Home Page of Dennis J. Darland's Studies in 2014
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my home page.
Table of Contents
- My Library
- Books that I Completed in 2014
- Important Papers that I Completed in 2014
- Free Online Courses that I Completed in 2014
- Documentaries that I Watched in 2014
- Fact Based Movies that I Watched in 2014
- News as I Followed it in 2014
- Journals and Magazines that I subscribe to
- High Priority Books that I am in the Process of Reading
- Medium Priority Books that I am in the Process of Reading
- Low Priority Books that I am in the Process of Reading
- Books that I Hope to Read (or finish) in the Future
- Books that I Hope to Read
- Books of Interest
- Books that I Have Some Hope to Read Someday
- Important Papers in Progress
- Free Online Courses I am in the Process of Taking
- Misc Individual Lectures and Events
- Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (Material to read or re-read)
- Philosophy and Logic (Material to read or re-read) - INCLUDES PORTION FROM 2011 and 2012
I have cataloged my books (updated 1/19/2013).
I have an reading_2014 of almost ALL of my books (Updated January 2014) entered!
(the main exception being some software documentation(mostly obsolete, yet retained)).
Also many of my e-books (mostly free) have not been entered.
It indicates the books that I have read. (to the best of my memory).
I have not included as read reference books, or books I have read only part of,
although I did include those used as texts in courses, although we may not have covered the entire text.
(Also, I have read many books I don't own, but I do, now, mostly buy them, because I read so slowly,
and also I like to be able to look thing up again, that I have read in the past.
Here is my wish list for books.
Now (3/13/2013) I have decided to study the easier books on logic and philosophy of logic first.
I have a fair idea of what is proven in the metalogical results and how they are proven.
But the proofs are difficult for me, and complicated enough that I just cannot seem to maintain them in my memory.
Thus I am going to focus on easier books on philosophy of logic and language first.
NOTE (10/16/2014) I have discovered that I do better reading and re-reading repeatedly as far as remembering goes -
rather than trying to remember by concentrating very hard while reading once.
For my prior reading see:
- My Reading in October 2007 through December 2008
- My Reading in 2009
- My Reading in 2010
- My Reading in 2011
- My Reading in 2012
- My Reading in 2013
- Appleman, Philip - The Labyrinth: God, Darwin, and the Meaning of Life (Completed 11/7/2014) [HHBC]
- Aslan, Reza - Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth (Completed 3/24/2014 [kindle])
- Cohen, Leah Hager - I don't know: In Praise of ADMITTING IGNORANCE (Except When You Shouldn't) (Completed 5/24/2014)
- Dennett, Daniel C. - Freedom Evolves (Completed 9/13/2014 [kindle]) [HHBC]
- Epstein, Greg - Good without God (Completed 5/12/2014 [kindle]) [HHBC]
- Fodor, Jerry A. - The Modularity of Mind (Completed 3/14/2014)
- Fox, Hank - red neck blue collar ATHEIST: Simple Thoughts About Reason, Gods & Faith (Completed 7/26/2014) [SHGQC]
- Harris, Sam - Lying (Completed 6/22/2014 [kindle]>
- Harris, Sam - The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (Completed 7/28/2014) [HHBC]
- Hitchens, Christopher - Mortality (Completed 6/17/2014 [kindle]) [SHGQC]
- Karabell, Zachary - The LEADING INDICATORS: A Short History of the Numbers That Rule Our World (Completed 6/7/2014)
- Lippmann, Walter - Public Opinion (Completed 10/31/2014 [kindle])
- Mather, Mathew - CyberStorm (Completed 7/22/2014 [kindle])
- McLuhan, Marshal and Quentin, Fiore - The Medium is the Massage (Completed 11/11/2014)
- Murry, William R. - Becoming More Fully Human (Completed 1/14/2014 [kindle]) [HHBC]
- Murry, William R. - Reason and Reverence: Religious Humanism for the 21st Century (Completed 6/10/2014) [HHBC]
- Norman, Philip - John Lennon: The Life (Completed 6/20/2014 [kindle])
- Ord, Patrick - The Curtain (Completed 7/19/2014 [kindle])
- Quine, Willard Van Orman - Philosophy of Logic [1970] (Completed 12/18/2014)
- Roenneberg, Till - Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet Lag, and Why You're So Tired (Completed 2/23/2014 [kindle])
Records of Glucose and Sleep, etc.
