Home Page of Dennis J. Darland's Studies in 2015 djd
Email: Mail To: pal at dennisdarland dot com
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Table of Contents

  1. My Library
  2. Books that I Completed in 2015
  3. Important Papers that I Completed in 2015
  4. Free Online Courses that I Completed in 2015
  5. Documentaries that I Watched in 2015
  6. Fact Based Movies that I Watched in 2015
  7. News as I Followed it in 2015
  8. Journals and Magazines that I subscribe to
  9. Books that I am in the Process of Reading
  10. Important Papers in Progress
  11. Free Online Courses I am in the Process of Taking
  12. Misc Individual Lectures and Events
  13. Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (Material to read or re-read)
  14. Physics (Material to read or re-read)
  15. Philosophy and Logic (Material to read or re-read)


  1. My Library

    I have cataloged my books (updated 1/19/2013). I have an index of almost ALL of my books (Updated January 2015) entered! (the main exception being some software documentation(mostly obsolete, yet retained)). Also many of my e-books (mostly free) have not been entered. It indicates the books that I have read. (to the best of my memory). I have not included as read reference books, or books I have read only part of, although I did include those used as texts in courses, although we may not have covered the entire text. (Also, I have read many books I don't own, but I do, now, mostly buy them, because I read so slowly, and also I like to be able to look thing up again, that I have read in the past. Here is my wish list for books. Now (3/13/2013) I have decided to study the easier books on logic and philosophy of logic first.
    I have a fair idea of what is proven in the metalogical results and how they are proven.
    But the proofs are difficult for me, and complicated enough that I just cannot seem to maintain them in my memory.
    Thus I am going to focus on easier books on philosophy of logic and language first.
    NOTE (10/16/2014) I have discovered that I do better reading and re-reading repeatedly as far as remembering goes -
    rather than trying to remember by concentrating very hard while reading once.
    For my prior reading see:
    1. My Reading in October 2007 through December 2008
    2. My Reading in 2009
    3. My Reading in 2010
    4. My Reading in 2011
    5. My Reading in 2012
    6. My Reading in 2013
    7. My Reading in 2014
  2. Books Completed in 2015

    1. Daffner, Kirk R., M.D. [Harvard Medical School] - Improving Memory: Understanding age-related memory loss ([2012] Completed 6/13/2015 [kindle])
    2. Davis, Martin - The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing [2011] (Complted 12/26/2015 [kindle])
    3. Ehrman, Bart D. - Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth (Completed 6/26/2015) [kindle]
    4. Eisler, Lee - Morals without Mystery: A liberating alternative to established morality based on Bertrand Russell's views (Completed 12/1/2015)
    5. Fodor, Jerry A. - Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind [1987] (Completed 6/3/2015)
    6. Fromm, Erich - Escape from Freedom (Completed 4/27/2015) [kindle]
    7. Fromm, Erich - Man For Himself: An Enquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (Completed 4/6/2015) [kindle][HHBC]
    8. Fromm, Erich - Man For Himself: An Enquiry into the Psychology of Ethics (Completed re-read 5/3/2015) [kindle][HHBC]
    9. Gamov, George - Biography of Physics [1961] (Completed 8/12/2015)
    10. Goleman, Daniel - Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ (Completed 1/20/2015)
    11. Griswold, Ralph E. and Griswold, Madge T. - The Icon Programming Language: Third Edition (10/5/2015 Finished chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 and a little elsewhere - all I need for now)
    12. Griswold, R. E. and Poage, J. F. and Polonsky, I. P. - The Snobol4 Programming Language, second edition ("The Green Book") [1971] (Completed 8/26/2015)
    13. Haidt, Jonathan - The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion (Completed 2/6/2015 [kindle][SHGQC])
    14. Hitchens, Christopher - Letters to a Young Contrarian (Completed 2/13/2015 [kindle][HHBC])
    15. Klein, Naomi - This Changes Everything (Completed 11/12/2015) [kindle]
    16. Koch, Kathy - "How am I Smart?": A Parents Guide to Multiple Intelligences (Completed 1/4/2015 [kindle])
    17. Kolbert, Elizabeth - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History (Completed 10/27/2015) [kindle]
    18. Lee, Martin A. and Shlain, Bruce - ACID DREAMS: The History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties and Beyond
      (I dislike this book - perhaps I merely dislike drugs so strongly - it seems to somewhat glamorize them - but that is how I feel.) (Completed 3/15/2015) [kindle]
    19. Lewis, Jerry - Dean and Me (Completed 8/26/2015) [kindle]
    20. Maddy, Penelope - Realism in Mathematics [1990] (Completed 1/2/2015)
    21. Mazzetti, Mark - THE WAY OF THE KNIFE: The CIA, a Secret Army, and War at the Ends of the Earth (Completed 2/18/2015 [kindle])
    22. Morales, Peter, ed. - The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide, Fifth Edition (Completed 8/11/2015) [kindle][HHBC]
    23. Ney, Alyssa and Albert, David Z. - eds. - The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics [2013] (Completed 7/6/2015) [kindle]
    24. Nuance Communications, Inc. - PaperPort 14 Getting Started Guide (Completed 3/10/2015)
    25. Nuance Communications, Inc. - PaperPort 14 Getting Started Guide (Completed re-read 12/18/2015)
    26. Nuance Communications, Inc. - PDF Converter Professional 8.1 Reference Guide (Completed 3/10/2015)
    27. Nuance Communications, Inc. - Power PDF Standard 1.1 [Much of Online] Help (Completed 3/10/2015)
    28. O'Reilly, Tim - What is Web 2.0 (Completed 11/29/2015)
    29. Pariser, Eli - The Filter Bubble (Completed 11/28/2015)
    30. Schaeffer, Frank - Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of it Back ([re-read] (Completed>10/1/2015) [kindle][HHBC]
    31. Stich, Stephen P. - DECONSTRUCTING THE MIND (Completed 4/16/2015)
    32. Tiles, Mary - The Philosophy of Set Theory: An Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise (Completed 5/28/2015)
    33. Turkle, Sherry - Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other (Completed 5/16/2015) [kindle]
    34. Turkle, Sherry - The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Completed 4/24/2015)
    HHBC = Happy Human Book Club
    SHGQC = Secular Humanists of the Greater Quad Cities
  3. Important Papers Completed in 2015

