Basic Installation ================== 6/11/2016 Dennis J. Darland I do not know how to set up configure scripts - or have way of testing them. As far as I know the following os all needed to set up WildLife 2.02 on either SUSE Linux, Ubuntu Linux or cygwin. select a directory to install and copy Life-2.02.tar.gz there then tar -xzvf Life-2.02.tar.gz then copy local_life-2.02.tar.gz to ~ then tar -xzvf local_life-2.02.tar.gz Then go to directory you untarred Life-2.02 to Then go to Source subdirectory Then go to regexp subdirectory use the command 'make' cd .. use the command 'make' again Then ./wild_life can be executed in the Source directory or copied to your PATH.