- Russell, Bertrand - A History of Western Philosophy (Completed 10/15/2014 [kindle])
- Shermer, Michael - The Science of Good and Evil (Completed 12/9/2014 [kindle]) [HHBC] due 12/10/2014
- Talley, Roger - Anselm's Gambit (Completed 10/24/2014 [kindle]) [SHGQC]
- Twain, Mark - Letters from the Earth - Complete Edition (Completed 9/3/2014 [kindle]) [HHBC]
- Wolfram, Sybil - Philosophical Logic: An Introduction (Complete 12/15/2014)
HHBC = Happy Human Book Club
SHGQC = Secular Humanists of the Greater Quad Cities
- Blackwell, Kenneth; Brink, Andrew; Griffin, Nicholas; Rempel, Richard A.; and Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 1 (Completed 5/21/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types" in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol 5, No 2 (Jun, 1940) (pp. 56-68)(Completed 1st pass 12/27/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in Structure Method and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer, ed. Henle, Paul, Kallen, Horace M. and Langer, Susanne K. [1950] (Completed 1st pass 212/28/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "On Carnap's Analysis of Statements of Assertion and Belief" in Analysis - 10 . 5 (April, 1950) (pp. 97-99)(Completed 12/24/2014)
- Chomsky, Noam - "Quine's Empirical Assumptions" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/21/2014)
- Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 7 (Completed 5/18/2014)
- Follesdal, Dagfinn - "Quine on Modality" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/21/2014)
- Griffin, Nicholas and Lewis, Albert C. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 2 (Completed 4/6/2014)
- Harman, Gilbert - "An Introduction to 'Translation and Meaning': Chapter Two of Word and Object" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/21/2014)
- Kaplan, David - "Quantifying In" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/23/2014)
- Larmor, J. - "Introduction" in Science and Hypothesis by Henri Poincare (Completed 12/20/2014)
- Linsky, Bernard - "Leonard Linsky on Russell against Meinong" in The Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin, Spring 2014, Number 149 (Completed 5/14/2014)
- Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 3 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- Poincare, Henri - "Preface" in Science and Hypothesis (Completed 12/20/2014)
- Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (Completed 9/16/2014)
- Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (re-read Completed 11/29/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "A Philosophy for Our Time (1953) in CPBR Volume 11(Completed 8/7/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "Is Reason Irrational?"(1906) in CPBR Volume 5(Completed 3/5/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/14/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood"(1910) in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
- Russell, Bettrand - "Review of Poincare" (1905) in CPBR volume 4 Completed 12/20/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "Science and Hypotheses" (1905) in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 12/20/1014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1905) in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/10/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "Two Reviews of Joachim"(1906) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/11/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "William James's Conception of Truth"(1908) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
- Sellars, Wilfred - "Some Problems about Belief" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/21/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 8 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 9 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 10 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 11 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Smart, J. J. C. - "Quine's Philosophy of science" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/20/2014)
- Stenius, Erik - "Beginning with Ordinary Things" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/21/2014)
- Strawson, P. F. "Singular Terms and Predication" in Words and Objections [1969] (Completed 12/25/2014)
- Urquhart, Alasdair - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- 56th Grammy Awards (1/26/2014)
- Beatles Special (2/9/2014)
- Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (8/25/2014 episode 1)
- Dirty Wars (3/9/2014)
- Generation to Generation (MSNBC) (9/19/2014)
- Global Citizen Festival (MSNBC) (9/27/2014)
- MISSION BLUE [Sylvia Earle] (9/6/2014)
- Rolling Stones, The - Crossfire Hurricane (1/16/2014)
- The Billionaires Tea Party (6/29/2014)
- Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden (7/25/2014)
- News Sources on the Web
- News as I followed it in 2013.
