The Arrow of Time: A Voyage Through Science to Solve Time's Greatest Mystery
Peter Coveney; Roger Highfield
Fawcett (1991)
In Collection
Hardcover 0449906302
In our century, the subject of time has become an area of serious inquiry for science. Theories that contain time as a simple quantity form the basis of our understanding of many scientific disciplines, yet the debate rages on: why does there seem to be a direction to time, an arrow of time pointing from past to future?

In The Arrow of Time, a major bestseller in England, Dr. Peter Coveney, a research scientist, and award-winning journalist Dr. Roger Highfield, demonstrate that the commonsense view of time agrees with the most advanced scientific theory. Time does in fact move like an arrow, shooting forward into what is genuinely unknown, leaving the past immutably behind. The authors make their case by exploring three centuries of science, offering bold reinterpretations of Newton's mechanics, Einstein's special and general theories of relativity, quantum mechanics, and advancing the insights of James Gleick's Chaos.
Product Details
LoC Classification QB209.C64 1991
Dewey 529
Edition 1st American ed.
Cover Price $22.50
No. of Pages 378
Height x Width 9.8 x 6.5  inch
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Location B1
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