I plan on documenting & cleaning up the Language WildLife that I have ported. Also, I plan to continue working on the Unicon port of the language Russell (from C).
I plan on documenting & cleaning up the Language WildLife that I have ported. Also, I plan to continue working on the Unicon port of the language Russell (from C).
My logic reading is not going well – cannot find enough time. Lay in bed listening to Atheist Mind, Humanist Heart I thought I was rested – but I kept falling in and out of consciousness. But unlike last time I ended up feeling OK. Anyway I only remembered parts… Continue reading
Reading plan in order to read: I hope to get through 10 pages/day average. The 1st seven books are 1849 pages. They may take 185 days, or about 6 months and 5 days. Progress Record Of course, some pages will be blank, etc. But I think 10 pages/day is still… Continue reading
I switched to unicon in early October. I had considered java also. I think unicon was the correct choice. At first, in October, I was, perhaps, a bit manic. I was working furiously and long hours. But lately I feel discouraged and working on it only a couple hours a… Continue reading
I’ve been working on it about a week – making good progress. But I get so absorbed I forget other things – like eating & sleeping. Then I get tired & start making stupid mistakes. But (fortunately) most of the mistakes were on an program just to format snobol programs… Continue reading
I seems that I have done what I am capable of in almost everything. I think I am correct in my criticism of opacity (Quine, Stich). But many words (variables and quantifiers etc in logic) do not simply stand for an object. This gets very complex – I think it… Continue reading