/* * Structure declaration macros for use with streedefs.h * and basic structure manipulation primitives. */ // # include "datatypes/consnodes.h" // Moved to this file DJD 4/10/10 - (re-written) // Explanation DJD 4/10/17 // Creating classes - getting rid of structs & unions // Using work done on unicon port in this process // End DJD 4/10/17 public abstract class Node { int kind; int vlineno; // was unsigned int pre_num; int post_num; int unique_id; public static boolean russell_initialized = false; public Node (int kind) // , int vlineno, int pre_num, int post_num, int unique_id) { this.kind = kind; this.vlineno = Globals.yyvline; // this.pre_num = pre_num; // this.post_num = post_num; this.unique_id = Globals.glob_unique_id++; } } class ConsNode { ConsNode cn_tl_field; ConsNode cn_hd_field; // DJD 5/28/17 - Not Sure int unique_id; public ConsNode(ConsNode cn_tl_field, ConsNode cn_hd_field, int unique_id) { this.cn_tl_field = cn_tl_field; this.cn_hd_field = cn_hd_field; this.unique_id = unique_id; }; } class ListHeaderNode extends Node { ConsNode lh_first; ConsNode lh_last; public ListHeaderNode (int kind, int vlineno, int pre_num, int post_num, int unique_id,ConsNode lh_first, ConsNode lh_last) { super(kind); // , vlineno, pre_num, post_num, unique_id); this.lh_first = lh_first; this.lh_last = lh_last; }; } // #DJDSTOP // class DeclarationNode extends Node { // Node Declaration_decl_id; // Node Declaration_decl_denotation; // int Declaration_displacement; // int Declaration_level; // Node Declaration_decl_signature; // int Declaration_decl_sig_done; // int Declaration_decl_sig_transp; // /* signature checking. */ // Node Declaration_decl_innermost_id; // /* decl of an innermost let-declared identifier*/ // /* declared by r.h.s. Used only for signature */ // /* transparent declarations. References */ // /* to signature transparent ids are counted */ // /* as refs to the right side of their */ // /* declarations for export rule checks. */ // Node Declaration_decl_previous_definition; // Node Declaration_decl_scope; // int Declaration_decl_can_be_refd; // /* Smallest pre-order number of declaration */ // /* in this block which may require the value */ // /* of the declared identifier. */ // /* Used to detect possible forward refs. */ // int Declaration_decl_special; // /* This is a variable which was unusually */ // /* allocated. */ // //# ifndef STREEDEFS // /* Variable was directly stack allocated */ // //# define VAR_ON_STACK 7 // //# define SIMPLE_VAR_ON_STACK 1 // //# define PTR_VAR_ON_STACK 2 // //# define INIT_VAR_ON_STACK 4 // /* Array is contiguously allocated. */ // //# define ARRAY_CONTIG 8 // /* Imported into nested scope */ // //# define ID_IMPORTED 16 // /* Variable is referenced other than as */ // //# define VAR_NONTR_REF 32 // /* argument to V or := */ // /* With the -R option, the -G code generator keeps */ // /* identifier bindings or variables in v. registers: */ // /* displacement is v. register number */ // //# define ID_IN_REG 64 // //# define SIMPLE_VAR_IN_REG 128 // //# define PTR_VAR_IN_REG 256 // //# define INIT_VAR_IN_REG 512 // //# define VAR_IN_REG 896 // /* r.h.s always evaluates to integer constant decl_const_val: */ // //# define DECL_CONST 1024 // //# define NOT_DECL_CONST 2048 // //# endif // int Declaration_decl_sel_index; // int Declaration_decl_needed; // /* The rhs really needs to be evald */ // int Declaration_decl_const_val; // } // #DJDSTART class ParameterNode extends Node { // # define PARAMETER 2 Node Parameter_par_id; Node Parameter_par_signature; int Parameter_displacement1; int Parameter_level; Node Parameter_par_previous_definition; Node Parameter_par_scope; Node Parameter_par_only_def; /* parameter. NIL indicates no call */ /* found so far. MULTIPLE_DEFS */ /* indicates that different arguments*/ /* are passe, or we don't know the */ /* identity of the argument. */ /* MULTIPLE_TP_DEFS indicates that */ /* different arguments are passed, */ /* but they are all types wit-h */ /* standard := and V operations. */ // # define MULTIPLE_DEFS ((NODE *) 1) // # define MULTIPLE_TP_DEFS ((NODE *) 2) //# define is_real_def(x) (((unsigned) (x)) > 2) public ParameterNode(int kind, Node Parameter_par_id, Node Parameter_par_signature) { super(kind); this.Parameter_par_id = Parameter_par_id; this.Parameter_par_signature = Parameter_par_signature; }; } // #DJDSTOP // class RElementNode extends Node { // Node RElement_re_id; // Node RElement_re_denotation; // int RElement_re_New_index; // int RElement_re_ValueOf_index; // int RElement_re_assign_index; // } // #DJDSTART class VarSignature extends Node { Node VarSignature_signature; int VarSignature_sig_done; Node VarSignature_var_denotation; public VarSignature(int kind, Node VarSignature_signature) { super(kind); this.VarSignature_signature = VarSignature_signature; }; } class ValSignature extends Node { Node ValSignature_signature; // was Node int ValSignature_sig_done; Node ValSignature_val_denotation; public ValSignature(int kind, Node ValSignature_signature) { super(kind); this.ValSignature_signature = ValSignature_signature; }; } class FSignature extends Node { Node FSignature_signature; int FSignature_sig_done; Node[] FSignature_fsig_construction; /* Corresponding function construction */ /* (if known) - used for optimization */ int FSignature_fsig_special; /* Look at ststructs for definitions */ int FSignature_fsig_slink_known; /* ep can be found by tracing static */ /* chain from environment in which */ /* expression occurs. */ byte FSignature_fsig_inline_code[]; Node FSignature_fsig_param_list; Node FSignature_fsig_result_sig; public FSignature(int kind, Node FSignature_signature, Node[] FSignature_fsig_construction, Node FSignature_fsig_param_list) { super(kind); this.FSignature_signature = FSignature_signature; this.FSignature_fsig_construction = FSignature_fsig_construction; this.FSignature_fsig_param_list = FSignature_fsig_param_list; } } // #DJDSTOP // // class TSignature extends Node { // Node TSignature_signature; // int TSignature_sig_done; // int TSignature_ts_simple_type; // /* Representation can't point (indirectly) to */ // /* activation records. (Used for optimization) */ // Node TSignature_ts_local_type_id; // Node TSignature_ts_clist; // Node TSignature_ts_previous_definition; // byte TSignature_ts_const_code[]; // /* inline code for quoted single char */ // byte TSignature_ts_string_code[]; // /* inline code for string as a whole */ // byte TSignature_ts_element_code[]; // /* inline code for each string element */ // int TSignature_ts_string_max; // /* maximum length for above string */ // /* expansion. -1 ==> default */ // byte TSignature_ts_meta_concat[]; // /* inline code to concatenate string */ // /* sections of long string. */ // } // // class TSComponentNode extends Node { // Node TSComponent_tsc_id; // Node TSComponent_tsc_signature; // } // // class DefCharSigNode extends Node { // int DefCharSigs_dcs_0; // int DefCharSigs_dcs_1; // int DefCharSigs_dcs_2; // int DefCharSigs_dcs_3; // // //# ifndef STREEDEFS // //# define NVECTORS 4 // //# endif // Node DefCharSigs_dcs_exceptions; // /* List of DCSEXCEPTION nodes */ // /* for constants with non-nil special */ // /* or in-line code values. */ // } // #DJDSTART class SignatureSigNode extends Node { Node SignatureSig_signature; int SignatureSig_sig_done; SignatureSigNode(int kind) { super(kind); } } // #DJDSTOP // class BlDenotationNode extends Node { // Node BlDenotation_signature; // int BlDenotation_sig_done; // /* Activation record info, used only if INSIDE_LOOP and CONTAINS_CLOSURE */ // /* are both set, and the declaration list is not empty. */ // int BlDenotation_ar_size; // Node BlDenotation_ar_static_link; // int BlDenotation_ar_static_level; // Node BlDenotation_bld_declaration_list; // Node BlDenotation_bld_den_seq; // int BlDenotation_bld_precedence; // int BlDenotation_bld_flags; // /* There is a sourrounding loop with no */ // //# define INSIDE_LOOP 1 // /* intervening blocks or function */ // /* abstractions. */ // /* Also set if there is a possibility */ // /* that the block may be reexecuted */ // /* without leaving the surrounding */ // /* function due to Call/cc calls. */ // /* A closure value is built inside the */ // //# define CONTAINS_CLOSURE 2 // /* block. */ // /* There may be an embedded Call/cc */ // //# define CALLCC_CALL 4 // /* call. */ // /* We need an a.r. if this is inside a */ // //# define REQUIRES_AR 8 // /* loop, and it either the block builds */ // /* a closure, or there is a Call/cc */ // /* call embedded in the block. */ // /* These imply that it is not safe to */ // /* promote bindings to surrounding */ // /* function activation record. */ // /* It is known that there is no */ // //# define NO_SURR_LOOP 16 // /* explicit loop between this block */ // /* and the surrounding function */ // /* construction. Implies not */ // /* INSIDE_LOOP, but can be computed */ // /* much earlier. */ // } // // // class UseListNode extends Node { // Node UseList_signature; // int UseList_sig_done; // /* signature checking done flag */ // Node UseList_usl_type_list; // Node UseList_usl_den_seq; // Node UseList_usl_previous_list; // int UseList_usl_precedence; // } // #DJDSTART class ApplicationNode extends Node { Node Application_signature; int Application_sig_done; Node[] Application_ap_operator; Node Application_ap_args; Node Application_ap_void_decl; ApplicationNode(int kind, Node Application_signature, Node[] Application_ap_operator) { super(kind); this.Application_signature = Application_signature; this.Application_ap_operator = Application_ap_operator; } } // #DJDSTOP // class EnumerationNode extends Node { // Node Enumeration_signature; // int Enumeration_sig_done; // Node Enumeration_enum_id_list; // } // // class ExtensionNode extends Node { // Node Extension_signature; // int Extension_sig_done; // Node Extension_ext_denotation; // int Extension_In_index; // /* Position of In operation in type sign. */ // int Extension_Out_index; // } // // class ProductNode extends Node { // Node Product_signature; // int Product_sig_done; // Node Product_prod_local_type_id; // Node Product_prod_components; // /* a list of parameter nodes */ // Node Product_prod_previous_definition; // } // // class RecordConstructionNode extends Node { // Node Record_signature; // int Record_sig_done; // Node Record_rec_component_list; // Node Record_rec_previous_definition; // } // // class UnionConstructionNode extends Node { // Node Union_signature; // int Union_sig_done; // Node Union_prod_local_type_id; // Node Union_prod_components; // /* list of parameter nodes */ // Node Union_prod_previous_definition; // } // // class WithListNode extends Node { // Node WithList_wl_local_type_id; // Node WithList_wl_component_list; // Node