Now porting “russell” to unicon rather than snobol4

I switched to unicon in early October. I had considered java also. I think unicon was the correct choice. At first, in October, I was, perhaps, a bit manic. I was working furiously and long hours. But lately I feel discouraged and working on it only a couple hours a day. I feel success unlikely. Part of this maybe I understood the early parts of the code (what they were supposed to do) better than what I am working on now. Also I see, from comments in the code, that the authors were uncertain about parts of the code and that in places it seems unfinished. Anyway I am glad for working on it as it has brought me back to using unicon, and studying icon & unicon more closely again. I decided to try to continue converting russell, but there is so much code and parts so hard to understand that I have little chance of success. I will spend only a couple hours a day on it. I have other reading I want to do in philosophy and other topics.

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