import*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; public class RIC_instr { private int op_code; private boolean label_arg; private int n_args; private int[] arg = new int[3]; // Only used if label_arg = FALSE private RIC_instr next_instr; private String label; // Only used if label_arg = TRUE // # Initialize htable to contain opcodes and predefined location names */ private static Map RIC_table = new HashMap(Const.RIC_TABSIZE); private static int RIC_op_code_cnt; private static int RIC_table_entry_cnt; public static void init_RIC_table() // RIC (Russell Intermediate Code) Op codes */ { int i; // int RIC_TABSIZE = 200; String NONE = new String("0"); String[] op_code_table = new String[] { NONE, "BR", "BRT", "BRF", "CLL", "LBL", "EXT", "LBA", NONE, "BFN", "TFB", "TFE", "PRO", "ADT", "ERR", "BSF", "LBR", "DDT", "FDT", NONE, "DCL", "UDC", "ALH", "GAR", "ALS", "LDI", "STI", "CLI", "LDN", "RTN", "LDL", "MOV", "TAR", "PSH", NONE, "ADP", "CLC", "ALA", "HINT", "ARG", "ADI", "SBI", "MLI", "DVI", "NGI", "IDT", "EQI", "LTI", "GTI", "NEI", "LEI", "GEI", "SHI", "ABI", NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, "TRU", "FLS", "AND", "OR", "NOT", NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, "LDS", "LDC", NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, "ADF", "SBF", "MLF", "DVF", "NGF", "EXF", "EQF", "LTF", "GTF", "NEF", "LEF", "GEF", "SHF", NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE }; // # Op codes // # arrays (really lists) in unicon start at 1 for (i = 0; i < op_code_table.length ; i++) { if (! op_code_table[i].equals(NONE)) { RIC_op_code_cnt++; add_RIC_table(op_code_table[i], i ); } } // Special locations add_RIC_table("RS", Const.RS); add_RIC_table("AR", Const.AR); // # activation record pointer add_RIC_table("SP", Const.SP); // # stack pointer add_RIC_table("GF", Const.GF); // # global frame pointer add_RIC_table("UN", Const.UN); // # undefined value constant add_RIC_table("SK", Const.SK); // # value sink add_RIC_table("RL", Const.RL); // # function result location add_RIC_table("TL", Const.TL); // # test result location add_RIC_table("C0", Const.C0); // # constant 0 add_RIC_table("C1", Const.C1); // # constant 1 add_RIC_table("C2", Const.C2); // # constant 2 add_RIC_table("C3", Const.C3); // # constant 3 add_RIC_table("C4", Const.C4); // # constant 4 add_RIC_table("T1", Const.T1); // # temporary 1 add_RIC_table("T2", Const.T2); // # temporary 2 // # Types for DCL instruction add_RIC_table("ADDR", Const.DCL_ADDR); add_RIC_table("INT", Const.DCL_INT); add_RIC_table("FLOAT", Const.DCL_FLOAT); add_RIC_table("DBL_FLOAT", Const.DCL_DBL_FLOAT); // # Kinds for HINT instruction add_RIC_table("OPT", Const.OPT); add_RIC_table("NP", Const.NP); add_RIC_table("PT", Const.PT); add_RIC_table("AL", Const.AL); add_RIC_table("DEA", Const.DEA); add_RIC_table("NSC", Const.NSC); add_RIC_table("STSZ", Const.STSZ); add_RIC_table("DEAD", Const.DEAD); add_RIC_table("GFU", Const.GFU); add_RIC_table("LIVE", Const.LIVE); add_RIC_table("ET", Const.ET); add_RIC_table("ONS", Const.ONS); } private static void add_RIC_table(String nm, int val) { RIC_table_entry_cnt++; RIC_table.put(nm,val); Mine.russinfo("add RIC table " + nm); } // # Look up the indicated name in the hash table. Return the associated //# value. Returns MISSING if entry is not found private static int find_RIC_table(String name) { int it; if (RIC_table.containsKey(name)) { it = RIC_table.get(name); return it; } else return(Const.MISSING); }; } // // BELOW HAD BEEN ADDED IN UNICON - TYPES ADDED IN java // op_code, // arg_arr3, # Only used if label_arg = FALSE // n_args, // label_arr1, // next_instr, // RIC_instr