WithList_wl_previous_definition; // } // // // class ModPrimaryNode extends Node { // Node MPrimary_signature; // int MPrimary_sig_done; // int MPrimary_displacement; // int MPrimary_level; // Node MPrimary_mp_primary; // Node MPrimary_mp_type_modifier; // /* NIL if this represents a coercion */ // byte MPrimary_mp_delete_v[]; // /* bit vector specifying components */ // /* to be deleted. */ // int MPrimary_mp_orig_length; // /* number of type components before */ // /* deletions. */ // int MPrimary_mp_needed; // /* Need to actually construct value */ // int MPrimary_mp_no_surr_loop; // } // // class ExportListNode extends Node { // Node Elist_el_local_type_id; // Node Elist_el_export_element_list; // Node Elist_el_previous_definition; // } // // class HideListNode extends Node { // Node Hlist_el_local_type_id; // Node Hlist_el_export_element_list; // Node Hlist_el_previous_definition; // } // // class ExportElementNode extends Node { // Node EElement_ee_id; // Node EElement_ee_signature; // Node EElement_ee_export_list; // } // // class AllConstantsNode extends Node { // // No members // } // // class WordElseNode extends Node { // Node ElseKeyWord_signature; // int ElseKeyWord_sig_done; // } // // class WordCandNode extends Node { // // No members // } // // class WordCorNode extends Node { // // No members // } // // class GuardedListNode extends Node { // Node GList_signature; // int GList_sig_done; // Node GList_gl_list; // } // // class LoopDenotationNode extends Node { // Node LDenotation_signature; // int LDenotation_sig_done; // Node LDenotation_gl_list; // } // // class GuardedElementNode extends Node { // Node GElement_ge_guard; // Node GElement_ge_element; // } // // class OpridNode extends Node { // Node OpId_signature; // int OpId_sig_done; // Node OpId_sel_type; // /* identifier is to be selected. */ // int OpId_id_str_table_index; // /* -1 ==> imm. surrounding local type id */ // // /* Note that the local type id is in fact */ // /* always defined by a TYPESIGNATURE node */ // /* since this convention is used only for */ // /* id's with a default signature. */ // Node OpId_id_use_list; // Node OpId_id_last_definition; // /* innermost definition of identifier */ // int OpId_id_def_found; // /* TRUE ==> last_definition points to */ // /* actual definition rather than last */ // /* overloading of the identifier and the */ // /* sel_type field has its final value. */ // int OpId_sel_index; // Node OpId_id_appl; // /* An application of the identifier */ // // int OpId_id_forward_ref; // /* Need to check for erroneous forward ref */ // } // #DJDSTART class LetterId extends Node { int LetterId_signature; // Was Node int LetterId_sig_done; Node LetterId_sel_type; int LetterId_id_str_table_index; Node LetterId_id_use_list; Node LetterId_id_last_definition; int LetterId_id_def_found; int LetterId_sel_index; Node LetterId_id_appl; /* An application of the identifier */ /* Useful for overload resolution */ int LetterId_id_forward_ref; /* Need to check for erroneous forward ref */ public LetterId(int kind, int LetterId_signature) // #DJDSTOP // int LetterId_sig_done, // Node LetterId_sel_type, // int LetterId_id_str_table_index, // Node LetterId_id_use_list, // Node LetterId_id_last_definition, // int LetterId_id_def_found, // int LetterId_sel_index, // Node LetterId_id_appl, // int LetterId_id_forward_ref) // // #DJDSTART { super(kind); // , vlineno, pre_num, post_num, unique_id) this.LetterId_signature = LetterId_signature; // #DJDSTOP // this.LetterId_sig_done = LetterId_sig_done; // this.LetterId_sel_type = LetterId_sel_type; // this.LetterId_id_str_table_index = LetterId_id_str_table_index; // this.LetterId_id_use_list = LetterId_id_use_list; // this.LetterId_id_last_definition = LetterId_id_last_definition; // this.LetterId_id_def_found = LetterId_id_def_found; // this.LetterId_sel_index = LetterId_sel_index; // this.LetterId_id_appl = LetterId_id_appl; // this.LetterId_id_forward_ref = LetterId_id_forward_ref; // #DJDSTART }; } // #DJDSTOP // class QStrNode extends Node { // int QStr_post_num; // Node QStr_signature; // int QStr_sig_done; // Node QStr_sel_type; // String QStr_str_string; // Node QStr_str_use_list; // Node QStr_str_expansion; // } // // class UQStrNode extends Node { // Node UQStr_signature; // int UQStr_sig_done; // Node UQStr_sel_type; // String UQStr_str_string; // Node UQStr_str_use_list; // Node UQStr_str_expansion; // } // // // class FConstruction extends Node { // Node FConstruction_signature; // /* completed by signature deduction pass if */ // /* necessary. */ // int FConstruction_sig_done; // /* Activation record info */ // int FConstruction_ar_size; // Node FConstruction_ar_static_link; // int FConstruction_ar_static_level; // Node FConstruction_fc_body; // int FConstruction_fc_complexity; // /* information: */ // //# ifndef STREEDEFS // /* No special properties */ // //# define COMPLICATED 0 // /* Static link not needed, */ // //# define NO_SL 1 // /* no "complicated" constructs, */ // /* no accesses through AR. */ // /* No calls to an output routine */ // //# define NO_PUT 2 // /* Environment can't be saved by */ // //# define NO_CALLCC 4 // /* call/cc call. This implies */ // /* that it's safe to allocate */ // /* variables directly on the stack */ // /* There are no nested fn constrs. */ // //# define NO_CONSTR 8 // /* that could conceivably be */ // /* exported. */ // /* Thus it is safe to copy id */ // /* bindings into the closure itself */ // /* Closure must be explicitly represented */ // //# define NEED_CL 16 // /* Nonlocal bindings WILL BE copied to */ // //# define CP_GLOBALS 32 // /* closure. Requires that NO_CONSTR */ // /* holds, that there aren't too many */ // /* non-locals, that the closure needs */ // /* to be explicitly built, that */ // /* none of the non-locals constitute */ // /* forward references, and that there */ // /* are no calls to the procedure that */ // /* could otherwise bypass evaluation */ // /* of the operator. */ // /* All nested fn constructions that require */ // //# define NO_AR_REFS 64 // /* a closure copy identifier bindings into */ // /* the closure itself. Thus it is */ // /* automatically safe to allocate */ // /* activation record on the stack. */ // /* Known to call itself directly and */ // //# define DIR_REC 128 // /* tail-recursively. */ // /* There is a direct call to this */ // //# define DIR_CALL 256 // /* procedure that does not require */ // /* an explicit closure. */ // /* Procedure may indirect through */ // //# define SL_ACC 512 // /* static link. Thus it better be */ // /* there. (Accesses through AR are */ // /* possible even if SL_ACC is false)*/ // //# define NESTED_AR_BLOCK 1024 // /* Procedure contains a nested block that */ // /* requires its own activation record. */ // //# endif // String FConstruction_fc_code_label; // Node FConstruction_fc_free_vars; // /* List of occurrences of distinct */ // /* non-local identifiers inside the */ // /* function. Meaningful only in the */ // /* presence of CP_GLOBALS. Ordering */ // /* in list determines ordering in */ // /* closure. */ // /* References to identifiers that */ // /* are global to the entire program */ // /* are excluded. */ // int FConstruction_fc_body_needed; // /* need to generate code for body */ // } // // class FreeVarNode extends Node { // /* by each funcconstructor (i.e. */ // /* lambda abstraction) */ // Node FreeVarNode_fv_last_definition; // /* Pointer to declaration */ // int FreeVarNode_fv_surr_class; // /* Local/Global in surrounding scope */ // int FreeVarNode_fv_surr_index; // /* Variable Index in surrounding scope */ // int FreeVarNode_fv_index; // /* Free Variable Index (in closure) */ // } // // class ExternDefNode extends Node { // String ExternDef_ext_name; // } // // class RExternDef extends Node { // Node RExternDef_signature; // int RExternDef_sig_done; // String RExternDef_r_ext_name; // } // // class DcsException extends Node { // int DCSException_dcse_char; // byte DCSException_dcse_inline[]; // int DCSException_dcse_special; // /* Same conventions as fsig_special */ // Node DCSException_dcse_construction; // /* Must be BACKREF so that subst etc.*/ // /* don't try to follow it. */ // } // // #DJDSTOP // // #ifdef NOT // /* maximum number of fields in a node / // # define MAXFIELDS 20 // /* A leading H indicates the field is hidden, and not a parameter to mknode */ // #define NIL 0 // #define LIST NODE // /* // * Syntax Tree Structure Definitions // * // * This file is a collection of macro invocations // * // * The calling environment must contain definitions for // * // * TOP called at the beginning // * START called to start each structure declaration // * INT, UNSIGNED, REFCNT, NODEKIND, NODESTAR, VLINENO, STTINDX, // * LISTPTR, BACKREF,CNSTAR(= pointer to Cons Node),STRPTR, // * BITVECTOR, NBPTR, HNODESTAR (identical to NODESTAR except hidden, // * i.e. not passed to mknode ), SIG, and HSIG. // * (The latter two are used for pointers from expression // * nodes to signature nodes.) // * called to define individual fields // * FINISH called to finish each structure // * BOTTOM called to finish everything // */ // /* // * Note that certain fields are not really part of the syntax tree, // * but rather comprise the symbol table. In particular each identifier // * structure contains a field which eventually points to the last // * declaration in the innermost enclosing scope of that identifier. // * All constructs which can define a new identifier contain fields // * used for chaining all definitions of a given identifier together. // * If several of these constructs can occur in a given scope, i.e. // * in the case of declarations and parameters, another field is // * included to point back to some structure which uniquely identifies // * that scope, so that illegal multiple declarations can subsequently // * be detected. // * Identifier nodes contain an additional field identifying the // * surrounding use list. Use lists themselves are chained together // * like identifier declarations. Thus the list of types from which // * selections can be inferred is easily identifiable. // * Also the first field of any structure which can possibly represent // * a denotation is one for the signature of that denotation. In general // * this field is hidden and not used until the signature deduction phase. // * Any node which can declare an identifier (outside a signature) // * contains displacement and level fields in the third and fourth positions // * following the prefix. The level number refers to function nesting // * depth before the storage allocation pass of the code generator, and // * is then changed to be activation record nesting depth. (The two may // * differ, since blocks occasionally require activation records.) // * Any signature