017] (Completed 4/17/2020)
    19. Snyder, Timothy - The Road to Unfreedom [2018] (Completed 2/20/2020)
    20. Starita, Joe - A Warrior of the People [?] (Completed 9/11/2020)
    21. Trump, Mary - Too Much and Never Enough [2020] (Completed 7/24/2020)
    22. Whitehead, Alfred North Adventures of Ideas [1933] (Completed 10/11/2020)
    23. Whitehead, Alfred North Process and Reality [1929] (Mostly Completed 9/17/2020)
    24. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung [1921] (Completed 4/16/2020)

    FTQC - Free Thinkers of the Quad Cities
    HHBC = Happy Human Book Club
    QCPS = Quad Cities Philosophical Society
    SHGQC = Secular Humanists of the Greater Quad Cities
  3. Documentaries Watched in 2020

    1. All In: The Fight for Democracy (9/20/2020) Prime
    2. Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (12/20/2020 Season 1 Episode 1) Hulu
    3. Ancient Aliens: Aliens and The Old West (10/12/2020 Season 3 episode 1) Netflix German
    4. Ancient Aliens: Aliens and Monsters (10/12/2020 Season 3 episode 2) Netflix German
    5. Ancient Aliens: Aliens and Sacred Places (10/18/2020 Season 3 episode 3) Netflix German
    6. Ancient Aliens: Aliens and Temples of Gold (10/18/2020 Season 3 episode 4) Netflix German
    7. Ancient Aliens: Aliens and Mysterious Rituals (10/19/2020 Season 3 episode 5) Netflix German
    8. Ancient Aliens: The Mystery of Puma Punku (12/20/2020 Season 4 episode 1) Peacock
    9. Ancient Civilizations (5/27/2020 S1 E1 Searching for the Garden of Eden - Gaia
    10. Ancient Civilizations (5/27/2020 S1 E2 Gnostic Origins - Gaia
    11. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Why Study Logic? (3/8/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    12. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Introduction to Logical Concepts (3/22/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    13. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Why Study Logic? (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    14. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Introduction to Logical Concepts (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    15. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Informal Logic and Fallacies (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    16. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Fallacies of Faulty Authority (8/20/2020 season 1 episode 4) The Great Courses
    17. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Fallacies of Cause and Effect (8/20/2020 season 1 episode 5) The Great Courses
    18. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Fallacies of Irrelevance (8/20/2020 season 1 episode 6) The Great Courses
    19. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Inductive Reasoning (8/21/2020 season 1 episode 7) The Great Courses
    20. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Induction in Polls and Science (8/21/2020 season 1 episode 8) The Great Courses
    21. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Introduction to Formal Logic (8/21/2020 season 1 episode 9) The Great Courses
    22. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Truth-Functional Logic (8/21/2020 season 1 episode 10) The Great Courses
    23. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Truth Tables (8/21/2020 season 1 episode 11) The Great Courses
    24. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Truth Tables and Validity (8/22/2020 season 1 episode 12) The Great Courses
    25. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Natural Deduction (8/22/2020 season 1 episode 13) The Great Courses
    26. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Logical Proofs with Equivalences (8/22/2020 season 1 episode 14) The Great Courses
    27. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Conditional and Indirect Proofs (8/22/2020 season 1 episode 15) The Great Courses
    28. An Introduction to Formal Logic: First-Order Predicate Logic (8/22/2020 season 1 episode 16) The Great Courses
    29. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Validity in First-Order Predicate Logic (8/23/2020 season 1 episode 17) The Great Courses
    30. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Demonstrating Invalidity (8/23/2020 season 1 episode 18) The Great Courses
    31. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Relational Logic (8/23/2020 season 1 episode 19) The Great Courses
    32. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Introducing Logical Identity (8/24/2020 season 1 episode 20) The Great Courses
    33. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Logic and Mathematics (8/24/2020 season 1 episode 21) The Great Courses
    34. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Proof and Paradox (8/24/2020 season 1 episode 22) The Great Courses
    35. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Modal Logic (8/24/2020 season 1 episode 23) The Great Courses
