Home Page of Dennis J. Darland's Studies in 2009 djd Email: Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
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  1. My Library

    I have cataloged my books (updated 6/26/2009).
    I have an index of almost ALL of my booksentered!
    (the main exception being some software documentation(mostly obsolete, yet retained)).
    It indicates the books that I have read. (to the best of my memory). I have not included as read reference books, or books I have read only part of, although I did include those used as texts in courses, although we may not have covered the entire text.
    (Also, I have read many books I don't own, but I do, now, mostly buy them, because I read so slowly,
    and also I like to be able to look thing up again, that I have read in the past.
    For my prior reading see My Reading in October 2007 through December 2008


    1. Bamford, James - The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America (Completed 5/26/2009)
    2. Barnes, Thomas G. - Foundations of Electricity and Magnetism (Completed 1/14/2009)
    3. Boolos, George S. and Jeffery, Richard C. - Computability and Logic, third edition (Completed 1/14/2009)
      (Just tried to get the main ideas. I found the proofs too difficult to follow them closely.)
    4. Carter, Jimmy - Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis (Completed 4/25/2009)
    5. Carter, Jimmy - We can have Peace in the Holy Land (Completed 3/19/2009)
    6. Daschle, Tom - Critical: What we can do about the health-care crisis (Completed 6/11/2009)
    7. Doxiadis, Apostolos and Papadimitriou, Christos H. - Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth (Completed 11/23/2009)
    8. Dorgan, Byron L. - Reckless! How Debt, Deregulation and Dark Money Nearly Bankrupted America (And How We Can Fix It!) (Completed 6/26/2009)
    9. Draper, Robert - Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W. Bush(Complete 9/29/2009)
    10. Durant, Will and Ariel - The Age of Reason Begins (Completed 5/21/2009)
    11. Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman Lectures on PHYSICS, Volume III (Completed 1/6/2009)
    12. Filkins, Dexter - The Forever War (Completed 10/18/2009)
    13. Griffin, David Ray - The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (Completed 4/3/2009)
    14. Heilbroner, Robert L. - The Worldly Philosophers(Completed 11/1/2009)
    15. Heidegger, Martin - Basic Writings (Abandoned 12/13/2009 Front to page xxii of xxii pages; text to page 54 of 449 page
      - because not getting much out of it and person who recommended Heidegger said she had been confused)
    16. James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience (Completed 2/12/2009)
    17. Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Practical Reason (Completed 2/13/2009)
    18. Lakoff, George - Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives think (Completed 11/7/2009)
    19. Lawden, D. F. - An Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology (Completed 8/29/2009)
    20. Maher, John and Groves, Judy - Introducing Chomsky (Completed 2/22/2009)
    21. Merrell, Floyd - Peirce, Signs, and Meaning (Abandoned 5/9/2009 at - Intro to page xvii of xvii pages; Text to page 84 of 351 pages - because I was not getting much out of it.)
    22. Miller, Mark Crispin, ed. - Loser Take All: Election Fraud and the Subversion of Democracy, 2000-2008 (Completed 5/1/2009)
    23. Price, Lucien - Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Completed 10/20/2009)
    24. Rall, Louis B. - Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications (Completed 11/12/2009)
    25. Roberts, H. J., M.D. - Aspartame: Is it Safe? - A Concerned Doctor's Views (Completed 10/13/2009)
    26. Russell, Bertrand - Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (Completed 3/30/2009)
    27. Russell, Bertrand - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Completed 10/19/2009)
    28. Russell, Bertrand - The Problems of Philosophy (Completed 12/2/2009)
    29. Russell, Bertrand - Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell : A Lifelong Fight for Peace, Justice, and Truth in Letters to the Editor (Completed 4/29/2009)
    30. Schey, H. M. - div, grad, curl, and all that (Completed 1/14/2009)
    31. Schopenhauer, Arthur - The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (Completed 4/28/2009)
    32. Sharlet, Jeff - The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Completed 9/5/2009)
    33. Singer, Peter, ed. - A Companion to Ethics (Completed 10/22/2009)
    34. Talbott, Shawn - The Cortisol Connection (Completed 10/21/2009)
    35. White, Robert L. - Basic Quantum Mechanics (Completed 8/25/2009)
    36. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Philosophical Investigations: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition (Completed 12/21/2009)
    37. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Prototractatus: An early version of Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus (Completed 8/12/2009)
    38. Wright, Lawrence - The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (Completed 5/23/2009)