field must be followed by a corresponding sig_done field. // */ // #ifndef STREEDEFS // # define SZSTANDARDPREFIX 4 // /* used to be 5, before we dropped refcount */ // #endif // /* // * Notes: // * // */ // typedef union Node { // struct { // # define LISTHEADER 0 // int ListHeader_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind ListHeader . ListHeader_kind // # endif // // unsigned ListHeader_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno ListHeader . ListHeader_vlineno // # endif // // int ListHeader_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num ListHeader . ListHeader_pre_num // # endif // // int ListHeader_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num ListHeader . ListHeader_post_num // # endif // // ConsNode ListHeader_lh_first; // # ifndef lh_first // # define lh_first ListHeader . ListHeader_lh_first // # endif // // ConsNode ListHeader_lh_last; // # ifndef lh_last // # define lh_last ListHeader . ListHeader_lh_last // # endif // // } ListHeader; // struct { // # define DECLARATION 1 // int Declaration_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Declaration . Declaration_kind // # endif // // unsigned Declaration_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Declaration . Declaration_vlineno // # endif // // int Declaration_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Declaration . Declaration_pre_num // # endif // // int Declaration_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Declaration . Declaration_post_num // # endif // // union Node Declaration_decl_id; // # ifndef decl_id // # define decl_id Declaration . Declaration_decl_id // # endif // // union Node Declaration_decl_denotation; // # ifndef decl_denotation // # define decl_denotation Declaration . Declaration_decl_denotation // # endif // // int Declaration_displacement; // # ifndef displacement // # define displacement Declaration . Declaration_displacement // # endif // // int Declaration_level; // # ifndef level // # define level Declaration . Declaration_level // # endif // // union Node Declaration_decl_signature; // # ifndef decl_signature // # define decl_signature Declaration . Declaration_decl_signature // # endif // // int Declaration_decl_sig_done; // # ifndef decl_sig_done // # define decl_sig_done Declaration . Declaration_decl_sig_done // # endif // // int Declaration_decl_sig_transp; // # ifndef decl_sig_transp // # define decl_sig_transp Declaration . Declaration_decl_sig_transp /* This declaration is transparent to */ // # endif // // /* signature checking. */ // union Node Declaration_decl_innermost_id; // # ifndef decl_innermost_id // # define decl_innermost_id Declaration . Declaration_decl_innermost_id /* decl of an innermost let-declared identifier*/ // # endif // // /* declared by r.h.s. Used only for signature */ // /* transparent declarations. References */ // /* to signature transparent ids are counted */ // /* as refs to the right side of their */ // /* declarations for export rule checks. */ // union Node Declaration_decl_previous_definition; // # ifndef decl_previous_definition // # define decl_previous_definition Declaration . Declaration_decl_previous_definition // # endif // // union Node Declaration_decl_scope; // # ifndef decl_scope // # define decl_scope Declaration . Declaration_decl_scope // # endif // // int Declaration_decl_can_be_refd; // # ifndef decl_can_be_refd // # define decl_can_be_refd Declaration . Declaration_decl_can_be_refd /* Smallest pre-order number of declaration */ // # endif // // /* in this block which may require the value */ // /* of the declared identifier. */ // /* Used to detect possible forward refs. */ // int Declaration_decl_special; // # ifndef decl_special // # define decl_special Declaration . Declaration_decl_special /* This is a variable which was unusually */ // # endif // // /* allocated. */ // # ifndef STREEDEFS // /* Variable was directly stack allocated */ // # define VAR_ON_STACK 7 // # define SIMPLE_VAR_ON_STACK 1 // # define PTR_VAR_ON_STACK 2 // # define INIT_VAR_ON_STACK 4 // /* Array is contiguously allocated. */ // # define ARRAY_CONTIG 8 // /* Imported into nested scope */ // # define ID_IMPORTED 16 // /* Variable is referenced other than as */ // # define VAR_NONTR_REF 32 // /* argument to V or := */ // /* With the -R option, the -G code generator keeps */ // /* identifier bindings or variables in v. registers: */ // /* displacement is v. register number */ // # define ID_IN_REG 64 // # define SIMPLE_VAR_IN_REG 128 // # define PTR_VAR_IN_REG 256 // # define INIT_VAR_IN_REG 512 // # define VAR_IN_REG 896 // /* r.h.s always evaluates to integer constant decl_const_val: */ // # define DECL_CONST 1024 // # define NOT_DECL_CONST 2048 // # endif // int Declaration_decl_sel_index; // # ifndef decl_sel_index // # define decl_sel_index Declaration . Declaration_decl_sel_index /* index for with list components */ // # endif // // int Declaration_decl_needed; // # ifndef decl_needed // # define decl_needed Declaration . Declaration_decl_needed /* The rhs really needs to be evald */ // # endif // // int Declaration_decl_const_val; // # ifndef decl_const_val // # define decl_const_val Declaration . Declaration_decl_const_val // # endif // // } Declaration; // struct { // # define PARAMETER 2 // int Parameter_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Parameter . Parameter_kind // # endif // // unsigned Parameter_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Parameter . Parameter_vlineno // # endif // // int Parameter_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Parameter . Parameter_pre_num // # endif // // int Parameter_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Parameter . Parameter_post_num // # endif // // union Node Parameter_par_id; // # ifndef par_id // # define par_id Parameter . Parameter_par_id // # endif // // union Node Parameter_par_signature; // # ifndef par_signature // # define par_signature Parameter . Parameter_par_signature // # endif // // int Parameter_displacement; // # ifndef displacement // # define displacement Parameter . Parameter_displacement // # endif // // int Parameter_level; // # ifndef level // # define level Parameter . Parameter_level // # endif // // union Node Parameter_par_previous_definition; // # ifndef par_previous_definition // # define par_previous_definition Parameter . Parameter_par_previous_definition // # endif // // union Node Parameter_par_scope; // # ifndef par_scope // # define par_scope Parameter . Parameter_par_scope // # endif // // union Node Parameter_par_only_def; // # ifndef par_only_def // # define par_only_def Parameter . Parameter_par_only_def /* The only argument passed as this */ // # endif // // /* parameter. NIL indicates no call */ // /* found so far. MULTIPLE_DEFS */ // /* indicates that different arguments*/ // /* are passe, or we don't know the */ // /* identity of the argument. */ // /* MULTIPLE_TP_DEFS indicates that */ // /* different arguments are passed, */ // /* but they are all types with */ // /* standard := and V operations. */ // # define MULTIPLE_DEFS ((NODE *) 1) // # define MULTIPLE_TP_DEFS ((NODE *) 2) // # define is_real_def(x) (((unsigned) (x)) > 2) // } Parameter; // struct { // # define RECORDELEMENT 3 // /* also used for unions */ // int RElement_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind RElement . RElement_kind // # endif // // unsigned RElement_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno RElement . RElement_vlineno // # endif // // int RElement_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num RElement . RElement_pre_num // # endif // // int RElement_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num RElement . RElement_post_num // # endif // // union Node * RElement_re_id; // # ifndef re_id // # define re_id RElement . RElement_re_id // # endif // // union Node * RElement_re_denotation; // # ifndef re_denotation // # define re_denotation RElement . RElement_re_denotation // # endif // // int RElement_re_New_index; // # ifndef re_New_index // # define re_New_index RElement . RElement_re_New_index // # endif // // int RElement_re_ValueOf_index; // # ifndef re_ValueOf_index // # define re_ValueOf_index RElement . RElement_re_ValueOf_index // # endif // // int RElement_re_assign_index; // # ifndef re_assign_index // # define re_assign_index RElement . RElement_re_assign_index // # endif // // } RElement; // struct { // # define VARSIGNATURE 4 // int VarSignature_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind VarSignature . VarSignature_kind // # endif // // unsigned VarSignature_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno VarSignature . VarSignature_vlineno // # endif // // int VarSignature_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num VarSignature . VarSignature_pre_num // # endif // // int VarSignature_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num VarSignature . VarSignature_post_num // # endif // // union Node * VarSignature_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature VarSignature . VarSignature_signature // # endif // // int VarSignature_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done VarSignature . VarSignature_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * VarSignature_var_denotation; // # ifndef var_denotation // # define var_denotation VarSignature . VarSignature_var_denotation // # endif // // } VarSignature; // struct { // # define VALSIGNATURE 5 // int ValSignature_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind ValSignature . ValSignature_kind // # endif // // unsigned ValSignature_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno ValSignature . ValSignature_vlineno // # endif // // int ValSignature_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num ValSignature . ValSignature_pre_num // # endif // // int ValSignature_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num ValSignature . ValSignature_post_num // # endif // // union Node * ValSignature_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature ValSignature . ValSignature_signature // # endif // // int ValSignature_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done ValSignature . ValSignature_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * ValSignature_val_denotation; // # ifndef val_denotation // # define val_denotation ValSignature . ValSignature_val_denotation // # endif // // } ValSignature; // struct { // # define FUNCSIGNATURE 6 // int FSignature_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind FSignature . FSignature_kind // # endif // // unsigned FSignature_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno FSignature . FSignature_vlineno // # endif // // int FSignature_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num