Early Universe (Frontiers in Physics)
Edward W. Kolb; Michael S. Turner; Michael Stanley Turner; Edward W Kolb
Perseus Books (Sd) (1989)
In Collection
Hardcover 0201116030
The Early Universe has become the standard reference on forefront topics in cosmology, particularly to the early history of the Universe. Subjects covered include primordial nubleosynthesis, baryogenesis, phases transitions, inflation, dark matter, and galaxy formation, relics such as axions, neutrinos and monopoles, and speculations about the Universe at the Planck time. The book includes more than ninety figures as well as a five-page update discussing recent developments such as the COBE results.
Product Details
LoC Classification QB981.K687 1989
Dewey 523.1
Cover Price $60.00
No. of Pages 576
Height x Width 9.5 x 6.7  inch
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