prev_instr, // # Fields set by set_regs // int result_reg, // # The result register // int op1_reg, // # Positions of operand registers, i.e. 0,1,2 // int op2_reg, // # or NONE // # define NONE -1 // int side_effect, // label_arg, // second_decl // # This is a redeclaration of a previously used // # location. // } // # Only used if label_arg = TRUE // # hash table structure for op codes and special locations // #DJDSTOP // class hrecord( // hr_name, // hr_val, // hr_next // ) // end // // # define DEBUG DEBUG // #include // #include // #include "../parm.h" // #include "op_codes.h" // #include "codegen.h" // // #define OCLENGTH 9 /* maximum length of mnemonics */ // // #define MAXLOC 100000 /* Largest plausible location number */ // // /* Miscellaneous routines for conversion between representations */ // /* of Russell Intermediate Code */ // // /* hash table structure for op codes and special locations */ // typedef struct hrecord { // char hr_name[OCLENGTH+1]; // int hr_val; // struct hrecord * hr_next; // } hrecord; // // # define NIL 0 // // # define TABSIZE 50 // # define hash(s) ((((s)[0]<<2) + (((s)[1]) == '\0'? 0 : (s)[1] + (s)[2]))%TABSIZE) // // static hrecord * htable[TABSIZE]; // // # Add entry with name nm and value vl to the hash table. No check is made // # to see whether it is already there. // procedure add_RIC_table(nm, val) // htable[nm] := hrecord(nm, val) // end // // extern char * op_code_table[]; // #define NONE ((char *)0) // // /* Initialize htable to contain opcodes and predefined location names */ // void init_RIC_table() // { // int i; // /* Op codes */ // for ( i = 0; i < N_OP_CODES; i++ ) { // if (op_code_table[i] != NONE) { // add_RIC_table(op_code_table[i], i); // } // } // /* Special locations */ // add_RIC_table("RS", RS); // add_RIC_table("AR", AR); /* activation record pointer */ // add_RIC_table("SP", SP); /* stack pointer */ // add_RIC_table("GF", GF); /* global frame pointer */ // add_RIC_table("UN", UN); /* undefined value constant */ // add_RIC_table("SK", SK); /* value sink */ // add_RIC_table("RL", RL); /* function result location */ // add_RIC_table("TL", TL); /* test result location */ // add_RIC_table("C0", C0); /* constant 0 */ // add_RIC_table("C1", C1); /* constant 1 */ // add_RIC_table("C2", C2); /* constant 2 */ // add_RIC_table("C3", C3); /* constant 3 */ // add_RIC_table("C4", C4); /* constant 4 */ // add_RIC_table("T1", T1); /* temporary 1 */ // add_RIC_table("T2", T2); /* temporary 2 */ // /* Types for DCL instruction */ // add_RIC_table("ADDR", DCL_ADDR); // add_RIC_table("INT", DCL_INT); // add_RIC_table("FLOAT", DCL_FLOAT); // add_RIC_table("DBL_FLOAT", DCL_DBL_FLOAT); // /* Kinds for HINT instruction */ // add_RIC_table("OPT", OPT); // add_RIC_table("NP", NP); // add_RIC_table("PT", PT); // add_RIC_table("AL", AL); // add_RIC_table("DEA", DEA); // add_RIC_table("NSC", NSC); // add_RIC_table("STSZ", STSZ); // add_RIC_table("DEAD", DEAD); // add_RIC_table("GFU",GFU); // add_RIC_table("LIVE",LIVE); // add_RIC_table("ET", ET); // add_RIC_table("ONS", ONS); // } // // /* Look up the indicated name in the hash table. Return the associated */ // /* value. Returns MISSING if entry is not found */ // int find_RIC_table(name) // char * name; // { // register hrecord * ce = htable[hash(name)]; // // while (ce != NIL) { // if (strcmp(ce -> hr_name, name) == 0) { // return (ce -> hr_val); // } // ce = ce -> hr_next; // } // // return(MISSING); // } // // /* Copy the string pointed to by p to field_buf. Stop after OCLENGTH */ // /* characters, or after a \0, \b, \t, \n. */ // /* Return a pointer to the