FSignature . FSignature_pre_num // # endif // // int FSignature_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num FSignature . FSignature_post_num // # endif // // union Node * FSignature_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature FSignature . FSignature_signature // # endif // // int FSignature_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done FSignature . FSignature_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * FSignature_fsig_construction; // # ifndef fsig_construction // # define fsig_construction FSignature . FSignature_fsig_construction /* Corresponding function construction */ // # endif // // /* (if known) - used for optimization */ // int FSignature_fsig_special; // # ifndef fsig_special // # define fsig_special FSignature . FSignature_fsig_special /* Look at ststructs for definitions */ // # endif // // int FSignature_fsig_slink_known; // # ifndef fsig_slink_known // # define fsig_slink_known FSignature . FSignature_fsig_slink_known /* ep can be found by tracing static */ // # endif // // /* chain from environment in which */ // /* expression occurs. */ // char * FSignature_fsig_inline_code; // # ifndef fsig_inline_code // # define fsig_inline_code FSignature . FSignature_fsig_inline_code // # endif // // union Node * FSignature_fsig_param_list; // # ifndef fsig_param_list // # define fsig_param_list FSignature . FSignature_fsig_param_list // # endif // // union Node * FSignature_fsig_result_sig; // # ifndef fsig_result_sig // # define fsig_result_sig FSignature . FSignature_fsig_result_sig // # endif // // } FSignature; // struct { // # define TYPESIGNATURE 7 // int TSignature_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind TSignature . TSignature_kind // # endif // // unsigned TSignature_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno TSignature . TSignature_vlineno // # endif // // int TSignature_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num TSignature . TSignature_pre_num // # endif // // int TSignature_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num TSignature . TSignature_post_num // # endif // // union Node * TSignature_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature TSignature . TSignature_signature // # endif // // int TSignature_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done TSignature . TSignature_sig_done // # endif // // int TSignature_ts_simple_type; // # ifndef ts_simple_type // # define ts_simple_type TSignature . TSignature_ts_simple_type /* Representation can't point (indirectly) to */ // # endif // // /* activation records. (Used for optimization) */ // union Node * TSignature_ts_local_type_id; // # ifndef ts_local_type_id // # define ts_local_type_id TSignature . TSignature_ts_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * TSignature_ts_clist; // # ifndef ts_clist // # define ts_clist TSignature . TSignature_ts_clist // # endif // // union Node * TSignature_ts_previous_definition; // # ifndef ts_previous_definition // # define ts_previous_definition TSignature . TSignature_ts_previous_definition // # endif // // char * TSignature_ts_const_code; // # ifndef ts_const_code // # define ts_const_code TSignature . TSignature_ts_const_code /* inline code for quoted single char */ // # endif // // char * TSignature_ts_string_code; // # ifndef ts_string_code // # define ts_string_code TSignature . TSignature_ts_string_code /* inline code for string as a whole */ // # endif // // char * TSignature_ts_element_code; // # ifndef ts_element_code // # define ts_element_code TSignature . TSignature_ts_element_code /* inline code for each string element */ // # endif // // int TSignature_ts_string_max; // # ifndef ts_string_max // # define ts_string_max TSignature . TSignature_ts_string_max /* maximum length for above string */ // # endif // // /* expansion. -1 ==> default */ // char * TSignature_ts_meta_concat; // # ifndef ts_meta_concat // # define ts_meta_concat TSignature . TSignature_ts_meta_concat /* inline code to concatenate string */ // # endif // // /* sections of long string. */ // } TSignature; // struct { // # define TSCOMPONENT 8 // int TSComponent_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind TSComponent . TSComponent_kind // # endif // // unsigned TSComponent_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno TSComponent . TSComponent_vlineno // # endif // // int TSComponent_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num TSComponent . TSComponent_pre_num // # endif // // int TSComponent_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num TSComponent . TSComponent_post_num // # endif // // union Node * TSComponent_tsc_id; // # ifndef tsc_id // # define tsc_id TSComponent . TSComponent_tsc_id // # endif // // union Node * TSComponent_tsc_signature; // # ifndef ts c_signature // # define tsc_signature TSComponent . TSComponent_tsc_signature // # endif // // } TSComponent; // struct { // # define DEFCHARSIGS 9 // /* Gives list of quoted characters with */ // /* default signatures. Also used as a */ // /* type signature component. */ // /* Assumes ASCII, 32 bits per word */ // int DefCharSigs_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_kind // # endif // // unsigned DefCharSigs_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_vlineno // # endif // // int DefCharSigs_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_pre_num // # endif // // int DefCharSigs_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_post_num // # endif // // unsigned DefCharSigs_dcs_0; // # ifndef dcs_0 // # define dcs_0 DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_dcs_0 // # endif // // unsigned DefCharSigs_dcs_1; // # ifndef dcs_1 // # define dcs_1 DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_dcs_1 // # endif // // unsigned DefCharSigs_dcs_2; // # ifndef dcs_2 // # define dcs_2 DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_dcs_2 // # endif // // unsigned DefCharSigs_dcs_3; // # ifndef dcs_3 // # define dcs_3 DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_dcs_3 // # endif // // # ifndef STREEDEFS // # define NVECTORS 4 // # endif // union Node * DefCharSigs_dcs_exceptions; // # ifndef dcs_exceptions // # define dcs_exceptions DefCharSigs . DefCharSigs_dcs_exceptions /* List of DCSEXCEPTION nodes */ // # endif // // /* for constants with non-nil special */ // /* or in-line code values. */ // } DefCharSigs; // struct { // # define SIGNATURESIG 10 // /* The signature of a signature */ // int SignatureSig_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind SignatureSig . SignatureSig_kind // # endif // // unsigned SignatureSig_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno SignatureSig . SignatureSig_vlineno // # endif // // int SignatureSig_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num SignatureSig . SignatureSig_pre_num // # endif // // int SignatureSig_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num SignatureSig . SignatureSig_post_num // # endif // // union Node * SignatureSig_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature SignatureSig . SignatureSig_signature // # endif // // int SignatureSig_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done SignatureSig . SignatureSig_sig_done // # endif // // } SignatureSig; // struct { // # define BLOCKDENOTATION 11 // int BlDenotation_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind BlDenotation . BlDenotation_kind // # endif // // unsigned BlDenotation_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno BlDenotation . BlDenotation_vlineno // # endif // // int BlDenotation_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num BlDenotation . BlDenotation_pre_num // # endif // // int BlDenotation_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num BlDenotation . BlDenotation_post_num // # endif // // union Node * BlDenotation_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature BlDenotation . BlDenotation_signature // # endif // // int BlDenotation_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done BlDenotation . BlDenotation_sig_done // # endif // // /* Activation record info, used only if INSIDE_LOOP and CONTAINS_CLOSURE */ // /* are both set, and the declaration list is not empty. */ // int BlDenotation_ar_size; // # ifndef ar_size // # define ar_size BlDenotation . BlDenotation_ar_size // # endif // // union Node * BlDenotation_ar_static_link; // # ifndef ar_static_link // # define ar_static_link BlDenotation . BlDenotation_ar_static_link // # endif // // int BlDenotation_ar_static_level; // # ifndef ar_static_level // # define ar_static_level BlDenotation . BlDenotation_ar_static_level // # endif // // union Node * BlDenotation_bld_declaration_list; // # ifndef bld_declaration_list // # define bld_declaration_list BlDenotation . BlDenotation_bld_declaration_list // # endif // // union Node * BlDenotation_bld_den_seq; // # ifndef bld_den_seq // # define bld_den_seq BlDenotation . BlDenotation_bld_den_seq // # endif // // int BlDenotation_bld_precedence; // # ifndef bld_precedence // # define bld_precedence BlDenotation . BlDenotation_bld_precedence // # endif // // int BlDenotation_bld_flags; // # ifndef bld_flags // # define bld_flags BlDenotation . BlDenotation_bld_flags // # endif // // /* There is a sourrounding loop with no */ // # define INSIDE_LOOP 1 // /* intervening blocks or function */ // /* abstractions. */ // /* Also set if there is a possibility */ // /* that the block may be reexecuted */ // /* without leaving the surrounding */ // /* function due to Call/cc calls. */ // /* A closure value is built inside the */ // # define CONTAINS_CLOSURE 2 // /* block. */ // /* There may be an embedded Call/cc */ // # define CALLCC_CALL 4 // /* call. */ // /* We need an a.r. if this is inside a */ // # define REQUIRES_AR 8 // /* loop, and it either the block builds */ // /* a closure, or there is a Call/cc */ // /* call embedded in the block. */ // /* These imply that it is not safe to */ // /* promote bindings to surrounding */ // /* function activation record. */ // /* It is known that there is no */ // # define NO_SURR_LOOP 16 // /* explicit loop between this block */ // /* and the surrounding function */ // /* construction. Implies not */ // /* INSIDE_LOOP, but can be computed */ // /* much earlier. */ // }; // struct { // # define USELIST 12 // int UseList_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind UseList . UseList_kind // # endif // // unsigned UseList_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno UseList . UseList_vlineno // # endif // // int UseList_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num UseList . UseList_pre_num // # endif // // int UseList_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num UseList . UseList_post_num // # endif // // union