Sidelights on Relativity
Albert Einstein
Dover Publications (1983)
In Collection
Relativity (Physics)
Paperback 048624511X
Two influential essays: "Ether and Relativity" (1920) discusses properties demanded of the ether of space by the theory of relativity; "Geometry and Experience" (1921) describes the limits within which the Euclidean or other practical geometric systems can be regarded as valid in connection with the concept of a finite universe.

Product Details
LoC Classification QC173.58.E5513 1983
Dewey 530.1/1
Cover Price $4.95
No. of Pages 56
Height x Width 7.9 x 5.7  inch
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Translation of: A¨ther und Relativita¨ts-Theorie and Geometrie und Erfahrung.