Home Page of PM Proof checking Project
Email: Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
PM Proof checker At Large
Comments welcome.
For other things I'm doing see my home page.
Checking Proofs in Principia Mathematica using snobol4
  1. The propositional logic of Principia Mathematica and some of its forerunners by Dan J. O'Leary
  2. Original - Scanned
    1. PM proof checker as scanned from printout from Dan J. O'Leary.
    2. Partial scan of output of program.
  3. Close to original - retyped.
    1. PM Proof Checker in snobol4 - Retyped by Dennis J. Darland - minimal changes.
    2. Corresponding Snobol listing.
    3. Explanation of Notation (started)
    4. Input Data.
    5. Page_out output
    6. Data output
    7. Debug output