Node * UseList_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature UseList . UseList_signature // # endif // // int UseList_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done UseList . UseList_sig_done /* signature checking done flag */ // # endif // // union Node * UseList_usl_type_list; // # ifndef usl_type_list // # define usl_type_list UseList . UseList_usl_type_list // # endif // // union Node * UseList_usl_den_seq; // # ifndef usl_den_seq // # define usl_den_seq UseList . UseList_usl_den_seq // # endif // // union Node * UseList_usl_previous_list; // # ifndef usl_previous_list // # define usl_previous_list UseList . UseList_usl_previous_list // # endif // // int UseList_usl_precedence; // # ifndef usl_precedence // # define usl_precedence UseList . UseList_usl_precedence // # endif // // } UseList; // // struct { // # define APPLICATION 13 // int Application_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Application . Application_kind // # endif // // unsigned Application_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Application . Application_vlineno // # endif // // int Application_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Application . Application_pre_num // # endif // // int Application_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Application . Application_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Application_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Application . Application_signature // # endif // // int Application_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Application . Application_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Application_ap_operator; // # ifndef ap_operator // # define ap_operator Application . Application_ap_operator // # endif // // union Node * Application_ap_args; // # ifndef ap_args // # define ap_args Application . Application_ap_args // # endif // // union Node * Application_ap_void_decl; // # ifndef ap_void_decl // # define ap_void_decl Application . Application_ap_void_decl /* enclosing var Void parameter */ // # endif // // } Application; // // struct { // # define ENUMERATION 14 // int Enumeration_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Enumeration . Enumeration_kind // # endif // // unsigned Enumeration_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Enumeration . Enumeration_vlineno // # endif // // int Enumeration_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Enumeration . Enumeration_pre_num // # endif // // int Enumeration_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Enumeration . Enumeration_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Enumeration_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Enumeration . Enumeration_signature // # endif // // int Enumeration_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Enumeration . Enumeration_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Enumeration_enum_id_list; // # ifndef enum_id_list // # define enum_id_list Enumeration . Enumeration_enum_id_list // # endif // // } Enumeration; // struct { // # define EXTENSION 15 // int Extension_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Extension . Extension_kind // # endif // // unsigned Extension_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Extension . Extension_vlineno // # endif // // int Extension_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Extension . Extension_pre_num // # endif // // int Extension_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Extension . Extension_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Extension_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Extension . Extension_signature // # endif // // int Extension_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Extension . Extension_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Extension_ext_denotation; // # ifndef ext_denotation // # define ext_denotation Extension . Extension_ext_denotation // # endif // // int Extension_In_index; // # ifndef In_index // # define In_index Extension . Extension_In_index /* Position of In operation in type sign. */ // # endif // // int Extension_Out_index; // # ifndef Out_index // # define Out_index Extension . Extension_Out_index // # endif // // } Extension; // struct { // # define PRODCONSTRUCTION 16 // int Product_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Product . Product_kind // # endif // // unsigned Product_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Product . Product_vlineno // # endif // // int Product_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Product . Product_pre_num // # endif // // int Product_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Product . Product_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Product_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Product . Product_signature // # endif // // int Product_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Product . Product_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Product_prod_local_type_id; // # ifndef prod_local_type_id // # define prod_local_type_id Product . Product_prod_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * Product_prod_components; // # ifndef prod_components // # define prod_components Product . Product_prod_components /* a list of parameter nodes */ // # endif // // union Node * Product_prod_previous_definition; // # ifndef prod_previous_definition // # define prod_previous_definition Product . Product_prod_previous_definition // # endif // // } Product; // struct { // # define RECORDCONSTRUCTION 17 // int Record_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Record . Record_kind // # endif // // unsigned Record_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Record . Record_vlineno // # endif // // int Record_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Record . Record_pre_num // # endif // // int Record_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Record . Record_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Record_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Record . Record_signature // # endif // // int Record_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Record . Record_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Record_rec_component_list; // # ifndef rec_component_list // # define rec_component_list Record . Record_rec_component_list // # endif // // union Node * Record_rec_previous_definition; // # ifndef rec_previous_definition // # define rec_previous_definition Record . Record_rec_previous_definition // # endif // // } Record; // struct { // # define UNIONCONSTRUCTION 18 // int Union_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Union . Union_kind // # endif // // unsigned Union_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Union . Union_vlineno // # endif // // int Union_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Union . Union_pre_num // # endif // // int Union_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Union . Union_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Union_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature Union . Union_signature // # endif // // int Union_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done Union . Union_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * Union_prod_local_type_id; // # ifndef prod_local_type_id // # define prod_local_type_id Union . Union_prod_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * Union_prod_components; // # ifndef prod_components // # define prod_components Union . Union_prod_components /* list of parameter nodes */ // # endif // // union Node * Union_prod_previous_definition; // # ifndef prod_previous_definition // # define prod_previous_definition Union . Union_prod_previous_definition // # endif // // } Union; // struct { // # define WITHLIST 19 // int WithList_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind WithList . WithList_kind // # endif // // unsigned WithList_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno WithList . WithList_vlineno // # endif // // int WithList_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num WithList . WithList_pre_num // # endif // // int WithList_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num WithList . WithList_post_num // # endif // // union Node * WithList_wl_local_type_id; // # ifndef wl_local_type_id // # define wl_local_type_id WithList . WithList_wl_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * WithList_wl_component_list; // # ifndef wl_component_list // # define wl_component_list WithList . WithList_wl_component_list // # endif // // union Node * WithList_wl_previous_definition; // # ifndef wl_previous_definition // # define wl_previous_definition WithList . WithList_wl_previous_definition // # endif // // } WithList; // struct { // # define MODPRIMARY 20 // int MPrimary_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind MPrimary . MPrimary_kind // # endif // // unsigned MPrimary_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno MPrimary . MPrimary_vlineno // # endif // // int MPrimary_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num MPrimary . MPrimary_pre_num // # endif // // int MPrimary_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num MPrimary . MPrimary_post_num // # endif // // union Node * MPrimary_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature MPrimary . MPrimary_signature // # endif // // int MPrimary_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done MPrimary . MPrimary_sig_done // # endif // // int MPrimary_displacement; // # ifndef displacement // # define displacement MPrimary . MPrimary_displacement // # endif // // int MPrimary_level; // # ifndef level // # define level MPrimary . MPrimary_level // # endif // // union Node * MPrimary_mp_primary; // # ifndef mp_primary // # define mp_primary MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_primary // # endif // // union Node * MPrimary_mp_type_modifier; // # ifndef mp_type_modifier // # define mp_type_modifier MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_type_modifier /* NIL if this represents a coercion */ // # endif // // char * MPrimary_mp_delete_v; // # ifndef mp_delete_v // # define mp_delete_v MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_delete_v /* bit vector specifying components */ // # endif // // /* to be deleted. */ // int MPrimary_mp_orig_length; // # ifndef mp_orig_length // # define mp_orig_length MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_orig_length /* number of type components before */ // # endif // // /* deletions. */ // int MPrimary_mp_needed; // # ifndef mp_needed // # define mp_needed MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_needed /* Need to actually construct