Home Page of Dennis J. Darland's Studies in 2010 djd Email: Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
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  1. My Library

    I have cataloged my books (updated 12/29/2010).
    I have an index of almost ALL of my books entered!
    (the main exception being some software documentation(mostly obsolete, yet retained)).
    It indicates the books that I have read. (to the best of my memory). I have not included as read reference books, or books I have read only part of, although I did include those used as texts in courses, although we may not have covered the entire text.
    (Also, I have read many books I don't own, but I do, now, mostly buy them, because I read so slowly,
    and also I like to be able to look thing up again, that I have read in the past.
    For my prior reading see My Reading in October 2007 through December 2008 and My Reading in 2009


    1. Bacevich, Andrew - Washington Rules: America's Path to Permanent War (Completed 10/28/2010 [nook])
    2. Beatles, The - The Beatles Anthology (Completed 7/25/2010)
    3. Clarke, Richard and Knake, Robert - Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About it (Completed 7/16/2010 [nook])
    4. Cohen, Stephen P. - Beyond America's Grasp: A Century of Failed Diplomacy in the Middle East (Completed 7/20/2010)
    5. Epstein, Greg M. - good without God (Completed 11/7/2010 [nook])
    6. Gellman, Barton - Angler: The Cheney Vice Presidency (Completed 7/30/2010)
    7. Lewis, C. I. - An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation (Completed 8/13/2010)
    8. Moore, A. W. - The Infinite (Completed 11/10/2010)
    9. Red Hat, Inc. - Cygwin User's Guide (Completed 2/1/2010 [in nook pdf][scanned for what I needed to know])
    10. Russell, Bertrand - An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth(Completed 6/16/2010)
    11. Russell, Bertrand - An Outline of Philosophy (Completed 4/18/2010)
    12. Russell, Bertrand - My Philosophical Development (Completed 7/6/2010)
    13. Russell, Bertrand - Our Knowledge of the External World (Completed 2/12/2010)
    14. Russell, Bertrand - The Analysis of Matter (Completed 5/18/2010 on BR's birthday)
    15. Russell, Bertrand - The Analysis of Mind(Completed 3/15/2010)
    16. Russell, Bertrand - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell Volume 1: The Private Years (1884-1914) (Completed 9/6/2010)
    17. Russell, Bertrand - Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript, CPBR Volume 7, (Completed 1/3/2010)
    18. Sawyer, Robert J. - Flash Forward (Completed 7/10/2010 [nook])
    19. Scahill, Jeremy - BLACKWATER: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army (Completed 11/6/2010 [nook])
    20. Schaeffer, Frank - Crazy for God: How I grew up as one of the elect, helped found the religious right, and lived to take all (or almost all) of it back(Completed 12/23/2010)
    21. Shorrock, Tim - Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing (Completed 12/12/2010 [nook])
    22. Susskind, Leonard - The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design (Completed 3/29/2010)
    23. Telles, Matt and Hsieh, Yuan - The Science of DEBUGGING (Completed 8/14/2010)
    24. Tolkein, J. R. R. - The Silmarillion (Completed 1/28/2010)
    25. Tolle, Eckhart - A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Completed 9/28/2010 [nook])
    26. Toyota - 2007 Toyota Corolla Owner's Manual (Completed 12/31/2010)
    27. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica to *56 (Completed 3/4/2010)
    28. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume One (1st Edition(paperback reprint)) (Stopped 4/24/2010 at page 505 of 666 pages (starting at page 404 where PM to *56 stopped))(It was starting to get too hard - I need an index of definitions!)
    29. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Notebooks 1914-1916 2nd Edition (Completed 4/29/2010)
    30. Woodward, Bob - Obama's Wars (Completed 10/18/2010 [nook])

