2016 Presidential Candidate Information
2016 Presidential Candidates Democratric Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton Martin O’Malley Republican Donald Trump Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Ben Carson Jeb Bush Chris Christie John Kasich Carly Fiorina Mike Huckabee
2016 Presidential Candidates Democratric Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton Martin O’Malley Republican Donald Trump Ted Cruz Marco Rubio Ben Carson Jeb Bush Chris Christie John Kasich Carly Fiorina Mike Huckabee
In no particular order. Study math – in particular review differential equations, especially partial differential equations. (This is for me personally – I don’t expect to do much with it – my ordinary differential equation program is mostly finished and I think partial differential equations too difficult for me. Write… Continue reading
THE problem of philosophy is that it is expected the single words have too simple of meanings. I have always been frustrated by the “objects” or whatever is taken as primary. They really never are primary. Perhaps physics will (or already has to some extent) reached what is primary. But… Continue reading
The world is a mess, and I can do nothing about it. I plan just to study math & philosophy (including psychology). A little good is better than great harm.
I have made great progress on these.
1. Try to average 8 or more hours of sleep per night. 2. Read 10 or more pages of philosophy per day. 3. Using stationary bike at least 2.1 miles per day (about 15 minutes) – hope to work up to 4.1 miles (30 minutes) . 4. Lose weight. 5…. Continue reading
I owned first one of the original nooks (3G). It still works, though there is a small crack near the page forward. I still have quite a few nook books I haven’t got to. Then I got a kindle touch – mainly for the text-to-speech. My eyes get tired and… Continue reading
Seems there is nothing useful I am capable of.
I believe I have mostly been working on the MetaLogic of belief. I have done enough that the point should be clear. Opacity does not present any problem for the reality of beliefs. But expressing our beliefs in this way is very cumbersome and so not practical, even for logic,… Continue reading