    1. Leskauskas, Darius - "Reflections on the relevance of the concept of social character" in Fromm Forum 18/2014 (Completed 1/12/2015)
    2. Maccoby, Michael - "Building on Erich Fromm's scientific contributions" in Fromm Forum 18/2014 (Completed 1/10/2015)
  4. Free Courses Completed in 2015

    1. Gabrieli, John - 9.00SC Introduction to Psychology, Fall 2011.
      (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      , (Accessed 22 Oct, 2014). License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA (Completed 7/1/2015 - 24 lectures)
      Note: In lecture 11, I recognized all the faces except Senator McCarthy (I was thinking J Edgar Hoover), and the most recent famous woman.
      Also I remember while at NIMH for 8.5 months cognitive testing: I seem to repeatedly be given what seemed to be the same list of words. - I think I was supposed to repeat it back.
      I remember being confused that sometimes I remembered related words - such as pants instead of jeans - or similar things.
      Toward the end of my stay, I began associating the words with spatial directions and would remember the directions instead of the words, and then repeat back the words from remembering the directions.
      (Once I heard someone say (I didn't know if it was me or what about), "He did better than the guy who invented the test.")
      Also I was given an EEG three times there. First when I just arrived, and then twice later.
      The first time later, I was told to count either high or low tones I heard.
      I very quickly messed up and asked to restart.
      I then (realizing the difficulty) started adding zero (repeating the same number to myself instead of adding one) when I heard the tone I was not counting.
      I was told that there was a 60 cycle error in the test and asked to repeat it. (weeks later)
      I remembered my technique, and did the same thing.
      After a while the psychologist said "You fell asleep, didn't you?"
      I was very relaxed, but not asleep - I replied "Almost!"
      He asked "What was your count?"
      I replied "43"
      He said, "I can safely say it is a much smaller number."
      He was then looking at his computer, and said in surprise, "What did you say?"
      His assistant quickly responded, "he said 43".
  5. Documentaries Watched in 2015

    1. Greek Myths - True Facts, Parts 1-2 (10/20/2015) [that's all]
    2. Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (5/4/2014 episode 2)
    3. Meyer, Bertrand - ACM Webinar - "Design by Contract: A guiding Principle for Quality Software (9/17/2015)
  6. Fact Based Movies Watched in 2015

  7. The News I Watched and Read in 2015

    1. News Sources on the Web
    2. News as I followed it in 2013.
    3. News as I follow it in 2014.
    4. News as I follow it in 2015.
  8. Journals and Magazines that I Subscribe to

    I don't read these as well as I should.
    I have a strong tendency to be more of a book reader.
    But I am expanding my interests and cannot go into the depth of reading books in all these areas.
    So I am going to be trying to read these more. (Starting 4/7/2013)
    It is to labor intensive to report what I get read here, so I am just indicating the publications I receive.
    1. Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin (also digital)
    2. Communications of the ACM (also digital)
    3. Fromm Forum
    4. process perspectives
    5. process studies
    6. russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies (also digital)
    7. Science (also digital)
    8. Scientific American (digital)
    9. Scientific American Mind (digital)
    10. The Atlantic (nook)
    11. The New York Times
    12. UU World
  9. Books that I am in the Process of Reading

    I don't seem able to read in one book very long at a time. So I jump between several books and gradually make progress. Updating this web page enforces my daily reading. When I get near the end of a book I sometimes am able to spurt to the finish! (12/2/2014) I am trying to narrow my focus.
    1. Dahl, O. J. , Dijkstra, E. W. and Hoare, C. A. R. - Structured Programming [1972] (10/24/2015 to page 12 of 220 pages)
    2. Daconta, Michael C., Saganich, Al and Monk, Eric - Java 2 and JavaScript for C and C++ Programmers, Revised Edition (9/22/2015 to page 167 of 845 pages)
      (mostly finished with this - it is a little old, but knowing C and C++, thought it a good place to start on Java
    3. Daylight, Edgar G. - The Dawn of Software Engineering: From Turing to Dijkstra (12/26/2015 to page 1 0f 197 pages)
    4. Fodor, Jerry A. - A Theory of Content and Other Essays [1990] (7/29/2015 to pages 1-53 and 161-176 of 263 pages)
    5. Fromm, Erich - The Sane Society (7/28/2015 to page 78 of 363 pages) [kindle]
    6. Marcuse, Herbert - Eros and Civilazation (12/8/2015 to page 57 of 267 pages) [kindle]
    7. O'Callaghan, Sean - The Compact Guide to World Religions
      1. Christianity - pp. 12-37
      2. Judaism - pp. 38-54 (Completed chapter 3/15/2015)
      3. Islam - pp. 55-71 (Completed chapter 4 7/6/2015)
      4. Zoroastrianism - pp. 72-82
      5. Baha'i - pp. 83-91
      6. Hinduism - pp. 92-111 (Completed chapter 2/15/2015)
      7. Jainism - pp. 112-126
      8. Sikhism - pp. 127-140
      9. Buddhism - pp. 141-158
      10. Confucianism - pp. 159-166 (Completed chapter 5/20/2015)
      11. Taoism - pp. 167-174 (Completed chapter 5/19/2015)
      12. Shinto - pp. 175-181
    8. See also my My Mathematics Study Plan, my My Physics Study Plan and My Philosophy Study Plan
  10. Important Papers in Progress

    1. Reading the next 2 articles over and over until I master them!!! (Not the whole book at this point.)
      Having re-read only once, I understand much better - I see how my ideas would not make any difference.
      But I intend to study the subject more to get a better mastery - then perhaps go back to diffeq's or physics.
      1. Hodges, Wilfred - "Classical Logic I: First-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 9-31)[Re-read] (7/29/2013 re-read 1 times)
      2. Shapiro, Stewart - "Classical Logic II: Higher-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 33-52)(8/3/2013 re-read 1 times)
  11. Free Online Courses I am in the Process of Taking