- News as I follow it in 2014.
I don't read these as well as I should.
I have a strong tendency to be more of a book reader.
But I am expanding my interests and cannot go into the depth of reading books in all these areas.
So I am going to be trying to read these more. (Starting 4/7/2013)
It is to labor intensive to report what I get read here, so I am just indicating the publications I receive.
- Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin
- Communications of the ACM
- Fromm Forum
- process perspectives
- process studies
- russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies
- Science
- Scientific American (also digital)
- Scientific American Mind (digital)
- UU World
I don't seem able to read in one book very long at a time. So I jump between several books and gradually make progress. Updating this web page enforces my daily reading. When I get near the end of a book I sometimes am able to spurt to the finish! (12/2/2014) I am trying to narrow my focus.
- Maddy, Penelope - Realism in Mathematics [1990] (12/31/2014 to page 75 of 181 pages)
- Quine, Willard Van Orman Word and Object [1960] (re-read 12/19/2014 to page 5 of 276 pages)
- Stich, Stephen - From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science: The Case Against Belief [1983] (re-read 5/2/2014 to page 29 of 246 pages)
I am re-reading with the intent of writing prolog code to illustrate how each example would be handled by my philosophy.
- See also my My Mathematics Study Plan and My Philosophy Study Plan
- Barrett, Robert and Gibson, Roger - eds. - Perspectives on Quine [1990] (12/18/2014 to page 1 of 346 pages)
- Davidson, D. and Hintikka, J. - eds. Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine [[1969] (12/18/2014 to page 1 of 352 pages)
- Goodman, Amy and Moynihan, Denis - The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance, and Hope (12/3/2014 to page 1 of 323 pages)
- Hahn, Lewis Edwin and Schilpp, Paul Arthur - eds. - The Philosophy of W. V. Quine [1986] (12/18/2014 to page 1 of 665 pages)
- Kilstein, Jamie and Kilkenny, Allison - #NEWSFAIL (10/19/2014 to location 384 of 3049 locations [kindle])
- Klement, Kevin C. - Frege and the Logic of Sense and Reference (4/25/2014 to page 60 of 238 pages)
- Mazzetti, Mark - THE WAY OF THE KNIFE: The CIA, a Secret Army, and War at the Ends of the Earth (9/12/2014 to page 91 of 327 pages [kindle])
- Copleston, Frederick, S.J. - A History of Philosophy: Volume I: Greece and Rome
(7/16/2014 to page 196 of 506 pages)
- Durant, Will and Ariel - The Age of Louis XIV (7/16/2014 to page 398 of 721 pages)
- Kissinger, Henry - Diplomacy (7/16/2014 to page 382 of 835 pages)
- Musil, Robert - The Man Without Qualities: Volume 1 (7/16/2014 to page 150 of 725 pages)
- Powers, Ron - Mark Twain (10/15/2014 to page 21 of 627 pages) [kindle])
- Russell, Bertrand - A History of Western Philosophy (re-re-read 11/28/2014 to page 77 of 625 pages [kindle])
- Russell, Bertrand - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell Volume 2: The Public Years (1914-1970)
(7/16/2014 to page 122 of 629 pages)
- Wyman, Bill - Rolling with the Stones (3/18/2013 to page 92 of 503 pages)
I'm putting these on hold as I want to narrow my focus.
