DETERMINISM I take this to be the view that every event has a cause, and that the future is completely determined by the past. I think one reason for this belief was classical physics (though the belief existed before classical mechanics did). Quantum mechanics highly suggests it is not true. I follow Alfred North Whitehead and [especially] Karl Popper in this regard. See, especially, Popper's _The Open Universe: An Argument for Indeterminism_. Regarding free will, I believe it evolved in a sort of manner as suggested by Daniel Dennett in _Elbow Room_ and _Freedom Evolves_. But I differ from him in that I believe this would have been impossible if determinism were true. If determinism were true, then microseconds after the big bang happened, the whole history of mankind would have been set. The theory of evolution is based upon RANDOM changes resulting in STRUCTURES (Whitehead would call societies) with a greater ability to SURVIVE. With determinism nothing is random. Also, motives (psychology), seems important to human survival. As in Arthur Schopenhaur's will to survive. Wanting to survive is valuable in surviving and hence is important in evolution. Also having compossible desires is valuable for a society to survive (and important in ETHICS) - as in Bertrand Russell's _Human Society in Ethics and Politics_. Also what one is (including what one believes one to be and that one makes important choices) is valuable to a society's survival. PURPOSE Also PURPOSE has survival value. Both PURPOSE to SURVIVE and PURPOSE to have POWER. GOOD Purposes are COMPOSSIBLE. Will to survive and Will to Power. Arthur Schopenhaur. Friedrich Nietzsche. PURPOSES are not always COMPOSSIBLE. EVOLUTION develops STRUCTURES which can SURVIVE. Random quantum state changes are NOT making INTELLIGENT CHOICES. BUT they lead to STRUCTURES which are INTELLEGENT.