    1. ACM - Safari - O Reilly - oscon '11 - HTML5 & CSS3: The Good Enough Parts, Parts 1-3 (6/1/2012)
    2. Drennan, Prof. Catherine and Taylor, Dr. Elizabeth Vogel - 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science, Fall 2008(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (2/28/2012 Completed 18 of 36 Lectures) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    3. Geek Squad - HTML & CSS3 Basics Training (8/14/2015 Parts A-D & G-I (skipped E-F & J for now))
    4. Lander, Prof. Eric, Weinberg, Prof. Robert, Gardel, Dr. Claudette, and Chess, Prof. Andrew (Guest Lecturer) - 7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (4/13/2014 Completed 1 of 35 Lectures) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    5. Lorayne, Harry - memory POWER I have some concern whether this will work for me.
      I have practically no ability to visualize. (Which Lorayne says is very important.) I almost cannot distinguish, however, my thinking from actual sounds.
      I have gotten better at remembering names in recent years, by associating people with other people with the same name.
      I mostly only remember first names.
      1. VHS Tape (1/23/2015)
      2. Audio Cassette - started tape 1 side 1 (1/23/2015)
      3. Book (1/23/2015 to box 89 of 2171 boxes [getting stressed])
    6. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Classical Mechanics, Fall 2007 (10/2/2014 Re-watched Lectures 1-4)
  12. Misc Individual Lectures, etc. in 2015

    1. UUCQC class on World Religions
      1. Hinduism, part 1 (1/19/2015)
      2. Hinduism, part 2 (2/16/2015)
      3. Judaism, part 1 (3/17/2015)
      4. Judaism, part 2 (4/20/2015)
      5. Asian and African Religions (Shinto, Confucianism, Taoism, African (and African American) and Voodoo) (5/18/2015)
      6. Islam, part 1 (6/15/2015)
      7. Islam, part 2 (7/20/2015)
      8. Native American and Earth Based (8/17/2015)
      9. Buddhism, part 1 (9/21/2015)
      10. Buddhism, part 2 (10/19/2015)
      11. Christianity, part 1 (11/16/2015)
      12. Christianity, part 2 (12/21/2015)
  13. Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, and Computer Science (Material to read or re-read)

    I am uncertain of my ability to accomplish all this. The only way to know is to try.
    1. MapleSoft - Maple 12 - Getting Started Guide(Completed 6/5/2008)
    2. Strang, Gilbert - CALCULUS(Completed 11/19/2008)
    3. Maplesoft - Maple 12: Introduction to Maple 12 for Academics (Completed 1/11/2009)
    4. Strang, Gilbert - 18.06 Linear Algebra , 1999 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 1/25/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    5. Mattuck, Arthur - 18.03 Differential Equations, Spring 2003(Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 3/13/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    6. Krithivasan, Kamala Discrete Mathematical Structues (Indian Institute of Technology, Madres) (Completed 7/10/2009)
    7. Demaine, Eric and Leiserson, Charles6.046J / 18.410J Introduction to Algorithms Fall 2005 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare) (Completed 9/16/2009) License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
    8. Rall, Louis B. - Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications (Completed 11/12/2009)
    9. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica to *56 (Completed 3/4/2010)
    10. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume One (1st Edition(paperback reprint)) (Stopped 4/24/2010 at page 505 of 666 pages (starting at page 404 where PM to *56 stopped))(It was starting to get too hard - I need an index of definitions!)
    11. Barton, D., Willers, I. M., and Zahar, R. V. M. - "The automatic solution of ordinary differential equations by the method of Taylor series", in The Computer Journal, 14(3): 243-248, 1970 (Completed 8/14/2012)
    12. Iri, Masao - "History of Automatic Differentiation and Rounding Error Estimation" in Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, pp. 3-16 (Completed 6/20/2012)
    13. Rall, Louis B. and Corliss George F. - "An Introduction to Automatic Differentiation" in Computational Differentiation: Techniques, Applications, and Tools, pp. 1-18 (Completed 6/25/2012)
    14. Rall, Louis B, - "Perspectives on Automatic Differentiation: Past, Present, and Future?" in Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Implementations, pp. 1-14 (Completed 6/26/2012)
    15. Barton, David - "On Taylor Series and Stiff Equations" in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 6, No 3, September 1980 (Completed 8/23/2012)
    16. Corliss, George and Chang, Y. F. - "Solving Ordinary Differential Equations Using Taylor Series" in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software Volume 8 Number 2, June 1982, pp. 114-144 (Completed 9/18/2012)
    17. Corliss, George and Lowery, David - "Choosing a stepsize for Taylor series methods for solving ODE's" in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 3 and 4, (1977) (Completed 10/21/2012)
    18. Corliss, George F. - "Integrating ODE's Along Paths on Riemann Surfaces", in Proceedings of the Seventh Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing (September 29 - October 1, 1977) (Completed 11/4/2012)
    19. Corliss, George F. - "Integrating ODE's in the Complex Plane - Pole Vaulting", in Mathematics of Computation, Volume 15, Number 152, (October 1980) (Completed 11/4/2012)
    20. Chang, Y. F. and Corliss, G. - "Ratio-Like and Recurrence Relation Tests for Convergence of Series", in J. Inst. Maths Applics 25, (1980) (Completed 11/4/2012)
    21. Corliss, George F. - "Integrating ODE's Along Paths on Riemann Surfaces", in Proceedings of the Seventh Manitoba Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Computing (September 29 - October 1, 1977) (Completed 11/4/2012)
    22. Corliss, George F. - "Integrating ODE's in the Complex Plane - Pole Vaulting", in Mathematics of Computation, Volume 15, Number 152, (October 1980) (Completed 11/4/2012)
    23. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - "Introduction [for 1st edition]" in Principia Mathematica (Completed 12/24/2013)
    24. Griswold, Ralph E. and Griswold, Madge T. - A Snobol4 Primer [1973] (8/23/2015 to page 1 of 137 pages)
    25. Griswold, Ralph E. and Griswold, Madge T. - The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language [1986] (8/21/2015 to page 12 of 315 pages)
    26. Levine, John - flex & bison: Unix Text Processing Tools (2/13/2015 to page 10 of 241 pages)
    27. Henrici, Peter - Applied and Computational Complex Analysis: Volume I: Power Series-Integration-Conformal Mapping-Location of Zeros (9/16/2012 to page 50 of 663 pages)
    28. Strang, Gilbert - CALCULUS (pp. 1-615) (re-read)
    29. Boyce, William and DiPrima, Richard C. - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (pp. 1-533) (re-read)
    30. Berg, Paul W. and McGregor, James L. - Elementary Partial Differential Equations (pp. 1-388) (re-read)
    31. Conte S. D. and de Boor, Carl - Elementary Numerical Analysis (pp. 1-387) (re-read)
    32. Ralston, Anthony - A First Course in Numerical Analysis (pp. 1-533) (re-read)
    33. Rall, Louis B. - Automatic Differentiation: Techniques and Applications (pp. 1-154) (re-read)
  14. Physics (Material to read or re-read)

