Computer Languages Dennis J. Darland Has on openSUSE 64 bit on Computer A (Development Computer)

Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
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Language Command Date Recorded ComputerOperating System Version SourceInstalledWorkinghomenotes
C gcc 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 4.8.5 Available YesYesGnu Compiler Collectionnotes
C++ g++ 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 4.8.5 Available YesYesGnu Compiler Collectionnotes
Java javac 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 4.8.5 Have YesYesGnu Compiler Collectionnotes
Life wild_life 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 2.24 (my port) Have YesYesMy WildLife Portnotes
Lisp clisp 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 2.49 Available YesYeswwww.clisp.orgnotes
m4 m4 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 1.4.16 Have YesYes notes
Maxima maxima 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 5.37.2 Available YesYeshomenotes
ML ocaml 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 4.02.3 Available YesYeshomenotes
Perl perl 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 5.18.2 Available YesYeshomenotes
Prolog swipl 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 7.2.2 Available YesYeswww.swi-prolog.orgnotes
Python python 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 2.7 Available YesYeshomenotes
Ruby ruby 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 2.1.2p95 Available YesYeshomenotes
Snobol snobol4 8/9/2016 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 2.0 Have YesYeswww.snobol4.orgnotes
Unicon unicon 8/5/2014 A64 bit openSUSE Linux 42.1 12.1 Have YesYesunicon.sourcefore.netunicon doxygen infonotes