value */ // # endif // // int MPrimary_mp_no_surr_loop; // # ifndef mp_no_surr_loop // # define mp_no_surr_loop MPrimary . MPrimary_mp_no_surr_loop // # endif // // } MPrimary; // struct { // # define EXPORTLIST 21 // int Elist_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Elist . Elist_kind // # endif // // unsigned Elist_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Elist . Elist_vlineno // # endif // // int Elist_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Elist . Elist_pre_num // # endif // // int Elist_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Elist . Elist_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Elist_el_local_type_id; // # ifndef el_local_type_id // # define el_local_type_id Elist . Elist_el_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * Elist_el_export_element_list; // # ifndef el_export_element_list // # define el_export_element_list Elist . Elist_el_export_element_list // # endif // // union Node * Elist_el_previous_definition; // # ifndef el_previous_definition // # define el_previous_definition Elist . Elist_el_previous_definition // # endif // // } Elist; // struct { // # define HIDELIST 22 // int Hlist_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind Hlist . Hlist_kind // # endif // // unsigned Hlist_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno Hlist . Hlist_vlineno // # endif // // int Hlist_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num Hlist . Hlist_pre_num // # endif // // int Hlist_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num Hlist . Hlist_post_num // # endif // // union Node * Hlist_el_local_type_id; // # ifndef el_local_type_id // # define el_local_type_id Hlist . Hlist_el_local_type_id // # endif // // union Node * Hlist_el_export_element_list; // # ifndef el_export_element_list // # define el_export_element_list Hlist . Hlist_el_export_element_list // # endif // // union Node * Hlist_el_previous_definition; // # ifndef el_previous_definition // # define el_previous_definition Hlist . Hlist_el_previous_definition // # endif // // } Hlist; // struct { // # define EXPORTELEMENT 23 // int EElement_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind EElement . EElement_kind // # endif // // unsigned EElement_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno EElement . EElement_vlineno // # endif // // int EElement_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num EElement . EElement_pre_num // # endif // // int EElement_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num EElement . EElement_post_num // # endif // // union Node * EElement_ee_id; // # ifndef ee_id // # define ee_id EElement . EElement_ee_id // # endif // // union Node * EElement_ee_signature; // # ifndef ee_signature // # define ee_signature EElement . EElement_ee_signature // # endif // // union Node * EElement_ee_export_list; // # ifndef ee_export_list // # define ee_export_list EElement . EElement_ee_export_list // # endif // // } EElement; // struct { // # define ALLCONSTANTS 24 // int ConstsKeyWord_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind ConstsKeyWord . ConstsKeyWord_kind // # endif // // unsigned ConstsKeyWord_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno ConstsKeyWord . ConstsKeyWord_vlineno // # endif // // int ConstsKeyWord_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num ConstsKeyWord . ConstsKeyWord_pre_num // # endif // // int ConstsKeyWord_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num ConstsKeyWord . ConstsKeyWord_post_num // # endif // // } ConstsKeyWord; // struct { // # define WORDELSE 25 // int ElseKeyWord_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_kind // # endif // // unsigned ElseKeyWord_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_vlineno // # endif // // int ElseKeyWord_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_pre_num // # endif // // int ElseKeyWord_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_post_num // # endif // // union Node * ElseKeyWord_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_signature // # endif // // int ElseKeyWord_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done ElseKeyWord . ElseKeyWord_sig_done // # endif // // } ElseKeyWord; // struct { // # define WORDCAND 26 // int CandKeyWord_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind CandKeyWord . CandKeyWord_kind // # endif // // unsigned CandKeyWord_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno CandKeyWord . CandKeyWord_vlineno // # endif // // int CandKeyWord_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num CandKeyWord . CandKeyWord_pre_num // # endif // // int CandKeyWord_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num CandKeyWord . CandKeyWord_post_num // # endif // // } CandKeyWord; // struct { // # define WORDCOR 27 // int CorKeyWord_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind CorKeyWord . CorKeyWord_kind // # endif // // unsigned CorKeyWord_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno CorKeyWord . CorKeyWord_vlineno // # endif // // int CorKeyWord_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num CorKeyWord . CorKeyWord_pre_num // # endif // // int CorKeyWord_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num CorKeyWord . CorKeyWord_post_num // # endif // // } CorKeyWord; // struct { // # define GUARDEDLIST 28 // int GList_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind GList . GList_kind // # endif // // unsigned GList_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno GList . GList_vlineno // # endif // // int GList_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num GList . GList_pre_num // # endif // // int GList_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num GList . GList_post_num // # endif // // union Node * GList_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature GList . GList_signature // # endif // // int GList_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done GList . GList_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * GList_gl_list; // # ifndef gl_list // # define gl_list GList . GList_gl_list // # endif // // } GList; // struct { // # define LOOPDENOTATION 29 // int LDenotation_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind LDenotation . LDenotation_kind // # endif // // unsigned LDenotation_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno LDenotation . LDenotation_vlineno // # endif // // int LDenotation_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num LDenotation . LDenotation_pre_num // # endif // // int LDenotation_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num LDenotation . LDenotation_post_num // # endif // // union Node * LDenotation_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature LDenotation . LDenotation_signature // # endif // // int LDenotation_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done LDenotation . LDenotation_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * LDenotation_gl_list; // # ifndef gl_list // # define gl_list LDenotation . LDenotation_gl_list // # endif // // } LDenotation; // struct { // # define GUARDEDELEMENT 30 // int GElement_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind GElement . GElement_kind // # endif // // unsigned GElement_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno GElement . GElement_vlineno // # endif // // int GElement_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num GElement . GElement_pre_num // # endif // // int GElement_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num GElement . GElement_post_num // # endif // // union Node * GElement_ge_guard; // # ifndef ge_guard // # define ge_guard GElement . GElement_ge_guard // # endif // // union Node * GElement_ge_element; // # ifndef ge_element // # define ge_element GElement . GElement_ge_element // # endif // // } GElement; // struct { // # define OPRID 31 // int OpId_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind OpId . OpId_kind // # endif // // unsigned OpId_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno OpId . OpId_vlineno // # endif // // int OpId_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num OpId . OpId_pre_num // # endif // // int OpId_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num OpId . OpId_post_num // # endif // // union Node * OpId_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature OpId . OpId_signature // # endif // // int OpId_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done OpId . OpId_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * OpId_sel_type; // # ifndef sel_type // # define sel_type OpId . OpId_sel_type /* optional type denotation from which */ // # endif // // /* identifier is to be selected. */ // unsigned OpId_id_str_table_index; // # ifndef id_str_table_index // # define id_str_table_index OpId . OpId_id_str_table_index /* -1 ==> imm. surrounding local type id */ // # endif // // /* Note that the local type id is in fact */ // /* always defined by a TYPESIGNATURE node */ // /* since this convention is used only for */ // /* id's with a default signature. */ // union Node * OpId_id_use_list; // # ifndef id_use_list // # define id_use_list OpId . OpId_id_use_list // # endif // // union Node * OpId_id_last_definition; // # ifndef id_last_definition // # define id_last_definition OpId . OpId_id_last_definition /* innermost definition of identifier */ // # endif // // int OpId_id_def_found; // # ifndef id_def_found // # define id_def_found OpId . OpId_id_def_found /* TRUE ==> last_definition points to */ // # endif // // /* actual definition rather than last */ // /* overloading of the identifier and the */ // /* sel_type field has its final value. */ // int OpId_sel_index; // # ifndef sel_index // # define sel_index OpId . OpId_sel_index // # endif // // union Node * OpId_id_appl; // # ifndef id_appl // # define id_appl OpId . OpId_id_appl /* An application of the identifier */ // # endif // // int OpId_id_forward_ref; // # ifndef id_forward_ref // # define id_forward_ref OpId . OpId_id_forward_ref /* Need to check for erroneous forward ref */ // # endif // // } OpId; // struct { // # define LETTERID 32 // int LetterId_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind LetterId . LetterId_kind // # endif // // unsigned LetterId_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno LetterId . LetterId_vlineno // # endif // // int LetterId_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num LetterId . LetterId_pre_num // # endif // // int LetterId_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num LetterId . LetterId_post_num // # endif // // union Node * LetterId_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature LetterId . LetterId_signature // # endif // // int