- Brockman, John - Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? (1/23/2013 7% [kindle])
- Collins, Jordan - A History of the Theory of Types: Developments After the Second Edition of 'Principia Mathematica'
- Freeman, Scott - Biological Science (3/18/2013 to page 174 of 1127 pages)
- Henrici, Peter - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis: Volume I: Power Series-Integration-Conformal Mapping-Location of Zeros (3/27/2013 now to page 187 of 663 pages)
- Honeycutt, Jerry - Introducing Windows 8: An Overview for IT Professionals (5/17/2013 to location 827 of 3721 [kindle])
- Mazur, Joseph - Enlightening Symbols: A Short History of Mathematical Notation and Its Hidden Powers (11/28/2014 to page 10 of 231 pages)
- Murphy, Tom - Lady Cigar (10/26/2014 to location 162 of 10123 locations)
- Ventura, Jesse - American Conspiracies (re-re-read (because slept through parts when using text to speech) 12/18/2013 to page 1 of 200 pages [kindle])
- Whitehead, Alfred North - Process and Reality (re-read 9/19/2014 to page 55 of 455 pages [nook])
- Cook, David "Zeb" - Player's Handbook: 2nd Edition - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
(9/5/2010 to page 28 of 236 pages)
- Duval, Jared - Next Generation Democracy: Whsat the Open-Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics and Change
(3/13/2013 to page 1 of 237 pages)
- Friedman, Thomas L. - The World is Flat (635 pages)
- Gamma, Erich; Helm, Richard; Johnson, Ralph; and Vlissides, John - Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
(9/4/2010 to page 4 of 358 pages)
- Goldfarb, Aaron - How to Fail: The Self-Hurt Guide (12/29/2011 to page 5 of 369 pages [kindle])
- Lockwood, John and Charles - The Siege of Washington: The Untold Story of the Twelve Days that Shook the Union
(1/23/2013 to page 41 of 249 pages [kindle])
- Lowe, Rob - Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography (1/8/2012 35 min of 9 hr 11 min [kindle])
- Nixon, Robin - Robin Nixon's CSS/CSS3 Crash Course (6/4/2012 43% [kindle])
- Nixon, Robin - Robin Nixon's HTML5 Crash Course (7/3/2012 to page 155 of 287 pages [kindle])
- Paul, Richard W. and Elder, Linda - 25 Days to Better Thinking and Better Living: A Guide for Improving Every
Aspect of Your Life (12/29/2011 27% done [kindle])
- Pauling, Linus - General Chemistry (9/4/2010 to page 614 of 863 pages)
- Penrose, Roger - Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness
- Penrose, Roger - The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe
(8/1/2011 to page 1 of 1049 pages)
- Plato - Collected Dialogues (9/4/2010 Intro to page xxv of xxv pages; Text to page 336 of 1606 pages)
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Representation, Volume II (1/28/2011 to page 3 of 646 pages)
- Swartz, Robert J., ed,. - Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing
(9/5/2010 Intro to page xxii of xxii pages; Text to page 122 of 526 pages)
- Tolkein, J. R. R. - Unfinished Tales (9/5/2010 to page 92 of 415 pages)
- Wang, Hao - Reflections on Kurt Goedel (to page 210 of 319)
- Wessels, Walter J. - Economics (9/5/2010 to page 333 of 588 pages)
- Wilber, Ken - Brief History of Everything (7/24/2011 to page 9 of 348 pages [nook])
- Kolbert, Elizabeth - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History [Saw mentioned on Democracy Now!]
- Naughton, John - From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Disruptive Innovation in the Age of the Internet [RI Library]
- Snyder, Timothy - Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin [Saw mentioned on Rachel Maddow Show]
- Zuckerberg, Randi - dot complicated: Untangling Our Wired Lives (3/3/2014 to page 38 of 241 pages [RI Library])
- Boolos, George S. and Jeffrey, Richard C. - Computability and Logic, Third Edition (re-read 3/7/2013 now to page 121 (furthest 172) of 300 pages)
- Gross, Franz - Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory (8/2/2010 to page 58 of 614 pages)
- Kaku, Michio - Quantum Field Theory: A modern introduction (5/27/2009 to page 24 of 761 pages)
- Shoenfield, Joseph R. - Mathematical Logic (9/27/2012 to page 20 of 336 pages)
Reading the next 2 articles over and over until I master them!!! (Not the whole book at this point.)