    36. An Introduction to Formal Logic: Three-Valued and Fuzzy Logic (8/24/2020 season 1 episode 24) The Great Courses
    37. Angry, White & American (9/18/2020) [Prime]
    38. A Promised Land: A Conversation with Barack Obama (11/19/2020) MSNBC
    39. Authority and the Individual, 1 - Bertrand Russell (6/1/2020) BRS
    40. Authority and the Individual, 2 - Bertrand Russell (6/1/2020) BRS
    41. Authority and the Individual, 3 - Bertrand Russell (6/10/2020) BRS
    42. Authority and the Individual, 4 - Bertrand Russell (6/10/2020) BRS
    43. Authority and the Individual, 5 - Bertrand Russell (6/10/2020) BRS
    44. Authority and the Individual, 6 - Bertrand Russell (6/10/2020) BRS
    45. Becoming - Michelle Obama (6/12/2020) German Subtitles Netflix
    46. Brains Trust, Bertrand Russell (6/1/2020)
    47. Building a Better Vocabulary: Five Principles for Learning Vocabulary (10/15/2020 S 1 E 1) The Great Courses
    48. Das Dilemma mit den sozialen Medien (10/22/20) Netflix German Subtitles
    49. Deep Space (1/19/2020 S1 E1_ Ancient Space Program - Gaia German Subtitles (NOTE: I am watching these for a entertaining way to study German
    50. Deep Space (5/27/2020 S1 E2_ Mysteries of the Solar System - Gaia German Subtitles
    51. Deep Space (5/27/2020 S1 E3_ The German Flying Saucers - Gaia German Subtitles
    52. Deep Space (5/27/2020 S1 E4_ Dark Alliance - Gaia German Subtitles
    53. Deep Space (5/27/2020 S1 E5_ Secrets of Anti-Gravity - Gaia German Subtitles
    54. Deep Space (5/28/2020 S1 E6_ Covert Colonization of Space - Gaia German Subtitles
    55. Deep Space (5/28/2020 S1 E7_ Inside the Programs - Gaia German Subtitles
    56. Deep Space (5/28/2020 S1 E8_ Rise of Artificial Intelligence - Gaia German Subtitles
    57. Deep Space (5/28/2020 S1 E9_ Aliens and Cover-Ups - Gaia German Subtitles
    58. Deep Space (6/1/2020 S1 E10_ The New NASA Connection - Gaia German Subtitles
    59. Deep Space (6/2/2020 S1 E11_ The Veil - Gaia German Subtitles [That's all for season 1]
    60. Deep Space (6/3/2020 S2 E1_ JFK and the Secret S[ace Program Ancient Space Program - Gaia Spanish Subtitles (NOTE: I am watching these for a entertaining way to study Spanish
    61. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E2_ The True History of the Space Race - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    62. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E3_ NASA: Never A Straight Answer - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    63. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E4_ Hyperdimensional Physics and the Solar System - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    64. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E5_ Rise of the Artificial Moon - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    65. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E6_ Our Moon: Lunacy bu Design - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    66. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E7_ Martian Refugees - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    67. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E8_ A Secret Base at Dulce? - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    68. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E9_ The Gods of Eden - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    69. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E10_ Alien Origins of Gnosticism - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    70. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E11 The Singularity - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    71. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E12 A.I. and the Future of Humanity - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    72. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E13 Cygnus and Quantum Entanglement - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    73. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E14 Valley of Portals - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    74. Deep Space (6/5/2020 S2 E15 Breaking Free of the Matrix - Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    75. Der Mench: Bill Gates (7/4/2020 S1 E1) - Netflix German Subtitles
    76. Dirty Money: Geld Regiert die Welt (7/4/2020 S1 E1) - Netflix German Subtitles
    77. Escape the Matrix (7/16/2020 S1 E1-8) - Gaia
    78. Fighting Misinformation: The Misinformation Threat (10/15/2020 S 1 E 1) The Great Courses
    79. Fighting Misinformation: The Evolution of Media and Misinformation (10/15/2020 S 1 E 2) The Great Courses
    80. Fighting Misinformation: Misinformation and the Brain (10/16/2020 S1 E3) The Great Courses
    81. Fighting Misinformation: Seeing Through Misinformation (12/26/2020 S1 E4) The Great Courses
    82. Food as Medicine (5/27/2020 S1 E1) Food Combining Rules - Gaia
    83. Food as Medicine (5/27/2020 S1 E2) Choosing the Best Protein Powder - Gaia
    84. Food as Medicine (5/27/2020 S1 E3) Common Mistakes When Buying Olive Oil - Gaia