    1. Broad, C. D - "Some Elementary Reflexions on Sense-Perception" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 29-48 Completed ?/?/2010)
    2. Carlson, Carey R. - "Eliminative Panpsychism"[pdf from author](Completed 2/26/2010)
    3. Carlson, Carey R. - "The Structure of Quarks"[pdf from author](Completed 3/17/2010)
    4. Chomsky, Noam - "'The evil scourge of terrorism': reality, construction, remedy. Erich Fromm Lecture 2010" in Fromm Forum 14/2010(Completed 5/2/2010)
    5. Fortnow, Lance - "The Status of the P versus NP Problem" in Communications of the ACM 09/2009 Vol 52 No 09, pp. 78-86 (Completed 5/19/2010)
    6. Galaugher, Jolen and Kortelainen, Ilmar - "Nicholas Griffin Speaks His Mind: An Interview" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 142-144, Fall 2009(Completed 3/30/2010)
    7. Goedel, Kurt - "The completeness of the axioms of the functional calculus of logic" in From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (Completed 9/29/2010)
    8. Goedel, Kurt - "Some metamathematical results on completeness and consistency" in From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (Completed 12/27/2010)
    9. Moore, G. E. - "Some Judgements of Perceptipion" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 1-28 Completed 2010)
    10. Peirce, Charles S. - "How to Make Our Ideas Clear", The Essential Writings, pp. 137-157 (Completed 11/27/2010)
    11. Plato - "Apology" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 3-26 Completed 2010)
    12. Plato - "Crito" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 27-39 Completed 2010)
    13. Plato - "Phaedo" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 40-98 Completed 2010)
    14. Plato - "Charmides" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 99-122 Completed 2010)
    15. Plato - "Laches" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 123-144 Completed 2010)
    16. Plato - "Lysis" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 145-168 Completed 2010)
    17. Plato - "Euthyphro" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 169-185 Completed 2010)
    18. Plato - "Menexenus" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 186-199 Completed 2010)
    19. Plato - "Lesser Hippias" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 200-214 Completed 2010)
    20. Plato - "Ion" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 215-228 Completed 2010)
    21. Plato - "Gorgias" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 229-309 Completed 2010)
    22. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "Mysticism and Logic", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 27-49 (Completed 1/6/2010)
    23. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "On Scientific Method in Philosophy", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 55-73 (completed 1/9/2010)
    24. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "The Relation of Sense-data to Physics", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 3-26 (Completed 2/16/2010)
    25. Russell, Bertrand (1915) - Letter on Sense Data, CPBR Volume 8, pp. 87-88 (Completed 2/17/2010)
    26. Russell, Bertrand (1915) - "The Ultimate Constituents of Matter", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 74-86 (Completed 2/18/2010)
    27. Russell, Bertrand (1918) - "The Philosophy of Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 157-244 (Completed 2/25/2010)
    28. Russell, Bertrand (1919) - Note on C.D. Broad's Article in July Mind, CPBR Volume 8, pp 89-90 (Completed 2/17/2010)
    29. Russell, Bertrand (1919) - "On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 276-306 (Completed 3/1/2010)
    30. Russell, Bertrand (1923) - "Truth-Functions and Meaning-Functions", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 156-158 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    31. Russell, Bertrand (1923) - "What is Meant by 'A believes p'?", CPBR Volume 9, p. 159 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    32. Russell, Bertrand (1924) - "Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 160-179 (Completed 3/22/2010)
    33. Russell, Bertrand (1936) - "Determinism and Physics", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 67-80 (Completed 5/19/2010)
    34. Russell, Bertrand (1938) - "On the Importance of Logical Form", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 138-140 (Completed 5/20/2010)
    35. Russell, Bertrand (1944) - "My Mental Development", CPBR Volune 11, pp. 5-18 (Completed 6/17/2010)
    36. Vesey, G. N. A. - "Seeing and Seeing As" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 68-84 Completed 2010)
    37. Warnock, G. J. - "Seeing" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 49-67 Completed 2010)


    1. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics, Spring 2009(Completed 1/4/2010)
    2. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: New Revolution in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts, Fall 2009(Completed 4/13/2010)
    3. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: The Standard Model, Spring 2010(Completed 7/9/2010)