Having re-read only once, I understand much better - I see how my ideas would not make any difference.
But I intend to study the subject more to get a better mastery - then perhaps go back to diffeq's or physics.
- Hodges, Wilfred - "Classical Logic I: First-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 9-31)[Re-read] (7/29/2013 re-read 1 times)
- Shapiro, Stewart - "Classical Logic II: Higher-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 33-52)(8/3/2013 re-read 1 times)
- ACM - Safari - O Reilly - oscon '11 - HTML5 & CSS3: The Good Enough Parts, Parts 1-3 (6/1/2012)
- Drennan, Prof. Catherine and Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Vogel
- 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2008(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare)
(2/28/2012 Completed 18 of 36 Lectures) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
- Gabrieli, John -
9.00SC Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2011. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology), (Accessed 22 Oct, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (11/1/2014 thru lecture 5)
- Lander, Prof. Eric, Weinberg, Prof. Robert, Gardel, Dr. Claudette, and Chess, Prof. Andrew (Guest Lecturer)
- 7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare)
(4/13/2014 Completed 1 of 35 Lectures) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
- Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Classical Mechanics, Fall 2007 (10/2/2014 Re-watched Lectures 1-4)
I am uncertain of my ability to accomplish all this. The only way to know is to try.
- Henrici, Peter - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis: Volume I: Power Series-Integration-Conformal Mapping-Location of Zeros (9/16/2012 to page 50 of 663 pages)
- Strang, Gilbert - CALCULUS (pp. 1-615) (re-read)
- Boyce, William and DiPrima, Richard C. - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
(pp. 1-533) (re-read)
- Berg, Paul W. and McGregor, James L. - Elementary Partial Differential Equations (pp. 1-388) (re-read)
- Conte S. D. and de Boor, Carl - Elementary Numerical Analysis (pp. 1-387) (re-read)
- Ralston, Anthony - A First Course in Numerical Analysis (pp. 1-533) (re-read)
- Rall, Louis B. - Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications (pp. 1-154) (re-read)
I am uncertain of my ability to accomplish all this. The only way to know is to try.
- Shapiro, Stewart "Philosophy of Mathematics and Its Logic: Introduction" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 3-25 Completed 2/8/2011)
- Shabel, Lisa - "Apriority and Application: Philosophy of Mathematics ion the Modern Period" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 28-49 Completed 2/8/2011)
- Copi, Irving M. - The Theory of Logical Types (Completed 2/19/2011)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On the Substitutional Theory of Classes and Relations" in Essays in Analysis
(Completed 2/24/2011)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On 'Insolubilia' and their Solution by Symbolic Logic" in Essays in Analysis
(Completed 2/26/2011)
- Skorupski, John - "Later Empericism and Logical Positivism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 51-73 Completed 3/1/2011)
- Lakoff, George and Nunez, Rafael E. - Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being
(pp. 1-451Completed 4/23/2011)
- Chomsky, Noam - Language and Responsibility (in On Language) (pp. 3-194 Completed 6/4/2011)
- Chomsky, Noam - Reflections on Language (in On Language) (pp. 3-227 Completed 5/3/2012)
- Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-351 7/14/2012 Completed 9/12/2012)
- Stich, Stephen - From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science: The Case Against Belief [1983] (pp. 1-246 Completed 3/23/2013))
- Fodor, jerry A. - Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong [1998] (Completed 3/26/2013 [kindle])
- Fodor, Jerry A. - LOT 2: The Language of Thought Revisited [2008] (pp. 1-219 Completed 4/11/2013 [kindle])
- Fodor, Jerry A. - The Language of Thought [1975] (pp. 1-205 Completed 6/17/20013)
- Schneider, Susan - The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction [2011] Completed 7/2/2013 [kindle])
- Fodor, Jerry A. - Representations: Philosophical Essays on the Foundations of Cognitive Science [1981] Completed 7/26/2013)
- Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - "Introduction [for 1st edition]" in Principia Mathematica (Completed 12/24/2013)
- Russell, Bertrand - "Introduction to the second edition" in Principia Mathematica (Completed 12/25/2013)
- Linsky, Bernard - (1990) "Was the Axiom of Reducibility a Principle of Logic?," in Russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies: Vol. 10: Iss. 2, Article 4. (Completed 12/25/2013)