LetterId_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done LetterId . LetterId_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * LetterId_sel_type; // # ifndef sel_type // # define sel_type LetterId . LetterId_sel_type // # endif // // unsigned LetterId_id_str_table_index; // # ifndef id_str_table_index // # define id_str_table_index LetterId . LetterId_id_str_table_index // # endif // // union Node * LetterId_id_use_list; // # ifndef id_use_list // # define id_use_list LetterId . LetterId_id_use_list // # endif // // union Node * LetterId_id_last_definition; // # ifndef id_last_definition // # define id_last_definition LetterId . LetterId_id_last_definition // # endif // // int LetterId_id_def_found; // # ifndef id_def_found // # define id_def_found LetterId . LetterId_id_def_found // # endif // // int LetterId_sel_index; // # ifndef sel_index // # define sel_index LetterId . LetterId_sel_index // # endif // // union Node * LetterId_id_appl; // # ifndef id_appl // # define id_appl LetterId . LetterId_id_appl /* An application of the identifier */ // # endif // // /* Useful for overload resolution */ // int LetterId_id_forward_ref; // # ifndef id_forward_ref // # define id_forward_ref LetterId . LetterId_id_forward_ref /* Need to check for erroneous forward ref */ // # endif // // } LetterId; // struct { // # define QSTR 33 // /* quoted string */ // int QStr_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind QStr . QStr_kind // # endif // // unsigned QStr_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno QStr . QStr_vlineno // # endif // // int QStr_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num QStr . QStr_pre_num // # endif // // int QStr_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num QStr . QStr_post_num // # endif // // union Node * QStr_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature QStr . QStr_signature // # endif // // int QStr_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done QStr . QStr_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * QStr_sel_type; // # ifndef sel_type // # define sel_type QStr . QStr_sel_type // # endif // // char * QStr_str_string; // # ifndef str_string // # define str_string QStr . QStr_str_string // # endif // // union Node * QStr_str_use_list; // # ifndef str_use_list // # define str_use_list QStr . QStr_str_use_list // # endif // // union Node * QStr_str_expansion; // # ifndef str_expansion // # define str_expansion QStr . QStr_str_expansion // # endif // // } QStr; // struct { // # define UQSTR 34 // /* unquoted string */ // int UQStr_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind UQStr . UQStr_kind // # endif // // unsigned UQStr_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno UQStr . UQStr_vlineno // # endif // // int UQStr_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num UQStr . UQStr_pre_num // # endif // // int UQStr_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num UQStr . UQStr_post_num // # endif // // union Node * UQStr_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature UQStr . UQStr_signature // # endif // // int UQStr_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done UQStr . UQStr_sig_done // # endif // // union Node * UQStr_sel_type; // # ifndef sel_type // # define sel_type UQStr . UQStr_sel_type // # endif // // char * UQStr_str_string; // # ifndef str_string // # define str_string UQStr . UQStr_str_string // # endif // // union Node * UQStr_str_use_list; // # ifndef str_use_list // # define str_use_list UQStr . UQStr_str_use_list // # endif // // union Node * UQStr_str_expansion; // # ifndef str_expansion // # define str_expansion UQStr . UQStr_str_expansion // # endif // // } UQStr; // struct { // # define FUNCCONSTR 35 // int FConstruction_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind FConstruction . FConstruction_kind // # endif // // unsigned FConstruction_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno FConstruction . FConstruction_vlineno // # endif // // int FConstruction_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num FConstruction . FConstruction_pre_num // # endif // // int FConstruction_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num FConstruction . FConstruction_post_num // # endif // // union Node * FConstruction_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature FConstruction . FConstruction_signature /* completed by signature deduction pass if */ // # endif // // /* necessary. */ // int FConstruction_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done FConstruction . FConstruction_sig_done // # endif // // /* Activation record info */ // int FConstruction_ar_size; // # ifndef ar_size // # define ar_size FConstruction . FConstruction_ar_size // # endif // // union Node * FConstruction_ar_static_link; // # ifndef ar_static_link // # define ar_static_link FConstruction . FConstruction_ar_static_link // # endif // // int FConstruction_ar_static_level; // # ifndef ar_static_level // # define ar_static_level FConstruction . FConstruction_ar_static_level // # endif // // union Node * FConstruction_fc_body; // # ifndef fc_body // # define fc_body FConstruction . FConstruction_fc_body // # endif // // int FConstruction_fc_complexity; // # ifndef fc_complexity // # define fc_complexity FConstruction . FConstruction_fc_complexity /* used to hold the following bits of dataflow */ // # endif // // /* information: */ // # ifndef STREEDEFS // /* No special properties */ // # define COMPLICATED 0 // /* Static link not needed, */ // # define NO_SL 1 // /* no "complicated" constructs, */ // /* no accesses through AR. */ // /* No calls to an output routine */ // # define NO_PUT 2 // /* Environment can't be saved by */ // # define NO_CALLCC 4 // /* call/cc call. This implies */ // /* that it's safe to allocate */ // /* variables directly on the stack */ // /* There are no nested fn constrs. */ // # define NO_CONSTR 8 // /* that could conceivably be */ // /* exported. */ // /* Thus it is safe to copy id */ // /* bindings into the closure itself */ // /* Closure must be explicitly represented */ // # define NEED_CL 16 // /* Nonlocal bindings WILL BE copied to */ // # define CP_GLOBALS 32 // /* closure. Requires that NO_CONSTR */ // /* holds, that there aren't too many */ // /* non-locals, that the closure needs */ // /* to be explicitly built, that */ // /* none of the non-locals constitute */ // /* forward references, and that there */ // /* are no calls to the procedure that */ // /* could otherwise bypass evaluation */ // /* of the operator. */ // /* All nested fn constructions that require */ // # define NO_AR_REFS 64 // /* a closure copy identifier bindings into */ // /* the closure itself. Thus it is */ // /* automatically safe to allocate */ // /* activation record on the stack. */ // /* Known to call itself directly and */ // # define DIR_REC 128 // /* tail-recursively. */ // /* There is a direct call to this */ // # define DIR_CALL 256 // /* procedure that does not require */ // /* an explicit closure. */ // /* Procedure may indirect through */ // # define SL_ACC 512 // /* static link. Thus it better be */ // /* there. (Accesses through AR are */ // /* possible even if SL_ACC is false)*/ // # define NESTED_AR_BLOCK 1024 // /* Procedure contains a nested block that */ // /* requires its own activation record. */ // # endif // char * FConstruction_fc_code_label; // # ifndef fc_code_label // # define fc_code_label FConstruction . FConstruction_fc_code_label // # endif // // union Node * FConstruction_fc_free_vars; // # ifndef fc_free_vars // # define fc_free_vars FConstruction . FConstruction_fc_free_vars /* List of occurrences of distinct */ // # endif // // /* non-local identifiers inside the */ // /* function. Meaningful only in the */ // /* presence of CP_GLOBALS. Ordering */ // /* in list determines ordering in */ // /* closure. */ // /* References to identifiers that */ // /* are global to the entire program */ // /* are excluded. */ // int FConstruction_fc_body_needed; // # ifndef fc_body_needed // # define fc_body_needed FConstruction . FConstruction_fc_body_needed /* need to generate code for body */ // # endif // // } FConstruction; // struct { // # define FREEVARNODE 36 // /* A list of these is pointed to */ // int FreeVarNode_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_kind // # endif // // unsigned FreeVarNode_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_vlineno // # endif // // int FreeVarNode_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_pre_num // # endif // // int FreeVarNode_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_post_num /* by each funcconstructor (i.e. */ // # endif // // /* lambda abstraction) */ // union Node * FreeVarNode_fv_last_definition; // # ifndef fv_last_definition // # define fv_last_definition FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_fv_last_definition /* Pointer to declaration */ // # endif // // int FreeVarNode_fv_surr_class; // # ifndef fv_surr_class // # define fv_surr_class FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_fv_surr_class /* Local/Global in surrounding scope */ // # endif // // int FreeVarNode_fv_surr_index; // # ifndef fv_surr_index // # define fv_surr_index FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_fv_surr_index /* Variable Index in surrounding scope */ // # endif // // int FreeVarNode_fv_index; // # ifndef fv_index // # define fv_index FreeVarNode . FreeVarNode_fv_index /* Free Variable Index (in closure) */ // # endif // // } FreeVarNode; // struct { // # define EXTERNDEF 37 // /* used as body of externally defined */ // /* functions. */ // int ExternDef_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind ExternDef . ExternDef_kind // # endif // // unsigned ExternDef_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno ExternDef . ExternDef_vlineno // # endif // // int ExternDef_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num ExternDef . ExternDef_pre_num // # endif // // int ExternDef_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num ExternDef . ExternDef_post_num // # endif // // char * ExternDef_ext_name; // # ifndef ext_name // # define ext_name ExternDef . ExternDef_ext_name // # endif // // } ExternDef; // struct { // # define REXTERNDEF 38 // /* used as body of separately compiled */ // /* Russell functions. */ // int RExternDef_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind RExternDef . RExternDef_kind // # endif // // unsigned RExternDef_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno RExternDef . RExternDef_vlineno // # endif // // int RExternDef_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num RExternDef . RExternDef_pre_num // # endif // // int RExternDef_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num