What to do – revising my philosophy
I think it has been long enough that I have enough new ideas that I need to revise what I have written. Also I hope I can express some better. Also I may round my ideas out even when they are not as original.
I think it has been long enough that I have enough new ideas that I need to revise what I have written. Also I hope I can express some better. Also I may round my ideas out even when they are not as original.
Seems there is nothing useful I am capable of.
I decided this was what I was most likely to do something significant in.
I seems that I have done what I am capable of in almost everything. I think I am correct in my criticism of opacity (Quine, Stich). But many words (variables and quantifiers etc in logic) do not simply stand for an object. This gets very complex – I think it… Continue reading
The UniBomber, Ted Kaczynski, was the subject of a CIA mind altering research program, MKULTRA, in 1958. The purpose of the program was to take from its subjects the ability to act autonomously and required them to behave in a bizarre manner. He was in the program three years. He… Continue reading
I have a new thought. There is no relation ‘implies’ (other than material implication) (between propositions). Where one one wants to say F(a) strictly implies G(a). One really has a relation SI(F,a,G,a) S believes it would be belief_r(S,t,’SI’,’F’,’a’,’G’,’a’) & symbol_r1(S,’SI’,Si) & symbol_r1(S,t,’F’,F), …..
I recently finished Laurie Endicott Thomas’s book _Not Trivial_. I learned much more than I would have expected. More so about English grammar than Logic. For example, I had never heard of “the Royal Order of Adjectives.” I did remember most of how to diagram a sentence.
Usually you have one person referenced by two names, but someone does not know this. But there can also be a case that two different people are known by the same name, Suppose Dan is in the hospital (an in-patient) and has a therapist, named Anna. Then (after out of… Continue reading
I believe I have mostly been working on the MetaLogic of belief. I have done enough that the point should be clear. Opacity does not present any problem for the reality of beliefs. But expressing our beliefs in this way is very cumbersome and so not practical, even for logic,… Continue reading
Studied some today. Seems not as difficult as I expected.