- Chomsky, Noam - Syntactic Structures, Second Edition (Completed 12/26/2013)
- Fodor, Jerry A. - The Modularity of Mind: An Essay on Faculty Psychology [1983] (Completed 3/14/2014)
- Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- Urquhart, Alasdair - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 3 (Completed 4/4/2014)
- Griffin, Nicholas and Lewis, Albert C. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 2 (Completed 4/6/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1905) in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/10/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "Two Reviews of Joachim"(1906) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/11/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/14/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "William James's Conception of Truth"(1908) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
- Linsky, Bernard - "Leonard Linsky on Russell against Meinong" in The Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin, Spring 2014, Number 149 (Completed 5/14/2014)
- Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood"(1910) in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
- Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 7 (Completed 5/18/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 8 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 9 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 10 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 11 (Completed 5/19/2014)
- Blackwell, Kenneth; Brink, Andrew; Griffin, Nicholas; Rempel, Richard A.; and Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 1 (Completed 5/21/2014)
- Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (Completed 9/16/2014)
- Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (re-read Completed 11/29/2014)
- Wolfram, Sybil - Philosophical Logic: An Introduction [1989] (pp. 1-259 Completed 12/15/2014 )
- Quine, Willard Van Orman - Philosophy of Logic [1970] (pp. 1-102 Completed 12/18/2014)
- Smart, J. J. C. - "Quine's Philosophy of science" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 3-13 Completed 12/20/2014)
- Harman, Gilbert - "An Introduction to 'Translation and Meaning': Chapter Two of Word and Object" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 14-26 Completed 12/21/2014)
- Stenius, Erik - "Beginning with Ordinary Things" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 27- 52 Completed 12/21/2014)
- Chomsky, Noam - "Quine's Empirical Assumptions" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 53- 68 Completed 12/21/2014)
- Follesdal, Dagfinn - "Quine on Modality" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 175-185 Completed 12/21/2014)
- Sellars, Wilfred - "Some Problems about Belief" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 186-205 Completed 12/21/2014)
- Kaplan, David - "Quantifying In" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 206-242 Completed 12/23/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "On Carnap's Analysis of Statements of Assertion and Belief" in Analysis - 10 . 5 (April, 1950) (pp. 97-99)(Completed 12/24/2014)
- Strawson, P. F. "Singular Terms and Predication" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 97-117 Completed 12/25/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types" in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol 5, No 2 (Jun, 1940) (pp. 56-68)(Completed 1st pass 12/27/2014)
- Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in Structure Method and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer, ed. Henle, Paul, Kallen, Horace M. and Langer, Susanne K. [1950] (Completed 1st pass 212/28/2014)
- Maddy, Penelope - Realism in Mathematics [1990] (12/28/2014 to page 15 of 181 pages)
- Quine, Willard Van Orman Word and Object [1960] (pp. 1-276)
- Davidson, D. and Hintikka, J. - eds. Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine [[1969] (pp. 1-352)
- Hahn, Lewis Edwin and Schilpp, Paul Arthur - eds. - The Philosophy of W. V. Quine [1986] (pp. 1-665)
- Barrett, Robert and Gibson, Roger - eds. - Perspectives on Quine [1990] (pp. 1-346)
- McCarty, D. C. - "Intuitionism in Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 356-386)
- Cook, Roy - "Intuitionism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 387-411)
- Klement, Kevin C. - Frege and the Logic of Sense and Reference (4/25/2014 to page 60 of 238 pages)
- Collins, Jordan - A History of the Theory of Types: Developments After the Second Edition of 'Principia Mathematica' (pp. 1-109)
- Fodor, Jerry A. - Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind [1987]
