Arnaud Venet Jan 14th 1994 A simple profiler for LIFE ========================== This document describes a small profiling module for LIFE. It works by reading and rewriting the clauses of the predicates and functions intended for profiling. It gives all the informations allowed by this method, although the statistics for the functions are less detailed than for the predicates. 1- Using the profiler --------------------- The profiler is implemented as a module which must be imported by typing : > import("profiler")? You can get on-line help by typing : > profile_help? You can choose to register a predicate or a function for profiling through the predicate 'profile' : > profile(Name1, Name2 ... NameN, level => Level)? where the Names are the names of the functions or predicates to profile. 'Level' may be 'call', 'clause' or 'goal'. The default value for 'Level' is 'call'. Read the next section for more information on the different levels of profiling. All the clauses or rules attached to a predicate or function are preserved and replaced by the rewritten ones. If one of the specified names does not refer to an existing predicate or function, an error message appears and the name is simply discarded. You can restore the original clauses attached to 'Name' by simply typing : If 'Name' does not refer to a clause or function previously modified by the profiler nothing happens and the predicate succeeds. Like 'profile', 'unprofile' allows another syntax : > unprofile(Name1, Name2 ... NameN)? To restore the original clauses of all functions and predicates registered for profiling type : > unprofile? To display the statistics of use for a predicate or a function type : > write_stats(Name, verbosity => Verbosity, file => FileName)? Verbosity may be 'normal' or 'verbose', default is 'normal'. See section 3 to have more information about display modes. 'FileName' is the name of the file where you want to store the statistics. Default is @, meaning that the standard output is used. If it is specified, as a string, the statistics are stored in the file whose name is 'FileName.log'. To reset the statistics for Name1, ..., NameN just type : > clear_stats(Name1, Name2, ... , NameN)? If no name is specified, the statistics of all the predicates and functions registered for profiling are cleared. WARNING : --------- All the profiling statistics are contained in a persistent variable named 'profile_stats'. You can read it as you want, but avoid to modify its contents directly. The persistent variables 'profile_backtracking' and 'profile_fail_occured' are made public because they are used by the predicates registered for profiling, but DON'T MODIFY THEIR CONTENTS. 2- Using the different levels ----------------------------- a) 'call' level ------------ The informations given for a predicate are : _ the number of calls _ the number of successful calls _ the rate of total failures (relatively to the number of calls) _ the rate of explicit failures (relatively to the number of calls) The latter percentage is more precise than the former : it indicates the failures of a predicate whose origin is inner to the clauses of the predicate, i.e. a 'fail' into the goals of a clause or the exhaustion of all the choice points. Then a failure of a predicate that previously succeeded but has been retried, due to a backtrack, won't be counted as an explicit failure, unless a goal 'fail' is encountered during the backtrack. However it will be counted in the total number of failures. The informations given for a function are : _ the number of calls _ the number of successful calls _ the rate of total failures (relatively to the number of calls) b) 'clause' level --------------- This mode gives clause-by-clause informations, i.e., for each clause: _ the number of calls _ the number of successful head unifications _ the number of successful calls _ the rate of total failures (relatively to the number of calls) _ the rate of explicit failures (relatively to the number of calls) Respectively for each function rule : _ the number of calls _ the number of successful head matchings _ the rate of successful evaluations (relatively to the number of calls) _ the number of successful calls (i.e. successful evaluation AND execution of the function body, if any) _ the rate of total failures (relatively to the number of calls) c) 'goal' level ------------ This mode adds statistics for each goal of the predicate (or function) body, i.e. the number of times each goal has been tried and its success rate. For the disjunction ';' and the 'cond' statements, statistics are added recursively for each term of the disjunction or condition. NOTE : in order to avoid confusions : empty bodies for clauses are ---- interpreted by a single goal 'succeed'. So don't be surprised to see a goal for clauses with empty bodies when you display the statistics. 