    85. Food as Medicine (5/27/2020 S1 E4) I a Ketogenic Diet Good or Bad for you? - Gaia
    86. Food as Medicine (5/27/2020 S1 E5) A Day in the Life of Healing Adrenal Fatigue - Gaia
    87. Geschichtshappen: Fast Food (10/23/2020 S 1 E 1) Netflix German Subtitles
    88. Greek 101: The Greek Alphabet and Pronunciation (3/22/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    89. Greek 101: The Greek Alphabet and Pronunciation (8/1/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    90. Greek 101: The Greek Alphabet and Pronunciation (9/20/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    91. Gut Reaction Part One (5/27/2020) Gaia
    92. Gut Reaction Part Two (5/27/2020) Gaia
    93. How Digital Technology Shapes US: How Experience Alters the Brain (10/15/2020 S1 E1) The Great Courses
    94. How Digital Technology Shapes US: Are New Media Shortening Attention Spans? (10/16/2020 S1 E2) The Great Courses
    95. How Digital Technology Shapes US: Does the Internet Make Us Shallow Thinkers? (10/16/2020 S1 E3) The Great Courses
    96. Is Security Increasing? (5/31/2020) BRS
    97. Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (6/29/2020 season 1 episodes 1-4) Netflix German Subtitles [that's all for the series]
    98. Language Families of the World: Why Are There So Many Languages? (9/21/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    99. Language Families of the World: The First Family Discovered: Indo-European (9/21/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    100. Language Families of the World: Indo-European Languages in Europe (9/21/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    101. Latin 101: Pronouncing Classical Latin (3/22/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    102. Latin 101: Pronouncing Classical Latin (9/21/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    103. Learning French: Welcome to the French-Speaking World (9/8/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    104. Learning German: Willkommen! (7/15/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    105. Learning German: Definite Articles, Gender and Nouns (8/4/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    106. Learning German: Personal Pronouns and the Verb sein (8/5/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    107. Learning German: Regular Verbs in the Present Tense (8/5/2020 season 1 episode 4) The Great Courses
    108. Learning German: Indefinite Articles and Numbers to 100 (8/6/2020 season 1 episode 5) The Great Courses
    109. Learning German: Eine Reise nach Wien und Salzburg (8/9/2020 season 1 episode 6) The Great Courses
    110. Learning German: Asking Questions and Numbers above 100 (8/9/2020 season 1 episode 7) The Great Courses
    111. Learning German: The Nominative and Accusative Cases and kein- (8/9/2020 season 1 episode 8) The Great Courses
    112. Learning German: Time in German and Possessive Pronouns (8/10/2020 season 1 episode 9) The Great Courses
    113. Learning German: Coordinating Conjunctions and der- Words (8/10/2020 season 1 episode 10) The Great Courses
    114. Learning German: Modal Verbs and More Accusative (8/10/2020 season 1 episode 11) The Great Courses
    115. Learning German: Eine Reise nach Munchen und Rothenburg ob der Tauber (8/10/2020 season 1 episode 12) The Great Courses
    116. Learning German: Present Perfect and da- and wo- Compounds (8/20/2020 season 1 episode 13) The Great Courses
    117. Learning German: Ich hab' mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren (9/25/2020 season 1 episode 14) The Great Courses
    118. Learning German: Separable-Prefix Verbs (10/11/2020 season 1 episode 15) The Great Courses
    119. Learning German: Subordinate and Infinitive Clauses (10/11/2020 season 1 episode 16) The Great Courses
    120. Learning German: More Infinitive Clauses and the Dative Case (10/12/2020 season 1 episode 17) The Great Courses
    121. Learning German: Eine Reise nach Zurich und Zermatt (10/12/2020 season 1 episode 18) The Great Courses
    122. Learning German: Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns (10/12/2020 season 1 episode 19) The Great Courses
    123. Learning German: More Dative and Subordinating Conjunctions (10/13/2020 season 1 episode 20) The Great Courses
    124. Learning German: The Simple Past (10/17/2020 season 1 episode 21) The Great Courses
    125. Learning German: Bäuerin Bärbel und die rotbärtigen ZwergeMore (10/17/2020 season 1 episode 22) The Great Courses
    126. Learning German: More Simple Past and Relative Pronouns (10/17/2020 season 1 episode 23) The Great Courses
    127. Learning German: Eine Reise nach Hamburg und Cuxhaven (10/18/2020 season 1 episode 24) The Great Courses
    128. Learning German: Two-Way Prepositions and Verbs That Use Them (10/21/2020 season 1 episode 25) The Great Courses
    129. Learning German: Comparative/Superlative and Adjective Endings (11/1/2020 season 1 episode 26) The Great Courses
