News on the Web

"The art of finding out from the newspapers what it was that happened, is a very difficult one indeed, and one that every democrat should be taught. It is very instructive to read newspaper accounts when you have been an eye-witness of an occurrence. I should try as much as possible to get pupils to have the experience of seeing first of all what did happen, and then what was said to happen by the opposite sides, and so to learn that the truth is usually about in the middle." -- Bertrand Russell - "Education for Democracy" [1937] in The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 21: How to Keep the Peace: The Pacifist Dilemma, 1935-1938, page 351.
  1. World
    1. Al Jazeera
    2. CGTN - China Global TV Network
    3. CNBC Financial News Page
    5. Democracy Now!
    6. euronews - English
    7. euronews - German
    8. euronews - French
    9. euronews - Italian
    10. euronews - Spanish
    11. I believe there are euronews in other languages as well.
    12. France 24 - English
    13. France 24 - French
    14. France 24 - Spanish
    15. NDTV - India - English
    16. NDTV - India - Bengali
    17. NDTV - India - Tamil
    18. News 18 - India - English
    19. News 18 - India - Hindi
    20. News 18 - India - Bengali
    21. News 18 - India - Marathi
    22. News 18 - India - Gujarati
    23. News 18 - India - Kannada
    24. News 18 - India - Tamil
    25. News 18 - India - Malayalam
    26. News 18 - India - Telugu
    27. News 18 - India - Punjabi
    28. NTN 24 - Spanish News
    29. Russia Television
    30. NewsLink
    31. World Press
    32. Associated Press
    33. United Press International
    34. jacobin
  2. United States
    1. Democracy Now! (my favorite)
    2. Redacted Mueller Report>
    3. Weather Nation
    4. Against the Rules - FREE PODCAST - Michael Lewis
    5. Global Voices Online
    6. Newspaper Map
    7. SF Gate
    8. The Week
    10. The Rachel Maddow Show
    11. All in with Chris Hayes
    12. The Last Word
    13. Up With David Gura
    14. Women's Media Center
    16. Politicol News
    17. Rolling Stone Magazine
    18. The Today Show
    19. Politicususa
    20. Software Development Times
    23. The Daily Show (Trevor Noah)
    24. The Colbert Report
    25. Meet the press
    26. Larry King Live
    27. The Daily Beast
    28. 60 minutes
    29. Mother Jones
    30. The Onion
    31. CNN
    32. USA Today
    33. Time
    34. NewsWeek
    35. Reuters
    36. truthdig
    37. the real news
    38. US News and World Report
    39. NPR
    40. PR Newswire
    41. The Nation
    42. PBS
    43. The Economist
    44. The Huffington Post
    45. truthout
    46. The New York Times
    47. The Washington Post
    48. The Los Angeles Times
    49. The Boston Globe
    50. The Honolulu Advertiser
    51. Hawaii Star Bulletin
    52. InfoWorld
    53. The Daily Beast
    54. The Chicago Tribune
    55. The Ottumwa Courier
    56. The Des Moines Register
    57. Christian Science Monitor
    58. Addiicting Info
    59. Color Lines
    60. Brass Check"
    61. Ottumwa Courier
    62. Local (Quad Cities, USA)
      1. CBS Channel 4 Rock Island, IL
      2. NBC Channel 6 Davenport, IA
      3. ABC Channel 8 Moline, IL
      4. Fox Channel 18 Davenport, IA
      5. PBS Quad Cities
      6. The Quad-City Times
      7. The Rock Island Argus
      8. The River City Reader
    63. Schools that I have attended
      1. Augustana Observer
      2. The Daily Iowan
      3. The Daily Nebraskan
  3. Other North America
    1. Global Research [Canada]
    2. Granma Spanish [Cuba]
    3. Banderas News [Mexico]
  4. South America
    1. Rio Times Online [Brazil]
  5. Europe
    1. London Review of Books
    2. The Spectator
    3. The Times
    4. The Muslim News
    5. The Guardian
    6. France 24
    7. Independent UK
    8. Der Spiegel
    9. Italian News English
    10. El Pals English [Portugal]
  6. Asia
    1. [Chinese] People's Daily
    2. The Times of India
    3. Taipei Times
    4. Bangkok Post
    5. Japan Times
    6. Korean Herald
    7. Hindustan Times
    8. South China Morning Post
    9. EastWestNorthSouth
  7. Middle East
    1. Al Jazeera English
    2. Al Jazeera
    3. Mondoweiss [Israel]
    4. jadaliyya
    5. Loon Watch
    6. Dawn [Pakistan]
    7. Daily Star [Lebanon]
    8. Ahram English [Egypt]
    9. Haaretz [Israel]
    10. Hurriyet Daily News [Turkey]
    11. Daily Times - Pakistan
    12. Egypt Daily News
  8. Africa
  9. Australia
    1. Sydney Morning Herald
    2. The Australian
    3. New Zealand Herald