3- Display modes ---------------- a) 'normal' mode ------------- The statistics are displayed in a condensed fashion, as a chart, each line corresponding to a predicate(function), a clause(rule) or a goal. The columns correspond to particular statistics. A cell can be filled with "--", meaning that the corresponding statistics don't have sense at this line(e.g. the Entries column for a line describing a goal) or that it cannot be calculated for the moment (e.g. a failure rate with a null number of calls). At the 'goal' level only the statistics for the goals appearing in a conjunction are displayed. Disjunctions and conditions are then considered like single goals and the statistics for the goals appearing in their subterms are not displayed. To visualize them use the 'verbose' mode. In fact there are several charts displayed, each of them being sorted relatively to the values of a particular column whose name is printed between stars. The titles of the columns can be modified by reassigning the persistent public variables provided for this effect : 'titles_for_functions' and 'titles_for_predicates'. They must contain five strings representing the names of the columns in the order in which they are displayed. Inconsistent assignments are detected. Example : --------- > write_stats(app, f)? Profiling statistics for predicates : ----------------------------------- *Tries* Entries Success predicates 9 --- 14 55.55 11.11 app *Tries* Entries Success predicates 9 5 5 80 0 app#1 8 6 9 50 0 app#2 Tries *Entries* Success predicates 8 6 9 50 0 app#2 9 5 5 80 0 app#1 Tries Entries *Success* predicates 8 6 9 50 0 app#2 9 5 5 80 0 app#1 Profiling statistics for functions : ---------------------------------- *Tries* Match %Eval Successes functions 3 --- --- 2 66.66 f Tries *Match* %Eval Successes functions --- 2 100 2 50 f#1 --- 1 100 0 100 f#2 The notations are : ... predicates/functions Name ---> statistics for the predicate/function Name#1 ---> statistics for the first clause/rule of the predicate/function The columns represent : i) for the predicates : ------------------ . Tries : number of tries of the predicate (resp. clause) . Entries : rate of head unification for the clause, relatively to Tries . Success : rate of success for the predicate (resp. clause), relatively to the number of tries (resp. head unifications) . : rate of general failure (including failure on backtrack), relatively to the number of tries (head unifications) . : rate of explicit failure, relatively to the number of tries (head unifications) ii) for the functions : ----------------- . Tries : number of tries of the function . Match : number of times the pattern of the rule matches . Eval : rate of successful evaluation for the rule, relatively to the number of pattern matchings . Successes : rate of success for the function (or rule) relatively to Tries (or Match) . : rate of general failure (including failure on backtrack), relatively to Tries (or Match) b) 'verbose' mode -------------- The statistics are displayed in detail, without percentage (except for the success rate) and recursively (for condition and disjunction at the goal level). Example : --------- > write_stats(app, f, verbosity => verbose)? Profiling statistics for predicates : ----------------------------------- Profile statistics for predicate 'app' : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 9 + Number of explicit failures : 1 + Total number of failures : 5 + Number of successes : 14 + Success rate : 155.556 % CLAUSE #1 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 9 + Number of explicit failures : 0 + Total number of failures : 4 + Number of head unifications : 5 + Number of successes : 5 + Success rate : 100 % Statistics for the goals : ---------------------------------------- | G#1 Tries: 5, Successes: 5 CLAUSE #2 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 8 + Number of explicit failures : 0 + Total number of failures : 3 + Number of head unifications : 6 + Number of successes : 9 + Success rate : 150 % Statistics for the goals : ---------------------------------------- | G#1 Tries: 6, Successes: 9 ************************************************** Profiling statistics for functions : ---------------------------------- Profile statistics for function 'f' : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 3 + Number of failures : 2 + Number of successes : 2 + Success rate : 66.6667 % RULE #1 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of pattern matchings : 2 + Number of failures : 1 + Number of successful