To run test using makefile: ./t file[without .r] The buffers of strings & their offsets (used as symbol tables) are replaced in snobol4 with tables. Stacks are replaces by arrays. the pointers into them are replaced by subscripts. array yysaa uses yyss and yyssp subscripts array yyvsa uses yyvs and yyvsp subscripts The stack entries I think of as being perpendicular to the stack. Therefore each entry only takes 1 slot. I have not yet changed their "sizes" so, for now, there are empty slots. The entries were originally parallel & took up varying sizes. I am hoping that snobol4's garbage collection will be suffcient. Where variable number of arguments was used in c, I a passing a string containing a list of variable names separated by commas. I separatate the names and used the snobol4 indirect reference ($). Since snobol4 is pass by value, I will also find it necessary to pass strings of names and use indirect reference ($) when pointers are passed in c - if this is done to permit values to be changed. I found out how & decided to turn off case folding. It will be a hassle to begin with. Conventions. Keywords & reserved words etc all fully capitalized - snobol4 requires it. variables, labels, and user functions I create will use all lower case, I will preserve case of those from c code as it is already case sensitive. DataTypes mixed case starting with uppercase.