field separator. */ // static char field_buf[OCLENGTH+1]; // ##DJDSTART // procedure extract_field(p) // field_buf := (p ? tab(upto(' \t\n,;')) | p[0]) // p := p[*field_buf,0] // return p // end // // # Free a sequence of RIC instructions // procedure free_RIC(p) // local current, next2 // // current := p // while \ current do { // next2 := current . next_instr // current := NULL // current := next2 // } // end // // # Write out a sequence of RIC instructions onto stream f // procedure put_RIC(seq, f) // local current // // current := seq // while \ current do { // writes(f, current . op_code, ",") # Must be non-zero // writes(f, current . label_arg, ",") // writes(f, current . n_args, ",") // if (current . label_arg == "TRUE") then { // write(f, current . label, ";") // } else { // writes(f, current . arg[0], ",") // writes(f, current . arg[1], ",") // write(f, current . arg[2], ";") // } // current := current . next_instr // } // # Write a terminating null op code // writes(f,";") // end // // # Read a sequence of RIC instructions written by put_RIC // # update avail_loc to be larger than any location encountered. // procedure get_RIC(f) // local current // local last; // local result // local opcode // local label_arg // local n_args // local arg0 // local label_buf // local line // local arg3 := list(3,0) // result := NULL // // while line := read(f) do { // line ? (opcode := tab(upto(',')) & // label_arg := tab(upto(',')) & // n_args := tab(upto(',')) & // rest := tab(upto(';'))) // if label_arg == "TRUE" then // { // label_buf := rest // } // else // { // rest ? (arg3[1] := arg0 := tab(upto(',')) & // arg3[2] := tab(upto(',')) & // arg3[3] := tab(0)) // label_buf := "" // } // current := RIC_instr(op_code,arg3,n_args,label_buf) // # update avail_loc // if (opcode = DCL & arg0 >= avail_loc) then // { // if (iand(arg0 , ARG_BIT) ~= 0 | arg0 = RS) then // { // dbgmsg("get_RIC: Attempt to declare argument or result\n") // abort(arg0) // } // avail_loc := arg0 + 1 // } // # Add current to the end of result sequence // if / result then // { // result := last := current // } // else // { // last . next_instr := current // last := current // } // } // return(result) // end // # Write out the RIC instruction on stream f. Add n-1 to each argument // # number appearing in the instruction, except if n = 0. // # If n = 0, map the first argument to the top of the stack, the second // # one to below the top of the stack, etc. RS location by the value of // # rs. // procedure write_RIC(f, RIC_i, n, rs) // local result, arg // local i, is_ldn // writes(f, RIC_i -> op_code, ",") // if (RIC_i . label_arg == "TRUE") then // { // write(f, RIC_i . label,";") // putc('\0',f) // } // else // { // while i < RIC_i.n_args do { // writes(f, RIC_i.arg3[i+1],",") // i += 1 // } // write(f, ";") // } // end // # Parse a sequence of RIC instructions, represented as above. */ // # Translate arguments and RS references as above. */ // procedure write_RIC_seq(f, RIC_seq, n, rs) // // local p // p := RIC_seq // // while \p do { // write_RIC(f, p, n, rs) // p = p . next_instr // } // end // // # Write out a label operand instruction onto file f // procedure genl_RIC(f, op, label) // writes(f,op,",") // write(f,label, ";") // end // // # Write out a location operand instruction onto file f // procedure gen_RIC(f, op, arg1, arg2, arg3) // writes(f, op, ",") // writes(f, arg1, ",") // writes(f, arg2, ",") // write(f, arg3, ";") // end // // # Copy a sequence of RIC instructions // procedure copy_RIC(p) // local result // result := deepcopy(p) // return(result) // end // // # Destructively concatenate