    1. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (Completed 1/9/2010)
    2. Readings from Voices of A Peoples History of the United States [by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove] (Completed 1/16/2010)
    3. Religulous [Bill Maher] (Completed 2/2/2010)
    4. The Corporation (Completed 3/30/2010)
    5. Sacco and Vanzetti (Completed 4/9/2010)
    6. Capitalism: A Love Story [Michael Moore] (Completed 5/25/2010)
    7. LBJ: American Experience (Completed 7/9/2010)
    8. Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (Completed 7/29/2010)
    9. Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World (On Aspartame)(Completed 9/29/2010)
    10. The Future of Food (Completed 10/2/2010)
    11. National Geographic: Stress: Portrait of a Killer (Completed 10/11/2010)
    12. Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (Completed 10/28/2010)
    13. Sir! No Sir! (Completed 11/7/2010)
    14. Noam Chomsky: Rebel Withoutr a Pause (Completed 11/11/2010)
    15. I.O.U.S.A (Completed 11/12/2010)
    16. Food Matters (Completed 11/16/2010)
    17. This Film Is Not Yet Rated (Completed 11/25/2010)
    18. Thomas Jefferson (Completed 12/23/2010)
    19. FDR: Years of Crisis [Biography] (Completed 12/23/2010)

  6. Fact Based Movies I have Watched

    1. The Aviator [About Howard Hughes] (Completed 1/6/2010)
    2. JFK [Oliver Stone] (Completed 1/20/2010)
    3. Nixon {Oliver Stone] (Completed 2/5/2010)
    4. W. [About George W. Bush] [Oliver Stone] (Completed 2/22/2010
    5. Salvador [Oliver Stone] (Completed 4/15/2010)
    6. Gandhi (Completed 9/15/2010)
    7. Reds (Completed 10/20/2010)
    8. Cromwell (Completed 11/23/2010)


    Most of these I read 30-40 years ago. I have matured philosophically a great deal since then, and think I can come to a better understanding of Russell by rereading them.
    There are included a few articles (from CPBR) that I have never read before.
    1. (1905)"On Denoting", CPBR Volume 4, pp. 414-427 (Completed 11/17/2009)
    2. (1910-11)"Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description", CPBR Volume 6, pp. 147-161 (Completed 11/19/2009)
    3. (1910)"On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood", CPBR Volume 6, pp. 115-124 (Completed 11/20/2009)
    4. (1911-12)"On the Relations of Universals and Particulars, CPBR Volume 6, pp. 162-182 (Completed 11/22/2009)
    5. (1911)"The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic, CPBR Volume 6, pp. 32-40 (Completed 11/23/2009)
    6. (1912)The Problems of Philosophy (Completed 12/2/2009)
    7. (1913)"The Nature of Sense-Data: A Reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks", CPBR Volume 6,pp. 183-189 (Completed 12/3/2009)
    8. (1913)"On the Notion of Cause", CPBR Volume 6,, pp. 190-210 (Completed 12/4/2009)
    9. (1913)Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript, CPBR Volume 7, (Intro etc. pp. xi-xlv, Text pp. 5-202) (Completed 1/3/2010)
    10. (1914)"Mysticism and Logic", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 27-49 (Completed 1/6/2010)
    11. (1914)"On Scientific Method in Philosophy", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 55-73 (Completed 1/9/2010)
    12. (1914)Our Knowledge of the External World(Completed 2/12/2010)
    13. (1914)"The Relation of Sense-data to Physics", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 3-26 (Completed 2/16/2010)
    14. (1915)Letter on Sense Data, CPBR Volume 8, pp. 87-88 (Completed 2/17/2010)
    15. (1915)"The Ultimate Constituents of Matter", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 74-86 (Completed 2/18/2010)
    16. (1918)"The Philosophy of Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 157-244 (Completed 2/27/2010)
    17. (1919)Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Completed 10/19/2009)
    18. (1919)"On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 276-306(Completed 3/1/2010 to page 281)
    19. (1921)The Analysis of Mind(Completed 3/15/2010)
    20. (1923)"Truth-Functions and Meaning-Functions", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 156-158 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    21. (1923)"What is Meant by 'A believes p'?", CPBR Volume 9, p. 159 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    22. (1924)"Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 160-179 (Completed 3/22/2010)
    23. (1927)An Outline of Philosophy (Completed 4/18/2010)
    24. (1927)The Analysis of Matter (Completed 5/18/2010 on BR's birthday)
    25. (1936)"Determinism and Physics", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 67-80 (Completed 5/19/2010)
    26. (1938)"On the Importance of Logical Form", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 138-140 (Completed 5/20/2010)
    27. (1940)An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth(Completed 6/16/2010)
    28. (1944)"My Mental Development", CPBR Volune 11, pp. 5-18 (Completed 6/17/2010)
    29. (1948)Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (Completed 3/30/2009)
    30. (1959)My Philosophical Development (Completed 7/6/2010)