I’ve been sidetracked from my projects lately.
They are:
Physics programming
Porting the Goedel Programming Language
These are roughly in order of increasing difficulty and increasing importance.
I can write philosophy only when I am inspired.
I can program physics at the level I have gotten to most any time.
As I progress it will become more difficult.
I can work on projects like porting languages most anytime, but it is strenuous and
there is no guarantee of success.
While doing any of these I usually have something on TV or I get bored.
The options are:
TV Fiction.
Listen to book.
These are in increasing order of interfering with the project.
Music hardly interferes.
Sports interferes very little – but because I can just watch after excitement.
I usually stream sports and can replay.
I usually can get main ideas of news without it interfering much.
Unfamiliar fiction interferes very much – especially if I am not familiar with the characters.
If I am replaying fiction (say favorite movies) it interferes very little.
New books interferes very much.
I think I could re-listen to books without much interference – I have not tried this much.
I have great difficulties with names and faces.
This interferes with most of the above.
I.e. listening to music does not interfere with programming, but I have very hard time learning names of artists.
I have hard time remembering names of players in sports.
In TV fiction, I have hard time recognizing characters from scene to scene even within one TV show.
I do eventually learn names and faces if I use/see them often enough.
I suspect the disorder is on a spectrum.