two sequences of RIC instructions // procedure cat_RIC(p,q) // local r // // if / p then // return(q) // else { // r := p // while / (r . next_instr) do { // r -> next_instr = q // r := r . next_instr // } // } // return(p); // end // // # Replace arguments in RIC sequence by consecutively numbered locations // # (virtual registers) starting with location n. // # This is done destructively. // procedure RIC_inst_args(p, n) // local r // local i // local is_ldn # First argument to current instruction is a // # potentially huge integer constant. Ignore // # its ARG_BIT. // local arg_no // // r := p // while \r do { // if (r . op_code = LDN | r . op_code = IDT) then // is_ldn := 1 // else // is_ldn := 0 // i := 0 // while i < r -> n_args & r . label_arg ~== "TRUE" do { // if (is_ldn ~= 0 | i >= 1) then { // if (iand(r . arg[i]) , ARG_BIT) ~= 0 then { // arg_no := iand(r . arg[i + 1] , icomp( ARG_BIT)) // r . arg[i] := arg_no + n - 1 // } // } // i +:= 1 // } // r := r . next_instr // } // return(p) // end // // # Replace RS in RIC sequence by the location n. // # This is done destructively. // procedure RIC_inst_rs(p, n) // // local r // local i // local is_ldn # First argument to current instruction is a // # potentially huge integer constant. Ignore. // // r := p // while \r do { // if (r . op_code = LDN | r . op_code = IDT) then // is_ldn := 1 // else // is_ldn := 0 // i := 0 // while i < r . n_args & r . label_arg ~= 0 do { // if (is_ldn ~= 0 | i >= 1) then { // if ((r . arg[i + 1]) = RS) then { // r . arg[i] := n // } // } // i +:= 1 // } // r := r . next_instr // } // return(p) // end // // # Return the length of an instruction sequence, discounting HINT // # instructions and optional code. // procedure RIC_len(p) // local r // local i // // i := 0 // // r := p // while \r do { // i +:= 1 // if (r . op_code = HINT) then { // i -:= 1 // if (r . arg[1] = OPT) then { // i -:= r . arg[2] // } // } // r := r . next_instr // } // return(i) // end // // // #DJDSTOP // # Write out a label operand instruction onto file f // procedure genl_RIC(f, op, label) // # putw(op, f); // # fputs(label, f); // # putc('\0', f); // write(f, "label(" || dump_info(op) || "," || dump_info(label) || ")" ) // return TRUE // end // // # Write out a location operand instruction onto file f/ // procedure gen_RIC(f, op, arg1, arg2, arg3) // # ASSERT((arg1 <= MAXLOC || op == LDN || op == IDT) // # && arg2 <= MAXLOC && arg3 <= MAXLOC, // # "Bad operand to gen_RIC\n"); // // # putw(op, f); // # putw(arg1, f); // # putw(arg2, f); // # putw(arg3, f); // write(f, dump_info(op) || "(" || dump_info(arg1) || "," || dump_info(arg2) || "," || dump_info(arg3) || ")" ) // return TRUE // end // ##DJDSTART // # Convert a string representing RIC code to internal form. The string // # is assumed to contain a number of newline or ; separated // # instructions. The result is a linked list of RIC_instr nodes. // # The original string is freed unless it was statically allocated. // procedure Ginline_cnvt(s) // local p, first, lastq, q // // p := s // first := nil // last := nil // q := nil // // every p := !s do { // if p == ";" then next // q := parse_RIC(p) // if ( / first ) then { // first := last := q // } else { // last . next_instr := q // last := q // } // } // last . next_instr := nil // # if (s > &end) { // # free(s); // # } // return(first) // end // # Parse the text line *s, which is assumed to contain a mnemonic // # description of an RIC instruction. Return a pointer to a newly // # allocated RIC_instr node. A pointer to the ';', \n, or \0 character // # trailing the line is returned in *s. // procedure