    I am uncertain of my ability to accomplish all this. The only way to know is to try.
    1. Symon, Keith R. - Mechanics, Third Edition (9/13/2008 to page 469 of 595 pages - became too difficult)
    2. Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman Lectures on PHYSICS, Volume I(Completed 11/12/2008)
    3. Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman Lectures on PHYSICS, Volume II(Completed 12/19/2008)
    4. Feynman, Leighton, Sands - The Feynman Lectures on PHYSICS, Volume III (Completed 1/6/2009)
    5. Schey, H. M. - div, grad, curl, and all that (Completed 1/14/2009)
    6. Barnes, Thomas G. - Foundations of Electricity and Magnetism (Completed 1/14/2009)
    7. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Entanglements Part 1, Fall 2006 (Completed 4/4/2009)
    8. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Classical Mechanics, Fall 2007 (Completed 4/17/2009)
    9. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Entanglements Part 3, Spring 2007 (Completed 4/26/2009)
    10. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures Quantum Mechanics, Winter 2008 (Completed 5/8/2009)
    11. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on Special Relativity, Spring 2008 (Completed 5/17/2009)
    12. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on General Relativity, Fall 2008 (Completed 5/31/2009)
    13. Susskind, Leonard - The Black Hole War, July 2008 (Completed 6/21/2009)
    14. White, Robert L. - Basic Quantum Mechanics (Completed 8/25/2009)
    15. Lawden, D. F. - An Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology (Completed 8/29/2009)
    16. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics lectures on Cosmology, Winter 2009(Completed 11/8/2009)
    17. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: Statistical Mechanics, Spring 2009(Completed 1/4/2010)
    18. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: New Revolution in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts, Fall 2009(Completed 4/13/2010)
    19. Susskind, Leonard - Stanford Physics Modern Physics: The Standard Model, Spring 2010(Completed 7/9/2010)
    20. Ney, Alyssa and Albert, David Z. - eds. - The Wave Function: Essays on the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics [2013] (Completed 7/6/2015) [kindle]
    21. Gamov, George - Biography of Physics [1961] (pp. 1-329 Completed 8/12/2015)
    22. Weaver, Jefferson Hane, ed. - The World of Physics: A Small Library of the Literature of Physics from Antiquity to the Present: Volume I [1987] (pp. 13-858 8/12/2015 to page 13)
    23. schey, h. m. - div grad curl and all that: second edition [1992] ([re-read] pp. 1-154 7/30/2015 to page 1)
    24. Barnes, Thomas G. - Foundations of Electricity and Magnetism [1965] ([re-read] pp. 1-361 7/30/2015 to page 1)
    25. Weinberg, Steven - The Quantum Theory of Fields: Volume I Foundations [1995] (pp. 1-595 7/30/2015 too page 10)
  15. Philosophy and Logic (Material to read or re-read)

