Syntactic Structures (2nd Edition)
Noam Chomsky
Walter de Gruyter (2002)
In Collection
Generative grammar, Grammar, Comparative and general - Syntax
Paperback 9783110172799
Noam Chomsky's first book on syntactic structures is one of the first serious attempts on the part of a linguist to construct within the tradition of scientific theory-construction a comprehensive theory of language which may be understood in the same sense that a chemical, biological theory is understood by experts in those fields. It is not a mere reorganization of the data into a new kind of library catalogue, nor another specualtive philosophy about the nature of man and language, but rather a rigorus explication of our intuitions about our language in terms of an overt axiom system, the theorems derivable from it, explicit results which may be compared with new data and other intuitions, all based plainly on an overt theory of the internal structure of languages; and it may well provide an opportunity for the application of explicity measures of simplicity to decide preference of one form over another form of grammar.
Product Details
LoC Classification P291 .C5 2002
LoC Control Number 2002043087
Dewey 415
Cover Price $32.00
No. of Pages 117
Height x Width 9.0 x 6.1  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes (12/26/2013)
Location B3
Purchase Price $19.76
Purchase Date 10/24/2013
Links Library of Congress