Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life - individualism and commitment in American life
Robert Neelly Bellah
HarperCollins (1986)
In Collection
Civics, Individualism, National characteristics, American
Paperback 0060970278
Meanwhile, the authors' antidote to the American sickness--a quest for democratic community that draws on our diverse civic and religious traditions--has contributed to a vigorous scholarly and popular debate. Attention has been focused on forms of social organization, be it civil society, democratic communitarianism, or associative democracy, that can humanize the market and the administrative state. In their new Introduction the authors relate the argument of their book both to the current realities of American society and to the growing debate about the country's future. With this new edition one of the most influential books of recent times takes on a new immediacy.
Product Details
LoC Classification E169.12.H29 1986
Dewey 306/.0973
Edition 1st Perennial Library ed.
Cover Price $13.00
No. of Pages 368
Height x Width 8.3 x 5.5  inch
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"Perennial Library."