    I am uncertain of my ability to accomplish all this. The only way to know is to try.
    1. Carey, Rosalind - Russell and Wittgenstein on the Nature of Judgement(Completed 11/18/2007)
    2. Landini, Gregory - Wittgenstein's Apprenticeship with Russell(Completed 12/16/2007)
    3. Landini, Gregory - Russell's Hidden Substitutional Theory(Completed 12/26/2007)
    4. Linsky, Bernard - Russell's Metaphysical Logic(Completed 1/11/2008)
    5. James, William - Pragmatism(Completed 3/18/2008)
    6. James, William - The Meaning of Truth (Completed 4/10/2008)
    7. James, William - Essays in Radical Empiricism(Completed 4/21/2008)
    8. Kant, Immanuel - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics(Completed 6/13/2008)
    9. Ford, Lewis S. - "Whitehead's Creative Transformations: A Summation" in process studies Vol 35, No 1, Spring-Summer 2006(Completed 7/3/2008)
    10. Ford, Lewis S. - "Whatever Happened to 'Efficient Causation'?" in process studies Vol 34, No 1, Spring-Summer 2005(Completed 7/4/2008)
    11. Griffin, Nicholas - "Bertrand Russell and Harold Joachim" in russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies Vol 27, No 1, Winter 2007-08(Completed 7/4/2008)
    12. Young, Brandon - "On the Russell Tribunal: An Interview with Noam Chomsky" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 132-135, November 2006 - August 2007(Completed 7/8/2008)
    13. Fromm, Erich - "The Automaton Citizen and Human Rights" in Fromm Forum No 12, 2008(Completed 7/9/2008)
    14. Fromm, Erich - "Psychoanalytic Characterology and its Application to the Understanding of Culture" in Fromm Forum No 12, 2008(Completed 7/11/2008)
    15. Beaney, Michael - Analysis, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(Completed 8/2/2008)
    16. Stone, Peter - "Chomsky and Russell Revisited. Review of Three Recent Works by Noam Chomsky" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 132-135, November 2006 - August 2007(Completed 8/2/2008)
    17. Preston, Aaron - Implications of Recent Work on Analytic Philosophy in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 127, August 2005(Completed 8/6/2008)
    18. Beaney, Michael - Appeciating the Varieties of Analysis: A Reply to Ongley in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 128-129, November 2005 - February 2006(Completed 8/12/2008)
    19. Ongley, John - Properties of Analysis: Reply to Beaney in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 128-129, November 2005 - February 2006(Completed 8/12/2008)
    20. Ongley, John - What is Analysis? Review of Michael Beaney, 'Analysis', Stanford Encyclopedia pf Philosophy in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 127, August 2005(Completed 8/12/2008)
    21. Preston, Aaron - "Reply to Beaney" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 132-135, November 2006 - August 2007(Completed 8/13/2008)
    22. Beaney, Michael - "Is Analytic Philosophy an Illusion? A Reply to Preston" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 132-135, November 2006 - August 2007(Completed 8/13/2008)
    23. Bergson, Henri - Creative Evolution(Completed 9/2/2008)
    24. Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason(Completed 9/3/2008)
    25. Russell, Bertrand - "Metaphysics and Intuition" in CPBR 6(Completed 9/9/2008)
    26. Russell, Bertrand - "The Professor's Guide to Laughter" in CPBR 6(Completed 9/9/2008)
    27. Carr, H. Wildon - "On Mr. Russell's Reasons for Supposing That Bergson's Philosophy Is Not True" in CPBR 6 (Completed 10/1/2008)
    28. Russell, Bertrand - "Mr. Wildon Carr's Defense of Bergson" in CPBR 6(Completed 10/1/2008)
    29. Russell, Bertrand - "The Philosophy of Bergson" in CPBR 6(Completed 10/1/2008)
    30. Hardcastle, Gary - "Preston on Analytic Philosophy" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 136-139, November 2007 - August 2008(Completed 11/3/2008)
    31. Pincock. Christopher - "Preston on the Illusory Character of Analytic Philosophy" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 136-139, November 2007 - August 2008(Completed 11/3/2008)
    32. Kant, Immanuel - Logic(Completed 11/22/2008)
    33. Kohl, Marvin - "Bertrand Russell on Fear: a Prolegomena" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 136-139, November 2007 - August 2008(Completed 12/5/2008)
    34. Goldman, David - "A Psychiatrist Looks at Russell's Conquest of Happiness" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 136-139, November 2007 - August 2008(Completed 12/5/2008)
    35. Stevens, Graham - "Keith Green, _Bertrand Russell, Language and Linguistic Theory_" in russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies Vol 28, No 1, Summer 2008(Completed 12/17/2008)
    36. Trainer, Chad - "Huw Price and Richard Corry, eds., _Causation, Physics, and the Constitution of Reality: Russell's Republic Revisited_" in russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies Vol 28, No 1, Summer 2008(Completed 12/17/2008)
    37. Eastman, Timothy E. - "Cosmic Agnosticism" in process studies Vol 36, No 2, Fall-Winter 2007(Completed 1/7/2009)
    38. Boolos, George S. and Jeffery, Richard C. - Computability and Logic, third edition (Completed 1/14/2009)
      (Just tried to get the main ideas. I found the proofs too difficult to follow them closely.)
    39. James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience (Completed 2/12/2009)
    40. Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Practical Reason (Completed 2/13/2009)
    41. Maher, John and Groves, Judy - Introducing Chomsky (Completed 2/22/2009)
    42. Russell, Bertrand - Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits (Completed 3/30/2009)
    43. Merrell, Floyd - Peirce, Signs, and Meaning (Abandoned 5/9/2009 at - Intro to page xvii of xvii pages; Text to page 84 of 351 pages - because I was not getting much out of it.)
    44. LaPointe, Sandra - "Frege and Husserl on Signs and Linguistic Behaviour" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 140-141, November 2008 - February 2009(Completed 6/13/2009)
    45. Sullivan, Stephen J. - "Nietzsche's Anticipation of Russell" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 140-141, November 2008 - February 2009(Completed 6/13/2009)
    46. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Prototractatus: An early version of Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus (Completed 8/12/2009)
    47. Solomon, Graham - "What became of Russell's "relation-arithmetic"?" in russell: the Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives Vol 9, No 2, Winter 1989-90(Completed 9/2/2009)
    48. Russell, Bertrand - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Completed 10/19/2009)
    49. Price, Lucien - Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead (Completed 10/20/2009)
    50. Singer, Peter, ed. - A Companion to Ethics (Completed 10/22/2009)
    51. Lakoff, George - Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives think (Completed 11/7/2009)
    52. Russell, Bertrand (1905) - "On Denoting", CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 11/17/2009)
    53. Russell, Bertrand (1910-11) - "Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/19/2009)
    54. Russell, Bertrand (1910) - "On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/20/2009)
    55. Russell, Bertrand (1911-12) - "On the Relations of Universals and Particulars", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/22/2009)
    56. Russell, Bertrand (1911) - "The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 11/23/2009)
    57. Doxiadis, Apostolos and Papadimitriou, Christos H. - Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth (Completed 11/23/2009)
    58. Russell, Bertrand (1913) - "The Nature of Sense-Data: A Reply to Dr. Dawes Hicks", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/3/2009)
    59. Russell, Bertrand (1913) - "On the Notion of Cause", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/4/2009)
    60. Heidegger, Martin - Basic Writings (Abandoned 12/13/2009 Front to page xxii of xxii pages; text to page 54 of 449 page
