COMMON LISP: The language - the language
Guy L. Steele, Jr.
Digital Press (1984)
In Collection
COMMON LISP (Computer program language)
Paperback 093237641X
The defacto standard - a must-have for all LISP programmers.

In this greatly expanded edition of the defacto standard, you'll learn about the nearly 200 changes already made since original publication - and find out about gray areas likely to be revised later. Written by the Vice- Chairman of X3J13 (the ANSI
committee responsible for the standardization of Common Lisp) and co-developer of the language itself, the new edition contains the entire text of the first edition plus six completely new chapters. They cover: - CLOS, the Common Lisp Object System, with new features to support function overloading and object-oriented programming, plus complete technical specifications * Loops, a powerful control structure for multiple variables * Conditions, a generalization of the error signaling mechanism * Series and generators * Plus other subjects not part of the ANSI standards but of interest to professional programmers. Throughout, you'll find fresh examples, additional clarifications, warnings, and tips - all presented with the author's customary vigor and wit.
Product Details
LoC Classification QA76.73.L23S73 1984
Dewey 001.64/24
Cover Price $9.22
No. of Pages 465
Height x Width 9.4  inch
Personal Details
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Location B3
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Includes index.