# Copyright (C) 2023 Dennis J. Darland # This file is part of Dennis J Darland's Glucose Prediction Software. # It is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with it. If not, see . REST3=html REST4=~/Dropbox/dennisdarland/html/health3 cp $REST4/relate_several.txt . cp $REST4/master_several_accurate.txt . cp $REST4/master_several_less_accurate.txt . echo "Select From" echo "1 daily" echo "2 monthly (more accurate but less data)" echo "3 monthly (less accurate but more data)" echo "4 monthly (1 & 2 merged)" echo "5 monthly (1 & 3 merged)" echo "6 8 point test" read selection case $selection in 1) cp $REST4/relate_several.txt master.tmp;; 2) snobol4 -p -g -s relate_cross00.sno master.tmp; cp master.tmp relate_monthly_several_accurate.txt;; 3) snobol4 -p -g -s relate_cross00.sno master.tmp; cp master.tmp relate_monthly_several_less_accurate.txt;; 4) (snobol4 -p -g -s relate_cross00.sno master2.tmp ; cp relate_several_merged.tmp master.tmp) master2.tmp ;; 5) (snobol4 -p -g -s relate_cross00.sno master2.tmp ; cp relate_several_merged.tmp master.tmp) master2.tmp ;; 6) cp $REST4/relate_8.txt master.tmp;; esac echo "Select ( 1 to continue )" read select while [ $select -eq 1 ] do rm OUT/*.tmp rm html/body2.html rm html/body4.html rm recommended.txt rm relate_several_cross_out1.mxt rm relate_several_cross_out5.mxt rm debug01.txt rm debug03.txt rm debug05.txt rm relate_several_cross_out1.txt rm relate_several_cross_out2.txt rm relate_several_cross_out3.txt rm results.txt rm relate_ave.txt rm relate_several_cross_check5.txt rm entry_work.txt rm relate03 rm relate13 rm summary.txt rm summary2.txt rm summary3.txt rm summary4.txt rm summary5.txt rm entry.html rm entry2.html if [ $1 != 8 ] then snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_base.out.txt ./relate_base.sno >recommended.txt else # check for "perfect" result snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_base8.out.txt ./relate_base8.sno >recommended.txt fi snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several_crossl.out.txt ./relate_cross01.sno debug01.txt maple relate_several_cross_out1.txt # PART2 snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several_cross_out2.sno.txt ./relate_cross02.sno relate_several_cross_out2.txt snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several_cross_out.sno3.txt ./relate_cross03.sno debug03.txt if [ $1 != 8 ] then unicon relate03.icn ./relate03 fi snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out5.txt ./relate_cross05.sno debug05.txt maple relate_several_cross_check5.txt snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out7.txt ./relate_cross07.sno entry.html ls OUT/*.tmp >out.in snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out9.txt ./relate_cross09.sno entry2.html if [ $1 != 8 ] then snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out11.txt ./relate_cross11.sno summary.txt snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out13.txt ./relate_cross13.sno summary2.txt unicon relate13.icn ./relate13 snobol4 -p -g -s -l ./relate_several.cross_out19.txt ./relate_cross19.sno fi ruby relate_cat.rb ruby relate_cat2.rb if [ $1 != 8 ] then ruby relate_cat3.rb ruby relate_cat4.rb fi echo "run firefox on ALL general results 0 = no 1 = yes" read firefox if [ $firefox -eq 1 ] then firefox file:///home/dennis/src/mine/local_mng/glucose/health/html/table.html fi echo "run firefox on ALL specific results 0 = no 1 = yes" read firefox if [ $firefox -eq 1 ] then firefox file:///home/dennis/src/mine/local_mng/glucose/health/html/table2.html fi if [ $1 != 8 ] then echo "run firefox on BETTER general results 0 = no 1 = yes" read firefox if [ $firefox -eq 1 ] then firefox file:///home/dennis/src/mine/local_mng/glucose/health/html/table3.html fi echo "run firefox on BETTER specific results 0 = no 1 = yes" read firefox if [ $firefox -eq 1 ] then firefox file:///home/dennis/src/mine/local_mng/glucose/health/html/table4.html fi fi $EDITOR relate_base.sno echo "Select ( 1 to continue ) Glucose Loop" read select done