RExternDef . RExternDef_post_num // # endif // // union Node * RExternDef_signature; // # ifndef signature // # define signature RExternDef . RExternDef_signature // # endif // // int RExternDef_sig_done; // # ifndef sig_done // # define sig_done RExternDef . RExternDef_sig_done // # endif // // char * RExternDef_r_ext_name; // # ifndef r_ext_name // # define r_ext_name RExternDef . RExternDef_r_ext_name // # endif // // } RExternDef; // struct { // # define DCSEXCEPTION 39 // /* Single character type component with */ // /* in-line code or special field. */ // int DCSException_kind; // # ifndef kind // # define kind DCSException . DCSException_kind // # endif // // unsigned DCSException_vlineno; // # ifndef vlineno // # define vlineno DCSException . DCSException_vlineno // # endif // // int DCSException_pre_num; // # ifndef pre_num // # define pre_num DCSException . DCSException_pre_num // # endif // // int DCSException_post_num; // # ifndef post_num // # define post_num DCSException . DCSException_post_num // # endif // // int DCSException_dcse_char; // # ifndef dcse_char // # define dcse_char DCSException . DCSException_dcse_char // # endif // // char * DCSException_dcse_inline; // # ifndef dcse_inline // # define dcse_inline DCSException . DCSException_dcse_inline // # endif // // int DCSException_dcse_special; // # ifndef dcse_special // # define dcse_special DCSException . DCSException_dcse_special /* Same conventions as fsig_special */ // # endif // // union Node * DCSException_dcse_construction; // # ifndef dcse_construction // # define dcse_construction DCSException . DCSException_dcse_construction /* Must be BACKREF so that subst etc.*/ // # endif // // /* don't try to follow it. */ // } DCSException; // char Node_dummy[10000000]; } NODE; // # define LASTKINDVALUE 39 // #define STREEDEFS // /* definitions for sig_done field (used by pass 4) */ // # define SIG_UNKNOWN 0 // # define SIG_IN_PROGRESS 1 // # define SIG_DONE 2 // /* definitions for fsig_special field (used for code generation) */ // # define NOT_SPECIAL 0 // # define PROD_NEW 1 // # define PROD_ASSIGN 2 // # define PROD_VALUEOF 3 // # define PROD_MK 4 // # define PROD_PROJ 5 // # define UNION_NEW 6 // # define UNION_ASSIGN 7 // # define UNION_VALUEOF 8 // # define UNION_INJ 9 // # define UNION_PROJ 10 // # define UNION_INQ 11 // # define RECORD_NEW 12 // # define RECORD_ASSIGN 13 // # define RECORD_VALUEOF 14 // # define RECORD_MK 15 // # define RECORD_VAL_FIELD 16 // # define RECORD_VAR_FIELD 17 // # define ENUM_NEW 18 // # define ENUM_ASSIGN 19 // # define ENUM_VALUEOF 20 // # define ENUM_EQ 21 // # define ENUM_NE 22 // /* Also used for First, Last */ // # define ENUM_ELEMENT 23 // # define ENUM_CARD 24 // # define ENUM_PRED 25 // # define ENUM_SUCC 26 // /* Used for extension, Ord and OrdInv */ // # define IDENTITY 27 // /* Value is of longwords to copy */ // # define STD_ASSIGN 28 // /* Value is of longwords to allocate */ // # define STD_NEW 29 // /* Value is of longwords to allocate */ // # define STD_VALUEOF 30 // /* Not impure, put writes */ // # define STD_PUT 31 // /* Callcc, all bets are off */ // # define STD_CALLCC 32 // /* Behaves like builtin array function */ // # define STD_ARRAY 33 // /* Array New function, initialized to 0's */ // # define ARRAY_STD_NEW 34 // /* Value is size of Array, 0 if unknown */ // /* Array New function, initialized to undef */ // # define ARRAY_PTR_NEW 35 // /* Array Valueof, components var's are ptrs */ // # define ARRAY_VALUEOF 36 // /* to size 1 objects. */ // # define ARRAY_SIZE 37 // # define ARRAY_VAL_SUB 38 // # define ARRAY_VAR_SUB 39 // /* Works like PROD_NEW, etc */ // # define PTR_NEW 40 // /* New with an argument for initialization */ // # define INIT_NEW 41 // /* Known to be builtin, not PUT ot CALLCC */ // # define OTHER_BUILTIN 42 // /* Behaves like Short$+= */ // # define STD_PASSIGN 43 // /* Behaves like Short$-= */ // # define STD_MASSIGN 44 // /* Behaves like Short$*= */ // # define STD_TASSIGN 45 // /* Returns the value UNINIT */ // # define UNDEF_CONST 46 // /* Union inject without argument */ // # define UNION_INJ0 47 // # define special_tp(x) (((unsigned long)(x)) >> 26) // # define special_val(x) ((x) & 0x3ffffff) // # define MAX_SP_VAL 0x3ffffff // # ifdef DEBUG // # define special(tp,val) ((val) > 0x3ffffff? \ // printf("Compiler error - prod too big\n") : \ // ((tp) << 26) | (val) ) // # else // # define special(tp,val) (((tp) << 26) | (val)) // # endif // #define is_good(l) ((l) == NIL || \ // /* is l possibly meaningful ? */ ((unsigned) ((l)->kind)) <= LASTKINDVALUE) // #define is_list(l) ((l) != NIL && \ // /* is l a list? */ (l)->kind == LISTHEADER) // /* is l an empty list? */ // #define is_empty(l) ((l)->lh_first == NIL) // /* is v only referenced once? */ // #define is_singleref(v) ((v) -> refcount == 1) // /* is v referenced at all? */ // #define is_refd(v) ((v) -> refcount) // /* return first element of l */ // #define first(l) ((NODE *)cn_head((l)->lh_first)) // #define second(l) ((NODE *)cn_head(cn_tail((l)->lh_first))) // /* return second element of l */ // /* return last element of l */ // #define last(l) ((NODE *)cn_head((l)->lh_last)) // /* make an empty list */ // #define emptylist() mknode(LISTHEADER,NIL,NIL) // #define chgfld(pp, v) (*(pp) = (v)) // #define initfld(pp, v) (*(pp) = (v)) // /* defined in mknode.c */void maprlist(); // /* defined in mknode.c */NODE * mknode(); // NODE * copynode(); // LIST mklist(); // LIST copylist(); // LIST addright(); // LIST addleft(); // LIST split(); // LIST conc(); // /* general list traversal */ // /* macros - use only when */ // /* nothing else will work */ // /* Assumes the list l is */ // /* nonempty. */ // #define DECLARE_ITER ConsNode * mL__0O // #define INIT_ITER(v,l) mL__0O = (l) -> lh_first; v = (NODE *)cn_head(mL__0O) // #define NEXT_ITER(v) \ // mL__0O = cn_tail(mL__0O); \ // v = (mL__0O == NIL? NIL: (NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O)) // /* Run v through l executing */ // /* stmt for every value of l */ // #define maplist(v,l,stmt) \ // { register NODE * v; \ // /* an unreproducible identifier */ register ConsNode * mL__0O; \ // for(mL__0O = ((l) -> lh_first); mL__0O != NIL; mL__0O = cn_tail(mL__0O) ) {\ // v = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O); \ // stmt; \ // } \ // } // /* identical to maplist, except that v is a pointer to the pointer */ // /* to the current node. Allows easy replacement of list elements. */ // #define maplistp(v,l,stmt) \ // { register NODE ** v; \ // /* an unreproducible identifier */ register ConsNode * mL__0O; \ // for(mL__0O = ((l) -> lh_first); mL__0O != NIL; mL__0O = cn_tail(mL__0O) ) {\ // v = (NODE **)(& cn_head(mL__0O)); \ // stmt; \ // } \ // } // /* Can be used inside the preceding macro to determine whether this is */ // /* the last iteration */ // #define LAST_ITER (cn_tail(mL__0O) == NIL) // /* A two part version. Needed */ // /* since cpp chokes on long */ // /* arguments. */ // #define begin_maplist(v,l) \ // { register NODE * v; \ // /* an unreproducible identifier */ register ConsNode * mL__0O; \ // for(mL__0O = ((l) -> lh_first); mL__0O != NIL; mL__0O = cn_tail(mL__0O) ) {\ // v = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O); // #define end_maplist \ // } \ // } // /* insert a new element into */ // /* the list being traversed */ // /* by maplist. */ // /* The element is inserted */ // /* before the current element*/ // /* must be used with */ // /* mapinslist */ // #define INSERT(v) \ // lock(v); \ // if (mL__0OP == NIL) { \ // mL__0OL -> lh_first = mL__0OP = cn_cons(v, mL__0OL -> lh_first); \ // } else { \ // cn_settail(mL__0OP, cn_cons(v, mL__0O)); \ // mL__0OP = cn_tail(mL__0OP); \ // } \ // if (mL__0O == NIL) mL__0OL -> lh_last = mL__0OP; // /* Replace the current list */ // /* element by v */ // #define REPLACE(v) \ // lock(v); \ // vfree(unlock((NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O))); \ // cn_sethead(mL__0O, v); // /* delete current element */ // /* use with mapinslist */ // /* No attempt is made to free*/ // /* cons nodes */ // #ifdef DEBUG // # define DELETE \ // if (mL__0O == NIL) { \ // dbgmsg("Attempt to delete NIL\n"); \ // abort(); \ // } \ // vfree(unlock((NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O))); \ // if (mL__0OP == NIL) { \ // mL__0OL -> lh_first = cn_tail(mL__0O); \ // } else { \ // cn_settail(mL__0OP, cn_tail(mL__0O)); \ // } \ // if (mL__0OL -> lh_last == mL__0O) { \ // mL__0OL -> lh_last = mL__0OP; \ // } \ // mL__0Odeld = TRUE // #else // # define DELETE \ // vfree(unlock((NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O))); \ // if (mL__0OP == NIL) { \ // mL__0OL -> lh_first = cn_tail(mL__0O); \ // } else { \ // cn_settail(mL__0OP, cn_tail(mL__0O)); \ // } \ // if (mL__0OL -> lh_last == mL__0O) { \ // mL__0OL -> lh_last = mL__0OP; \ // } \ // mL__0Odeld = TRUE // #endif // /* Note that the following */ // /* loop construct is intended*/ // /* only for insertions and */ // /* deletions. It */ // /* includes a final iteration*/ // /* with a NIL loop variable */ // /* to allow insertions at the*/ // /* end. */ // #define mapinslist(v,l,stmt) \ // { register NODE * v; \ // /* an unreproducible identifier */ register ConsNode * mL__0O; \ // NODE * mL__0OL = (l); \ // ConsNode * mL__0OP = NIL; \ // boolean mL__0Odeld = FALSE; \ // mL__0O = ((l) -> lh_first); \ // do { \ // if (mL__0O != NIL) v = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__0O); else v = NIL; \ // stmt; \ // if(!mL__0Odeld) {mL__0OP = mL__0O;} else {mL__0Odeld = FALSE;} \ // if (mL__0O != NIL) mL__0O = cn_tail(mL__0O); \ // } while (mL__0OP != NIL); \ // } // #define map2lists(v1,l1,v2,l2,stmt) \ // { register NODE * v1, * v2; \ // /* unreproducible identifiers */ register ConsNode * mL__1O, * mL__2O; \ // for(mL__1O = ((l1) -> lh_first), mL__2O = ((l2) -> lh_first);\ // mL__1O != NIL && mL__2O != NIL;\ // mL__1O = cn_tail(mL__1O), mL__2O = cn_tail(mL__2O) ) {\ // v1 = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__1O); v2 = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__2O); \ // stmt; \ // } \ // } // #define begin_map2lists(v1,l1,v2,l2) \ // { register NODE * v1, * v2; \ // /* unreproducible identifiers */ register ConsNode * mL__1O, * mL__2O; \ // for(mL__1O = ((l1) -> lh_first), mL__2O = ((l2) -> lh_first);\ // mL__1O != NIL && mL__2O != NIL;\ // mL__1O = cn_tail(mL__1O), mL__2O = cn_tail(mL__2O) ) {\ // v1 = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__1O); v2 = (NODE *) cn_head(mL__2O); // #define end_map2lists \ // } \ // } // /* check whether an identifier is declared by a given declaration node */ // #define is_declared_by(id_node, def_node) \ // ((id_node) -> id_last_definition -> pre_num == (def_node) -> pre_num) // // #endif // #DJDSTART