      - because not getting much out of it and person who recommended Heidegger said she had been confused)
    61. Russell, Bertrand - The Problems of Philosophy (Completed 12/2/2009)
    62. Hicks, Dr. Dawes - "The Nature of Sense-Data", CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 12/3/2009)
    63. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Philosophical Investigations: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Edition (Completed 12/21/2009)
    64. Moore, G. E. - "Some Judgements of Perceptipion" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 1-28 Completed ?/?/2010)
    65. Broad, C. D - "Some Elementary Reflexions on Sense-Perception" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 29-48 Completed ?/?/2010)
    66. Warnock, G. J. - "Seeing" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 49-67 Completed ?/?/2010)
    67. Vesey, G. N. A. - "Seeing and Seeing As" in Perceiving, Sensing and Knowing , ed. Swartz, Robert J. (pp. 68-84 Completed ?/?/2010)
    68. Plato - "Apology" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 3-26 Completed ?/?/2010)
    69. Plato - "Crito" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 27-39 Completed ?/?/2010)
    70. Plato - "Phaedo" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 40-98 Completed ?/?/2010)
    71. Plato - "Charmides" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 99-122 Completed ?/?/2010)
    72. Plato - "Laches" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 123-144 Completed ?/?/2010)
    73. Plato - "Lysis" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 145-168 Completed ?/?/2010)
    74. Plato - "Euthyphro" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 169-185 Completed ?/?/2010)
    75. Plato - "Menexenus" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 186-199 Completed ?/?/2010)
    76. Plato - "Lesser Hippias" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 200-214 Completed ?/?/2010)
    77. Plato - "Ion" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 215-228 Completed ?/?/2010)
    78. Plato - "Gorgias" in Collected Dialogues (pp. 229-309 Completed ?/?/2010)
    79. Russell, Bertrand - Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript, CPBR Volume 7, (Completed 1/3/2010)
    80. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "Mysticism and Logic", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 27-49 (Completed 1/6/2010)
    81. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "On Scientific Method in Philosophy", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 55-73 (completed 1/9/2010)
    82. Russell, Bertrand - Our Knowledge of the External World (Completed 2/12/2010)
    83. Russell, Bertrand (1914) - "The Relation of Sense-data to Physics", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 3-26 (Completed 2/16/2010)
    84. Russell, Bertrand (1915) - Letter on Sense Data, CPBR Volume 8, pp. 87-88 (Completed 2/17/2010)
    85. Russell, Bertrand (1915) - "The Ultimate Constituents of Matter", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 74-86 (Completed 2/18/2010)
    86. Russell, Bertrand (1918) - "The Philosophy of Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 157-244 (Completed 2/25/2010)
    87. Russell, Bertrand (1919) - Note on C.D. Broad's Article in July Mind, CPBR Volume 8, pp 89-90 (Completed 2/17/2010)
    88. Russell, Bertrand (1919) - "On Propositions: What They Are and How They Mean", CPBR Volume 8, pp. 276-306 (Completed 3/1/2010)
    89. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica to *56 (Completed 3/4/2010)
    90. Russell, Bertrand (1923) - "Truth-Functions and Meaning-Functions", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 156-158 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    91. Russell, Bertrand - The Analysis of Mind(Completed 3/15/2010)
    92. Russell, Bertrand (1923) - "What is Meant by 'A believes p'?", CPBR Volume 9, p. 159 (Completed 3/17/2010)
    93. Russell, Bertrand (1924) - "Logical Atomism", CPBR Volume 9, pp. 160-179 (Completed 3/22/2010)
    94. Galaugher, Jolen and Kortelainen, Ilmar - "Nicholas Griffin Speaks His Mind: An Interview" in The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly No 142-144, Fall 2009(Completed 3/30/2010)
    95. Russell, Bertrand - An Outline of Philosophy (Completed 4/18/2010)
    96. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume One (1st Edition(paperback reprint)) (Stopped 4/24/2010 at page 505 of 666 pages (starting at page 404 where PM to *56 stopped))(It was starting to get too hard - I need an index of definitions!)
    97. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - Notebooks 1914-1916 2nd Edition (Completed 4/29/2010)
    98. Russell, Bertrand - The Analysis of Matter (Completed 5/18/2010 on BR's birthday)
    99. Russell, Bertrand (1936) - "Determinism and Physics", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 67-80 (Completed 5/19/2010)
    100. Russell, Bertrand (1938) - "On the Importance of Logical Form", CPBR Volume 10, pp. 138-140 (Completed 5/20/2010)
    101. Russell, Bertrand - An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth(Completed 6/16/2010)
    102. Russell, Bertrand (1944) - "My Mental Development", CPBR Volune 11, pp. 5-18 (Completed 6/17/2010)
    103. Russell, Bertrand - My Philosophical Development (Completed 7/6/2010)
    104. Lewis, C. I. - An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation (Completed 8/13/2010)
    105. Russell, Bertrand - The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell Volume 1: The Private Years (1884-1914) (Completed 9/6/2010)
    106. Goedel, Kurt - "The completeness of the axioms of the functional calculus of logic" in From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (Completed 9/29/2010)
    107. Epstein, Greg M. - good without God (Completed 11/7/2010 [nook])
    108. Moore, A. W. - The Infinite (Completed 11/10/2010)
    109. Goedel, Kurt - "Some metamathematical results on completeness and consistency" in From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (Completed 12/27/2010)
    110. Shapiro, Stewart "Philosophy of Mathematics and Its Logic: Introduction" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 3-25 Completed 2/8/2011)
    111. Shabel, Lisa - "Apriority and Application: Philosophy of Mathematics ion the Modern Period" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 28-49 Completed 2/8/2011)
    112. Copi, Irving M. - The Theory of Logical Types (Completed 2/19/2011)
    113. Russell, Bertrand - "On the Substitutional Theory of Classes and Relations" in Essays in Analysis (Completed 2/24/2011)
    114. Russell, Bertrand - "On 'Insolubilia' and their Solution by Symbolic Logic" in Essays in Analysis (Completed 2/26/2011)
    115. Skorupski, John - "Later Empericism and Logical Positivism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 51-73 Completed 3/1/2011)
    116. Lakoff, George and Nunez, Rafael E. - Where Mathematics Comes From: How the Embodied Mind Brings Mathematics into Being (pp. 1-451Completed 4/23/2011)
    117. Chomsky, Noam - Language and Responsibility (in On Language) (pp. 3-194 Completed 6/4/2011)
    118. Chomsky, Noam - Reflections on Language (in On Language) (pp. 3-227 Completed 5/3/2012)
    119. Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-351 7/14/2012 Completed 9/12/2012)
    120. Stich, Stephen - From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science: The Case Against Belief [1983] (pp. 1-246 Completed 3/23/2013))
    121. Fodor, jerry A. - Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong [1998] (Completed 3/26/2013 [kindle])
    122. Fodor, Jerry A. - LOT 2: The Language of Thought Revisited [2008] (pp. 1-219 Completed 4/11/2013 [kindle])
    123. Fodor, Jerry A. - The Language of Thought [1975] (pp. 1-205 Completed 6/17/20013)
    124. Schneider, Susan - The Language of Thought: A New Philosophical Direction [2011] Completed 7/2/2013 [kindle])