    1. Eastman, Timothy E. - "Cosmic Agnosticism" in process studies Vol 36, No 2, Fall-Winter 2007(Completed 1/7/2009)
    2. Hicks, Dr. Dawes - "The Nature of Sense-Data", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/3/2009)
    3. LaPointe, Sandra - "Frege and Husserl on Signs and Linguistic Behaviour" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 140-141, November 2008 - February 2009(Completed 6/13/2009)
    4. Russell, Bertrand (1905) - "On Denoting", CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 11/17/2009)
    5. Russell, Bertrand (1910-11) - "Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/19/2009)
    6. Russell, Bertrand (1910) - "On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/20/2009)
    7. Russell, Bertrand (1911-12) - "On the Relations of Universals and Particulars", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/22/2009)
    8. Russell, Bertrand (1911) - "The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/23/2009)
    9. Russell, Bertrand (1913) - "The Nature of Sense-Data: A Reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/3/2009)
    10. Russell, Bertrand (1913) - "On the Notion of Cause", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/4/2009)
    11. Solomon, Graham - "What became of Russell's "relation-arithmetic"?" in russell: the Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives Vol 9, No 2, Winter 1989-90(Completed 9/2/2009)
    12. Sullivan, Stephen J. - "Nietzsche's Anticipation of Russell" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 140-141, November 2008 - February 2009(Completed 6/13/2009)

    1. Demaine, Eric and Leiserson, Charles6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms Fall 2005 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 9/16/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    2. Krithivasan, Kamala Discrete Mathematical Structues (Indian Institute of Technology, Madres) (Completed 7/10/2009)
    3. Magee, Bryan - Interviews with Philosophers (Completed 2/24/2009)
    4. Maplesoft - Maple 12: Introduction to Maple 12 for Academics (Completed 1/11/2009)
    5. Mattuck, Arthur - 18.03 Differential Equations, Spring 2003(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 3/13/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    6. Strang, Gilbert - 18.06 Linear Algebra , 1999 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 1/25/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    7. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Entanglements Part 1, Fall 2006 (Completed 4/4/2009)
    8. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Classical Mechanics, Fall 2007 (Completed 4/17/2009)
    9. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Entanglements Part 3, Spring 2007 (Completed 4/26/2009)
    10. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Mechanics, Winter 2008 (Completed 5/8/2009)
    11. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on Special Relativity, Spring 2008 (Completed 5/17/2009)
    12. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on General Relativity, Fall 2008 (Completed 5/31/2009)
    13. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on Cosmology, Winter 2009(Completed 11/8/2009)
    14. Susskind, Leonard - The Black Hole War, July 2008 (Completed 6/21/2009)

    I joined Netflix 12/4/2009
    1. When We Were Kings
    2. An Inconvenient Truth
    3. Sicko
    4. Bowling for Columbine
    5. Fahrenheit 9/11
    6. Slacker Uprising
    7. Outfoxed: Murdoch's War on Journalism (12/4/2009)
    8. Power and Terror: Noam Chomsky in Our Times (12/5/2009)
    9. FOOD, Inc. (12/6/2009)
    10. The Trials of Henry Kissinger (12/7/2009)
    11. Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (12/14/2009)
    12. Ralph Nadar: An Unreasonable Man (12/16/2009)
    13. Fleetwood Mac: Unbroken Chain (12/19/2009)
    14. Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train (12/26/2009)
    15. Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (12/27/2009)
    16. The Big Buy: How Tom DeLay Stole Congress (12/27/2009)