- Fodor, Jerry A. - A Theory of Content and Other Essays [1990]
- Fodor, Jerry A. and Lepore, Ernest; eds. - Holism: A Shopper's Guide [1992]
- Fodor, Jerry A. - The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics [1995]
- Fodor, Jerry A. - In Critical Condition: Polemical Essays on Cognitive Science and the Philosophy of Mind [2000]
- Fodor, Jerry A. - the mind doesn't work that way [2000]
- Dedrick, Don and Trick, Lana; eds. - Computation, Cognition, and Pylyshyn [2009]
- Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition(new edition) [2013]
- McCarty, D. C. - "Intuitionism in Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 356-383)
- Cook, Ray - "Intuitionism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 387-409)
- Kenneally, Christine - The First Word (pp. 1-300)
- Hodges, Wilfred - "Classical Logic I: First-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 9-31)[Re-read]
- Shapiro, Stewart - "Classical Logic II: Higher-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 33-52)[Re-read]
- Burgess, John P. - "Set Theory" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 55-71)[Re-read]
- Smullyan, Raymond - "Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 72-89)[Re-read]
- Gupta, Anil - "Truth" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 90-111)[Re-read]
- Blanchette, Patricia - "Logical Consequence" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 115-133)[Re-read]
- Cresswell, M. J. - "Modal Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 136-156)[Re-read]
- Jacquette, Dale - "Introduction: Logic, Philosophy, and Philosophical Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 1-8)
- Smith, Robin - "Ancient Greek Philosophical Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 11-22)
- Bos, E. P. and Sundholm, B. G. - "History of Logic: Medieval" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 24-34)
- George, Rolf and Van Evra, James - "The Rise of Modern Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 35-48)
- Bach, Kent - "Language, Logic, and Form" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 51-70)
- Salmon, Nathan - "Puzzles about Intensionality" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 73-84)
- Borg, Emma and Lepore, Ernest - "Symbolic Logic and Natural Language" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 86-99)
- Cargile, James - "Logical Paradoxes" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 105-114)
- Simmons, Keith - "Semantical and Logical Paradox" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 115-129)
- Sorensen, Roy A. - "Philosophical Implications of Logical Paradoxes" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 131-142)
- Sher, Gila - "Truth, the Liar, and Tarski's Semantics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 145-162)
- Ray, Greg - "Truth, the Liar, and Tarskian Truth Definition" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 164-175)
- Ostertag, Gary - "Descriptions and Logical Form" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 177-191)
- Landini, Gregory - "Russell's Theory of Definite Descriptions as a Paradigm for Philosophy" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 194-221)
- Shapiro, Stewart - "Necessity, Meaning, and Rationality: The Notion of Logical Consequence" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 227-239)
- Sundholm, B. G. - "Varieties of Consequence" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 241-255)
- Jacquette, Dale - "Modality of Deductively Valid Inference" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 256-261)
- Gochet, Paul - "Quantifiers, Being, and Canonical Notation" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 265-277
- Hochberg, Herbert - "From Logic to Ontology: Some Problems of Predication, Negation, and Possibility" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 281-290)
- Bencivenga, Ermanno - "Putting Language First: The 'Liberation' of Logic from Ontology" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 193-303)
- Urquhart, Alasdair - "Metatheory" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 307-317)
- Wolenski, Jan - "Metatheory of Logics and the Characterization Problem" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 319-330)
- Weinstein, Scott - "Logic in Finite Structures: Definability, Complexity, and Randomness" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 332-347)
- Benardete, Jose, A. - "Logic and Ontology: Numbers and Sets" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 351-362)
- Tiles, Mary - "Logical Foundations of Set Theory and Mathematics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 365-375)