    125. Fodor, Jerry A. - Representations: Philosophical Essays on the Foundations of Cognitive Science [1981] Completed 7/26/2013)
    126. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - "Introduction [for 1st edition]" in Principia Mathematica (Completed 12/24/2013)
    127. Russell, Bertrand - "Introduction to the second edition" in Principia Mathematica (Completed 12/25/2013)
    128. Linsky, Bernard - (1990) "Was the Axiom of Reducibility a Principle of Logic?," in Russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies: Vol. 10: Iss. 2, Article 4. (Completed 12/25/2013)
    129. Chomsky, Noam - Syntactic Structures, Second Edition (Completed 12/26/2013)
    130. Fodor, Jerry A. - The Modularity of Mind: An Essay on Faculty Psychology [1983] (Completed 3/14/2014)
    131. Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/4/2014)
    132. Urquhart, Alasdair - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/4/2014)
    133. Moore, Gregory H. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 3 (Completed 4/4/2014)
    134. Griffin, Nicholas and Lewis, Albert C. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 2 (Completed 4/6/2014)
    135. Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1905) in CPBR Volume 4 (Completed 4/10/2014)
    136. Russell, Bertrand - "Two Reviews of Joachim"(1906) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/11/2014)
    137. Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/14/2014)
    138. Russell, Bertrand - "The Nature of Truth"(1907) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
    139. Russell, Bertrand - "William James's Conception of Truth"(1908) in CPBR Volume 5 (Completed 4/19/2014)
    140. Linsky, Bernard - "Leonard Linsky on Russell against Meinong" in The Bertrand Russell Society Bulletin, Spring 2014, Number 149 (Completed 5/14/2014)
    141. Russell, Bertrand - "On the Nature of Truth and Falsehood"(1910) in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
    142. Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 6 (Completed 5/17/2014)
    143. Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 7 (Completed 5/18/2014)
    144. Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 8 (Completed 5/19/2014)
    145. Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 9 (Completed 5/19/2014)
    146. Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 10 (Completed 5/19/2014)
    147. Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 11 (Completed 5/19/2014)
    148. Blackwell, Kenneth; Brink, Andrew; Griffin, Nicholas; Rempel, Richard A.; and Slater, John G. - "Introduction" in CPBR Volume 1 (Completed 5/21/2014)
    149. Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (Completed 9/16/2014)
    150. Posy, Carl - "Intuitionism and Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 318-355) (re-read Completed 11/29/2014)
    151. Wolfram, Sybil - Philosophical Logic: An Introduction [1989] (pp. 1-259 Completed 12/15/2014 )
    152. Quine, Willard Van Orman - Philosophy of Logic [1970] (pp. 1-102 Completed 12/18/2014)
    153. Smart, J. J. C. - "Quine's Philosophy of science" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 3-13 Completed 12/20/2014)
    154. Harman, Gilbert - "An Introduction to 'Translation and Meaning': Chapter Two of Word and Object" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 14-26 Completed 12/21/2014)
    155. Stenius, Erik - "Beginning with Ordinary Things" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 27- 52 Completed 12/21/2014)
    156. Chomsky, Noam - "Quine's Empirical Assumptions" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 53- 68 Completed 12/21/2014)
    157. Follesdal, Dagfinn - "Quine on Modality" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 175-185 Completed 12/21/2014)
    158. Sellars, Wilfred - "Some Problems about Belief" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 186-205 Completed 12/21/2014)
    159. Kaplan, David - "Quantifying In" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 206-242 Completed 12/23/2014)
    160. Church, Alonzo - "On Carnap's Analysis of Statements of Assertion and Belief" in Analysis - 10 . 5 (April, 1950) (pp. 97-99)(Completed 12/24/2014)
    161. Strawson, P. F. "Singular Terms and Predication" in Words and Objections [1969] (pp. 97-117 Completed 12/25/2014)
    162. Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types" in The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol 5, No 2 (Jun, 1940) (pp. 56-68)(Completed 1st pass 12/27/2014)
    163. Church, Alonzo - "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in Structure Method and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer, ed. Henle, Paul, Kallen, Horace M. and Langer, Susanne K. [1950] (Completed 1st pass 212/28/2014)
    164. Maddy, Penelope - Realism in Mathematics [1990] (pp. 1-181 Completed 1/2/2015)
    165. Stich, Stephen P. - DECONSTRUCTING THE MIND [1996] (pp. 1-199 Completed 4/16/2015)
    166. Tiles, Mary - The Philosophy of Set Theory: An Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise [1989] (pp. 1-223 Completed 4/28/2015 to page 32 of 223 pages)
    167. Fodor, Jerry A. - Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind [1987] (pp. 1-154 Completed 6/3/2015)
    168. Fodor, Jerry A. - A Theory of Content and Other Essays [1990]
    169. Potter, Michael - Set Theory and its Philosophy [2004] (4/28/2015 to page 1 of 316 pages)
    170. Quine, Willard Van Orman Word and Object [1960] (pp. 1-276)
    171. Davidson, D. and Hintikka, J. - eds. Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of W. V. Quine [[1969] (pp. 1-352)
    172. Hahn, Lewis Edwin and Schilpp, Paul Arthur - eds. - The Philosophy of W. V. Quine [1986] (pp. 1-665)
    173. Barrett, Robert and Gibson, Roger - eds. - Perspectives on Quine [1990] (pp. 1-346)
    174. McCarty, D. C. - "Intuitionism in Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 356-386)
    175. Cook, Roy - "Intuitionism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 387-411)
    176. Klement, Kevin C. - Frege and the Logic of Sense and Reference (4/25/2014 to page 60 of 238 pages)
    177. Collins, Jordan - A History of the Theory of Types: Developments After the Second Edition of 'Principia Mathematica' (pp. 1-109)
    178. Fodor, Jerry A. and Lepore, Ernest; eds. - Holism: A Shopper's Guide [1992]
    179. Fodor, Jerry A. - The Elm and the Expert: Mentalese and Its Semantics [1995]
    180. Fodor, Jerry A. - In Critical Condition: Polemical Essays on Cognitive Science and the Philosophy of Mind [2000]
    181. Fodor, Jerry A. - the mind doesn't work that way [2000]
    182. Dedrick, Don and Trick, Lana; eds. - Computation, Cognition, and Pylyshyn [2009]
    183. Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition(new edition) [2013]
    184. McCarty, D. C. - "Intuitionism in Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 356-383)
    185. Cook, Ray - "Intuitionism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 387-409)
    186. Kenneally, Christine - The First Word (pp. 1-300)
    187. Hodges, Wilfred - "Classical Logic I: First-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 9-31)[Re-read]
    188. Shapiro, Stewart - "Classical Logic II: Higher-Order Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 33-52)[Re-read]
    189. Burgess, John P. - "Set Theory" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 55-71)[Re-read]
    190. Smullyan, Raymond - "Goedel's Incompleteness Theorems" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 72-89)[Re-read]
    191. Gupta, Anil - "Truth" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 90-111)[Re-read]
    192. Blanchette, Patricia - "Logical Consequence" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 115-133)[Re-read]
    193. Cresswell, M. J. - "Modal Logic" in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic - ed. Goble, Lou(pp. 136-156)[Re-read]
    194. Jacquette, Dale - "Introduction: Logic, Philosophy, and Philosophical Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 1-8)