evaluations : 2 + Number of successes : 2 + Success rate : 100 % RULE #2 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of pattern matchings : 1 + Number of failures : 1 + Number of successful evaluations : 1 + Number of successes : 0 + Success rate : 0 % ************************************************** 4- Examples ----------- a) The difference between failure and explicit failure --------------------------------------------------- > app(L, [], L). > app([X | Ls], L, [X | La]) :- app(Ls, L, La). > profile(app, level => clause)? > app(A, B, [1, 2, 3])? *** Yes A = [], B = [1,2,3]. --1> ; *** Yes A = [1], B = [2,3]. --1> ; *** Yes A = [1,2], B = [3]. --1> ; *** Yes A = [1,2,3], B = []. --1> ; *** No > write_stats(app)? Profiling statistics for predicates : ----------------------------------- *Tries* Entries Success predicates 4 --- 10 100 0 app *Tries* Entries Success predicates 4 4 4 100 0 app#1 4 3 6 100 0 app#2 Tries *Entries* Success predicates 4 4 4 100 0 app#1 4 3 6 100 0 app#2 Tries Entries *Success* predicates 4 3 6 100 0 app#2 4 4 4 100 0 app#1 The failures due to backtrack are not counted as explicit failures. But if we type now : > app(1, [], X)? ** No > write_stats(app)? Profiling statistics for predicates : ----------------------------------- *Tries* Entries Success predicates 5 --- 10 100 20 app *Tries* Entries Success predicates 5 4 4 100 0 app#1 5 3 6 100 0 app#2 Tries *Entries* Success predicates 5 4 4 100 0 app#1 5 3 6 100 0 app#2 Tries Entries *Success* predicates 5 3 6 100 0 app#2 5 The failure is counted as an explicit failure. b) Functions --------- > g(S:string) -> S + 1 | S $== "anything". > g(N:int) -> R | N =:= 0, !, R = "zero" ; R = "<> 0". > profile(g, level => goal)? > X = g(0)? *** Yes X = "zero". --1> Y = g(1)? *** Yes X = "zero", Y = "<> 0". ----2> Z = g("something")? *** Warning: non-numeric argument(s) in '"something" + 1'. *** No X = "zero", Y = "<> 0". > write_stats(g)? Profiling statistics for functions : ---------------------------------- *Tries* Match %Eval Successes functions 3 --- --- 2 33.33 g Tries *Match* %Eval Successes functions --- 2 100 2 0 g#2 --- 1 0 0 100 g#1 > write_stats(g, verbosity => verbose)? Profiling statistics for functions : ---------------------------------- Profile statistics for function 'g' : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 3 + Number of failures : 1 + Number of successes : 2 + Success rate : 66.6667 % RULE #1 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of pattern matchings : 1 + Number of failures : 1 + Number of successful evaluations : 0 + Number of successes : 0 + Success rate : 0 % Statistics for the body : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 0 + Number of successes : 0 + Number of failures : 0 + Success rate : ---% | G#1 Tries: 0, Successes: 0 RULE #2 : ---------------------------------------- + Number of pattern matchings : 2 + Number of failures : 0 + Number of successful evaluations : 2 + Number of successes : 2 + Success rate : 100 % Statistics for the body : ---------------------------------------- + Number of tries : 2 + Number of successes : 2 + Number of failures : 0 + Success rate : 100% | G#1 Tries: 2, Successes: 2 | Tries: 2, Successes: 1 | | G#1 Tries: 2, Successes: 1 | | G#2 Tries: 1 | | G#3 Tries: 1, Successes: 1 | Tries: 1, Successes: 1 | | G#1 Tries: 1, Successes: 1 ************************************************** 5- What the profiler does ------------------------- The profiler retracts the original clauses of predicates and rewrites them by including directives which modify the corresponding terms in 'profile_stats'. The main point to know is the adjunction of choice points during the execution of the predicates. Two choice-points exactly are added for each call of a clause : _ one at the beginning of the execution of the clause. It is used when the clause fails to determine the origin of the failure and to modify the field 'explicit_failures' in 'profile_stats' accordingly. It also updates the variables 'profile_fail_occured' and 'profile_backtracking' which save the informations about backtrack and failure, in order to handle correctly the possible failure of the entire predicate. _ one at the end of the clause. This choice point is left when the clause succeeds and is entered only when the clause is retried, i.e. when a backtrack occurs outside of the predicate. This permits to handle explicit failures correctly. This can cause notable performance degradation and memory usage, particularly in the case of recursive predicates. 6- Possible enhancements ------------------------ _ extend function handling (currying, residuation) _ allow the profiling of private predicates/functions in modules