    130. Learning German: The Genitive Case and the Passive Voice (11/7/2020 season 1 episode 27) The Great Courses
    131. Learning German: The Subjunctive Mood (11/8/2020 season 1 episode 28) The Great Courses
    132. Learning German: Eine Reise nach Wittenberg und Berlin (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 29) The Great Courses
    133. Learning German: Our Journey: The End or Just the Beginning (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 30) The Great Courses [The Last Lesson]
    134. Learning German: Willkommen! (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    135. Learning German: Definite Articles, Gender and Nouns (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    136. Learning German: Personal Pronouns and the Verb sein (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    137. Learning Spanish: Introduction to the Spanish Language (9/8/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    138. Learning Spanish: Introduction to the Spanish Language (12/3/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    139. Learning Spanish: Definite Articles and Nouns (12/3/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    140. Learning Spanish: Introduction to the Spanish Language (12/15/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    141. Learning Spanish: Definite Articles and Nouns (12/19/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    142. Learning Spanish: Subject Pronouns and the Verb Ser (12/20/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    143. Learning Spanish: Definite Articles and Nouns (most of 12/20/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    144. Learning Spanish: Subject Pronouns and the Verb Ser (most of 12/20/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    145. Learning Spanish: Regular -ar Verbs in the Present (most of 12/21/2020 season 1 episode 4) The Great Courses
    146. Learning Spanish: Indefinite Articles and Numbers to 100 (most of 12/21/2020 season 1 episode 5) The Great Courses
    147. Learning Spanish: The Verb Estar and Numbers over 100 (most of 12/22/2020 season 1 episode 6) The Great Courses
    148. Learning Spanish: Regular -er and -ir Verbs in the Present (most of 12/23/2020 season 1 episode 7) The Great Courses
    149. Learning Spanish: The Verb Ir in the Present (most of 12/24/2020 season 1 episode 8) The Great Courses
    150. Learning Spanish: Definite Articles and Nouns (most of 12/31/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    151. Maple Training for Engineers, Researchers and Scientists (6/24/2020)
    152. Maplesoft: Get to Know Maple Fast (7/27/2020)
    153. Maplesoft: Maple Fundamentals Guide (7/27/2020)
    154. Open Minds: Michael Tellinger on Secrets of Lost Civilizations (1/19/2020 season 1 episode 1) Gaia Spanish Subtitles
    155. Optimizing Brain Fitness: How the Brain Works (10/15/2020 S1 E1) The Great Courses
    156. Optimizing Brain Fitness: How Your Brain Changes (10/16/2020 S1 E2) The Great Courses
    157. Optimizing Brain Fitness: Care and Feeding of the Brain (10/16/2020 S1 E3) The Great Courses
    158. Renegade: The Life Story of David Icke (6/9/2020) Gaia German Subtitles
    159. Restoring Adrenal Health: Adaptibili-tea (5/27/2020 S1 E1) Gaia
    160. Speaking of Liberty, Bertrand Russell (5/31/2020) BRS
    161. Special Expert Interviews (5/27/2020 S1 E2) 7 Ways to Healing the Gut Naturally Gaia
    162. Taming Economic Power (5/31/2020) BRS
    163. The Loudest Voice [Roger Ailes - Fox News] (2/8/2020 season 1 episodes 1-7) [that's all for the series] SHO
    164. The Real History of Secret Societies: Small-Town Secrets (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 1) The Great Courses
    165. The Real History of Secret Societies: Secret Societies: The Underworld of History (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 2) The Great Courses
    166. The Real History of Secret Societies: The Knights Templar (8/16/2020 season 1 episode 3) The Great Courses
    167. Trump: An American Dream (season 1 episodes 1-4) [2018] [that's all for the series] Netflix German Subtitles
    168. Typing basic mathematical formulas with GNU TeXmacs (6/23/2020)
  4. Fact Based Movies Watched in 2020

    1. Game Change [Sarah Palin] [2012] (1/28/2010) Amazon Prime [HBO]
  5. The News I Watched and Read in 2020 and before

    1. News Sources on the Web
    2. News as I followed it in 2013.
    3. News as I follow it in 2014.
    4. News as I follow it in 2015.
    5. News as I follow it in 2016.
    6. News as I follow it in 2017.
    7. News as I follow it in 2018.
    8. News as I follow it in 2019.
    9. News as I follow it in 2020.
  6. Journals and Magazines that I Subscribe to

    1. Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin (digital)
    2. Communications of the ACM (digital)
    3. Fromm Forum (digital)
    4. process studies
    5. russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies (also digital)
    6. scribd.com (books & magazines
    7. The New York Times (digital)
    8. UU World