Bertand Russell Society Meeting in Iowa City
Information about the BRS Meeting The internet was very slow trying to do this post – then suddenly sped up!!!!
Information about the BRS Meeting The internet was very slow trying to do this post – then suddenly sped up!!!!
I have finished, at least for a while, my work on differential equations. I believe I found an error in Prof. Corliss’ analysis of real poles, which was also used in Prof. Chang’s analysis of complex poles. There is info about this in the notes section of my web page…. Continue reading
Really same programs. – Set of program to solve systems of ordinary differential equations using long Taylor series. Just a ruby program to replace the shell script used in Linux. No change to algorithm. Test result table is at: (from Linux) Test Table The main omnisode page is: main omnisode… Continue reading
I am done for now on my diffeq program. But I need to be doing some programming. I think I will be going back to the prolog programming I was doing a few years ago on philosophy.
My differential equation program is stable. I am probably done with it for a while. I want to do other study now.
Even though there is a non-denumerable number of real numbers, there is only a denumerable number of them we can represent in a finitary logic. The real numbers which we can represent can be set to a one to one correspondence to the rational numbers, or even just the natural… Continue reading
There are improvements that could be made, but it functions as well as I know how right now. I will work on other things for a while, while it incubates in the back of my mind. It is at my diffeq program
Much easier than expected.
I have started on this. I realized the types in the generated code are very largely uniform. Main work will be in declarations. Will try to balance with my reading, better than I have done lately.
I have been thinking about continuity from my study of Goedel, and suspect logicism must be wrong. I got to thinking about some of what I read recently in Naming Infinity. I got 4 of Poincare’s books for the Kindle last night (very low price) and looked at Brouwer’s (they… Continue reading