Quantum Mechanics: Symmetries (Greiner, Walter//Theoretical Physics 2nd Corr ed)
Walter Greiner; Berndt Muller; Berndt Muller (2); Walter, Greiner
Springer (1994)
In Collection
Quantum theory, Quantum theory - Problems, exercises, etc, Symmetry groups
Paperback 0387580808
Quantum Mechanics - Symmetries deals with a particularly appealing and successful concept in advanced quantum mechanics. After a brief introduction to symmetries in classical mechanics, the text turns to their relevance in quantum mechanics, the consequences of rotation symmetry, and the general theory of Lie groups. The isospin group, hypercharge, SU(3), and their applications are all dealt with in depth before chapters on charm, SU(4), and dynamical symmetries lead to the frontiers of research in particle physics. This unique text comprises more than 120 detailed, worked examples and problems. This second edition has been corrected and is presented in both a new attractive cover and a new format. In addition, some new examples and exercises have been included.
Product Details
LoC Classification QC19.3.G7413 1989 vol. 1, 1993
Dewey 530.1/2
Edition 2nd corr. ed.
Cover Price $97.00
No. of Pages 496
Height x Width 9.4 x 7.5  inch
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Location B4
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Vol. 2 includes co-author Berndt Mu¨ller.