My Approach to Modal Logic - Definitions

by Dennis J. Darland
February 17, 2008
Last revised 25.02.2008 14.06 time
Copyright © 2008 Dennis J. Darland

Preliminary Definitions

  1. Non-logical vocabulary from Universal point of view.
    • K0 lowest type(individuals)
    • K1 1st order predicates
    • K2 2nd order predicates
    • Etc.
  2. Variables from Universal point of view.
    • x0,y0,...∈ V0 lowest type(individuals)
    • f1,g1,... ∈ V11st order predicates
    • f2,f2,... ∈ V2 2nd order predicates
    • Etc.
  3. Logical vocabulary
    • ¬ not [primitive]
    • ∧ and [primitive]
    • ∨ or [can be defined]
    • ⇒ materially implies [can be defined]
    • ⇔ iff [can be defined]
    • ∀ for all [primitive]
    • ∃ there exists [can be defined]
    • = equals [not sure if primitive or can be defined]
  4. Modal vocabulary
    • L Necessarily [primitive]
    • M Possibly [can be defined]
  5. Epistemic vocabulary [the B relations here are the belief_r relations in definition of belief and W is for knows [Wissen]][All primitive].
    • Sym0 is symbol type 0. [E.g. Sym0(S,now,n,o) where n ∈ KS0 and o ∈ K0
      [Note: there may be xm ∈ Km for which there is no corresponding name ∈ KSm.
      Likewise there may be names [or apparent names if you prefer] ∈ KSm for which there is no object ∈ Km.
    • B1 believes type 1
    • W1 knows type 1
    • Sym1 is symbol type 1
    • B2 believes type 2
    • W2 knows type 2
    • Sym2 is symbol type 2
    • Etc.
  6. Subject S
  7. Subject S's Non-logical vocabulary
    • KS0 names of lowest type(individuals)
    • KS1 names of 1st order predicates
    • KS2 names of 2nd order predicates
    • Etc.
  8. Variables from Subject S's point of view.
    • xS0,yS0,... ∈ VS0 lowest type(individuals)
    • fS1,gS1,... ∈ VS1 1st order predicates
    • fS2,fS2,... ∈ VS2 2nd order predicates
    • Etc.[any of these may have primes]

Formation Rules

  1. If p and q are formulas then
    ¬ p
    ∨ p q
    ∧ p q
    ⇒ p q
    ⇔ p q
    are formulas.
  2. If v ∈ Km and wN is a sequence w1,w2,...,wN ∈ Kn or ∈ Vn and n < m then
    vwN is a formula.
  3. If p is any formula and xm is a variable [from Universal Point of View] then
    ∀ xmp
    ∃ xmp
    are formulas.
  4. If p is a formula then
    are formulas.
  5. If uM ∈ KSm or ∈ VVm and vN ∈ KSn or ∈ VVn and wM is a sequence w1,w2,...,wM ∈ KSi or ∈ VSi> and i < m and xN is a sequence x1,x2,...,xN ∈ KSj or ∈ VSj> and j < n then
    (S,t,uM,wM) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,¬,uM,wM) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,∧ uM,wM,vN,xN) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,∨ uM,wM,vN,xN) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,⇒ uM,wM,vN,xN) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,⇔ uM,wM,vN,xN) is a b_formula.
  6. If p is any b_formula and xSm ∈ VSn and n < m then
    (S,t,∀,xSm,p) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,(∃,xSm,p) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,L,p) is a b_formula.
    (S,t,M ,p) is a b_formula.
  7. If p is a b_formula with no free variables [from S's Point of View - it may contain variables from a universal point of view less than order m] then
    BSmp is a formula.
  8. If p is a formula with no free variables then it is a sentence.
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