Dennis J. Darland's Reading Since 6/1/2017 13:00:00 as of 10/19/2018 03:17:34
Book | Started | Completed | Total Time | Percent Time | Average Time | Ave Time Start to Completion | Start Page | Current Page | Pages Read | Total Pages | Pages/Hour | Hours Left | Days Left | Note |
How America Lost Its Mind, Kurt Anderson, The Atlantic, September, 2017 | 11/28/2017 19:00:00 | 11/28/2017 21:00:00 | 1 H 0 M | 15.479% | 0 H 0 M | 1. H 0 M | 78 | 91 | 13 | 91 | 13.000 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Principia Mathematica to *56 Part I Section A; reviewing proof notation, Whitehead and Russell | 7/7/2017 18:38:00 | 7/7/2017 19:33:00 | 0 H 52 M | 13.622% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 52 M | 87 | 126 | 39 | 126 | 44.318 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
The Mind of Donald Trump, Dan P. McAdams The Atlantic, June, 2016 | 11/28/2017 21:27:00 | 11/28/2017 22:21:00 | 0 H 46 M | 11.919% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 46 M | 77 | 90 | 13 | 90 | 16.883 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Who Wrote Bertrand Russell's "Wisdom of the West?", Carl Spadoni - U Chicago Press | 7/4/2017 19:20:00 | 7/4/2017 19:22:00 | 0 H 39 M | 10.216% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 39 M | 349 | 367 | 18 | 367 | 27.272 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Bertrand Russell's Flurtation with Behaviorism, Richard F. Kitchener, CCBS | 1/18/2018 13:29:00 | 1/18/2018 14:12:00 | 0 H 39 M | 10.061% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 39 M | 273 | 291 | 18 | 291 | 27.692 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Taking Humour [Ethics] Seriously, but Not Too Seriously, David Benatar | 8/25/2017 13:28:00 | 8/25/2017 14:02:00 | 0 H 37 M | 9.5975% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 37 M | 24 | 42 | 18 | 42 | 29.032 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Rigged: How voter suppression threw Wisconsin to Trump and changed the election, Ari Berman, Mother Jones, Nov/Dec 2017 | 11/28/2017 19:14:00 | 11/28/2017 20:00:00 | 0 H 30 M | 7.7399% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 30 M | 24 | 31 | 7 | 31 | 14.000 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Has The Smatphone Destroyed a Generation?, Jean M. Twenge, The Atlantic, September 2017, | 11/28/2017 19:06:00 | 11/28/2017 20:00:00 | 0 H 30 M | 7.7399% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 30 M | 59 | 65 | 6 | 65 | 12.000 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Can Nikki Haley Save the World?, Andrew Rice, New York Magazine, | 12/15/2017 12:28:00 | 12/15/2017 12:31:00 | 0 H 30 M | 7.7399% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 30 M | 36 | 44 | 8 | 44 | 16.000 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
The National Interest, Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine, Dec 11-Dec 24, | 12/14/2017 10:40:00 | 12/14/2017 10:51:00 | 0 H 9 M | 2.4767% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 9 M | 24 | 27 | 3 | 27 | 18.750 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Book | Started | Completed | Total Time | Percent Time | Average Time | Ave Time Start to Completion | Start Page | Current Page | Pages Read | Total Pages | Pages/Hour | Hours Left | Days Left | Note |
Analytics: Russell on Negative facts, Katarina Perovic BRSQ | 6/18/2017 19:04:00 | 6/18/2017 19:14:00 | 0 H 7 M | 1.8575% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 7 M | 10 | 12 | 2 | 12 | 16.666 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Oddball Object Tumbling among the Stars Could Disrupt Planetary Science, NOLA TAYLOR REDD, Scientific American, 12/13/17 | 12/16/2017 16:26:00 | 12/16/2017 16:36:00 | 0 H 6 M | 1.5479% | 0 H 0 M | 0 H 6 M | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 10.000 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
Overall | 6/1/2017 13:00:00 | NA | 6 H 27 M | 100.0 % | 0 H 0 M | NA | 1042 | 1188 | 146 | 1188 | 22.600 | 0. H 0 M | 0.0000 | |
TTS = Text to speech (mostly)