Complete Idiot's Guide to Songwriting
Joel Hirschhom
Alpha (2001)
In Collection
Popular music - Writing and publishing
Paperback 0028641442

The Complete Idiot's Guide(r) to Songwriting will be the one-stop resource for all aspiring songwriters to learn: how much musical training you need (if you have none), how to put together the basics of a song in various popular genres (country & western, hip hop, Latin, adult contemporary, pop), as well as for different industries, such as television and film, and where to get the great ideas for what makes a hit and how recurring hit makers got their Midas touch. You'll also learn where and how to find collaborators, choose a publisher, and find an agent, how the Internet is impacting the world of songwriting (i.e., MP3 and Napster), and the best way to set up a recording studio in your own home and choose the best equipment.

Product Details
LoC Classification MT67.H55 2001
Dewey 782.42/13
Cover Price $16.95
No. of Pages 352
Height x Width 9.2 x 7.2  inch
Personal Details
Read It No
Location B2
Links Amazon US
Includes index.