- Jubien, Michael - "Property-Theoretic Foundations of Mathematics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 377-387)
- Floyd, Juliet - "Wittgenstein on Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 75-118)
- Demopoulos, William and Clark, Peter - "The Logicism of Frege, Dedekind, and Russell" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 129-162)
- Hale, Bob and Wright, Crispin - "Logicism in the Twenty-first Century" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 166-200)
- Rayo, Agustin - "Logicism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 203-232)
- Detlefsen, Michael - "Formalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 236-310)
- Resnik, Michael D. - "Quine and the Web of Belief" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 412-435)
- Maddy, Penelope - "Three Forms of Naturalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 437-458)
- Weir, Alan - "Naturalism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 460-480)
- Chihara, Charles - "Nominalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 483-512)
- Rosen, Gideon and Burgess, John P. - "Nominalism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 515-534)
- Hellman, Geoffrey - "Structuralism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 536-561)
- MacBride, Fraser - "Structuralism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 563-587)
- Feferman, Soloman - "Predicativity" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 590-621)
- Steiner, Mark - "Mathematics -- Application and Applicability" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 625-649)
- Shapiro, Stewart - "Logical Consequence, Proof Theory, and Model Theory" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 651-669)
- Prawitz, Dag - "Logical Consequence From a Constructivist Point of View" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 671-694)
- Tennant, Neil - "Relevance in Reasoning" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 696-725)
- Burgess, John P. - "No Requirement of Relevance" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 727-750)
- Shapiro, Stewart - "Higher-order Logic" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 751-777)
- Jane, Ignacio - "Higher-order Logic Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
- ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 781-808)
- Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica to *56 (pp. 1-84)[Re-read Introduction]
- Linsky, Bernard - Russell's Metaphysical Logic(pp. 1-142)[Re-read]
- Landini, Gregory - Russell's Hidden Subsitutional Theory(pp. 3-323)[Re-read]
- Landini, Gregory - Wittgenstein's Apprenticeship with Russell(pp. 1-284)[Re-read]
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig - The Big Typescript: TS 213 German-English Scholar's Edition
(pp. 2-506 2/8/2011 to page 37)
- Van Benthem, Johan - "Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 391-407)
- Fitting, Melvin - "First-Order Alethic Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 410-420)
- De Rijke, Maarten and Wansing, Heinrich - "Proofs and Expressiveness in Alethic Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 422-439)
- Schurz, Gerhard - "Alethic Modal Logics and Semantics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 442-475)
- Rescher, Nicholas - "Epistemic Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 478-490)
- Hilpinen, Risto - "Deontic, Epistemic, and Temporal Modal Logics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic
- ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 491-507)
- Blackburn, Patrick; de Rijke, Maaten; and Venema, Yde - Modal Logic(pp. 1-523)
Planning to study the next two with the purpose of finding how Cantor's Theorem (PM *117) is Proved and its relation to the Axiom of Reducibility.
- Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume One (2nd Edition)
- Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume Two (2nd Edition)
- Goedel, Kurt - "On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica" in
From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (pp. 592-617)
- Church, A. - "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in Structure, Method and Meaning - ed.
Henle, Paul; Kallen, Horace M. and Langer, Susanne K. (1/8/2012 to page 12 of pp. 3-24)
- Boolos, George S. and Jeffrey, Richard C. - Computability and Logic, Third Edition (re-read 3/7/2013 to page 121 of 300 pages)
- Shoenfield, Joseph R. - Mathematical Logic (pp. 1-336 - 9/27/2012 to page 20)
- Cohen, Paul J. - Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis (pp. 1-152)
- Smullyan, Raymond and Fitting, Melvin - Set Theory and the Continuum Problem (pp. 3-303)