parse_RIC(s) // # define skip_blanks while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == ',') { p++; } // # define AT_END (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n' || *p == ';') // local p := s // local op_code // local i // local result // local q // // s := trim(s,' \t',1) // p := extract_field(p) // op_code := find_RIC_table(field_buf) // # skip_blanks ## DJD TRIM?? // if (p == '\"') then { // # label // p := p[1,0] // n_args := 1 // next_instr := NULL // if p[1] == "\"" then { // p := p[1,0] // if p[1] ~= "\\" then { // k := 0 // every j := 1 to 3 do { // k := 8*k + p[j] // } // label := k // } // else // label := p ? (tab(upto("\""))) // skip_blanks // label_arg := TRUE // // result := RIC_instr(op_code,,next_instr,,,,,,label_arg,,label) // } // } // else // { // # numeric arguments // label_arg := FALSE // n_args := 0; // next_instr := NULL // n_args := 0 // arg_arr3[1]:= (p ? tab(any(&digits))) // p := p[*(arg_arr3[1]),0] // if *(arg_arr3[1]) > 0 then { // n_args += 1 // arg_arr3[2]:= (p ? tab(any(&digits))) // p := p[*(arg_arr3[2]),0] // if *(arg_arr3[2]) > 0 then { // n_args += 1 // arg_arr3[3]:= (p ? tab(any(&digits))) // p := p[*(arg_arr3[3]),0] // if *(arg_arr3[3]) > 0 then { // n_args += 1 // } // } // } // result := RIC_instr(op_code,arg_arr3,next_instr,,,,,,,,) // } // s := p // return result // end // // #DJDSTOP // ############################################################################### // # // # File: RIC.icn // # // # Subject: russell language support procedures // # // # Author: Dennis J Darland // # // # Date: October - Novmber, 2015 // # // ############################################################################### // # // # Copyright 1986-1989 Hans-Juergen Boehm, Alan J. Demers, Kumar Srikantan, // # Vernon Lee, and Lucy Hederman. // # Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation & INRIA 1988, 1989. // # Copyright (c) 1990-1993 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. // # // # This material is provided as is, with no warranty expressed or implied. // # Any use is at your own risk. // # // # Permission is hereby granted to copy this compiler for any non-commercial // # purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. Further // # restrictions apply to the DEC/INRIA BigNum package. These are stated in // # the file runtime/BigNum/doc/bnbody.tex. // # // # This work uses the BigNum package developed jointly by INRIA and // # Digital PRL. It has been modified by Hans-J. Boehm in August 1990 // # and February 1993 at Xerox PARC. When you receive this software, // # please send mail to to inform them that you // # have a copy of the package. // ############################################################################### // # // # NOTE From Dennis J. Darland (11/2/2015) // # // # I obtained the "c" language source code for "russell" copyrighted above // # in the 1990's. I have made efforts to get it to work over the years, but // # always failed. It has many hardware and OS dependancies. Now (October 2015 // # forward, I am tring to port to the language "Unicon". Practically every // # line of code will need to be changed, as someing as simple as the // # assignment operator is different. Also I will not use the BigNum package // # mentioned above. Also I am doing this not for profit, and am sharing // # freely. I am not at all confident that I will get it working well, but // # believe in open source, so am sharing my work as I make progress. // # Unicon is also much more portable. // # // ############################################################################### // #DJDSTART