    195. Smith, Robin - "Ancient Greek Philosophical Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 11-22)
    196. Bos, E. P. and Sundholm, B. G. - "History of Logic: Medieval" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 24-34)
    197. George, Rolf and Van Evra, James - "The Rise of Modern Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 35-48)
    198. Bach, Kent - "Language, Logic, and Form" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 51-70)
    199. Salmon, Nathan - "Puzzles about Intensionality" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 73-84)
    200. Borg, Emma and Lepore, Ernest - "Symbolic Logic and Natural Language" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 86-99)
    201. Cargile, James - "Logical Paradoxes" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 105-114)
    202. Simmons, Keith - "Semantical and Logical Paradox" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 115-129)
    203. Sorensen, Roy A. - "Philosophical Implications of Logical Paradoxes" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 131-142)
    204. Sher, Gila - "Truth, the Liar, and Tarski's Semantics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 145-162)
    205. Ray, Greg - "Truth, the Liar, and Tarskian Truth Definition" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 164-175)
    206. Ostertag, Gary - "Descriptions and Logical Form" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 177-191)
    207. Landini, Gregory - "Russell's Theory of Definite Descriptions as a Paradigm for Philosophy" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 194-221)
    208. Shapiro, Stewart - "Necessity, Meaning, and Rationality: The Notion of Logical Consequence" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 227-239)
    209. Sundholm, B. G. - "Varieties of Consequence" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 241-255)
    210. Jacquette, Dale - "Modality of Deductively Valid Inference" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 256-261)
    211. Gochet, Paul - "Quantifiers, Being, and Canonical Notation" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 265-277
    212. Hochberg, Herbert - "From Logic to Ontology: Some Problems of Predication, Negation, and Possibility" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 281-290)
    213. Bencivenga, Ermanno - "Putting Language First: The 'Liberation' of Logic from Ontology" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 193-303)
    214. Urquhart, Alasdair - "Metatheory" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 307-317)
    215. Wolenski, Jan - "Metatheory of Logics and the Characterization Problem" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 319-330)
    216. Weinstein, Scott - "Logic in Finite Structures: Definability, Complexity, and Randomness" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 332-347)
    217. Benardete, Jose, A. - "Logic and Ontology: Numbers and Sets" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 351-362)
    218. Tiles, Mary - "Logical Foundations of Set Theory and Mathematics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 365-375)
    219. Jubien, Michael - "Property-Theoretic Foundations of Mathematics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 377-387)
    220. Floyd, Juliet - "Wittgenstein on Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 75-118)
    221. Demopoulos, William and Clark, Peter - "The Logicism of Frege, Dedekind, and Russell" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 129-162)
    222. Hale, Bob and Wright, Crispin - "Logicism in the Twenty-first Century" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 166-200)
    223. Rayo, Agustin - "Logicism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 203-232)
    224. Detlefsen, Michael - "Formalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 236-310)
    225. Resnik, Michael D. - "Quine and the Web of Belief" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 412-435)
    226. Maddy, Penelope - "Three Forms of Naturalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 437-458)
    227. Weir, Alan - "Naturalism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 460-480)
    228. Chihara, Charles - "Nominalism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 483-512)
    229. Rosen, Gideon and Burgess, John P. - "Nominalism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 515-534)
    230. Hellman, Geoffrey - "Structuralism" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 536-561)
    231. MacBride, Fraser - "Structuralism Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 563-587)
    232. Feferman, Soloman - "Predicativity" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 590-621)
    233. Steiner, Mark - "Mathematics -- Application and Applicability" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 625-649)
    234. Shapiro, Stewart - "Logical Consequence, Proof Theory, and Model Theory" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 651-669)
    235. Prawitz, Dag - "Logical Consequence From a Constructivist Point of View" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 671-694)
    236. Tennant, Neil - "Relevance in Reasoning" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 696-725)
    237. Burgess, John P. - "No Requirement of Relevance" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 727-750)
    238. Shapiro, Stewart - "Higher-order Logic" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 751-777)
    239. Jane, Ignacio - "Higher-order Logic Reconsidered" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic - ed. Shapiro, Stewart(pp. 781-808)
    240. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica to *56 (pp. 1-84)[Re-read Introduction]
    241. Linsky, Bernard - Russell's Metaphysical Logic(pp. 1-142)[Re-read]
    242. Landini, Gregory - Russell's Hidden Subsitutional Theory(pp. 3-323)[Re-read]
    243. Landini, Gregory - Wittgenstein's Apprenticeship with Russell(pp. 1-284)[Re-read]
    244. Wittgenstein, Ludwig - The Big Typescript: TS 213 German-English Scholar's Edition (pp. 2-506 2/8/2011 to page 37)
    245. Van Benthem, Johan - "Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 391-407)
    246. Fitting, Melvin - "First-Order Alethic Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 410-420)
    247. De Rijke, Maarten and Wansing, Heinrich - "Proofs and Expressiveness in Alethic Modal Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 422-439)
    248. Schurz, Gerhard - "Alethic Modal Logics and Semantics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 442-475)
    249. Rescher, Nicholas - "Epistemic Logic" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 478-490)
    250. Hilpinen, Risto - "Deontic, Epistemic, and Temporal Modal Logics" in A Companion to Philosophical Logic - ed. Jacquette, Dale(pp. 491-507)
    251. Blackburn, Patrick; de Rijke, Maaten; and Venema, Yde - Modal Logic(pp. 1-523)
    252. Planning to study the next two with the purpose of finding how Cantor's Theorem (PM *117) is Proved and its relation to the Axiom of Reducibility.
    253. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume One (2nd Edition)
    254. Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand - Principia Mathematica Volume Two (2nd Edition)
    255. Goedel, Kurt - "On formally undecidable propositions of Principia Mathematica" in From Frege to Goedel, ed. van Heijenoort, Jean (pp. 592-617)
    256. Church, A. - "A Formulation of the Logic of Sense and Denotation" in Structure, Method and Meaning - ed. Henle, Paul; Kallen, Horace M. and Langer, Susanne K. (1/8/2012 to page 12 of pp. 3-24)
    257. Boolos, George S. and Jeffrey, Richard C. - Computability and Logic, Third Edition (re-read 3/7/2013 to page 121 of 300 pages)
    258. Shoenfield, Joseph R. - Mathematical Logic (pp. 1-336 - 9/27/2012 to page 20)
    259. Cohen, Paul J. - Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis (pp. 1-152)
    260. Smullyan, Raymond and Fitting, Melvin - Set Theory and the Continuum Problem (pp. 3-303)