Putting Philosophy To Work - Inquiry and Its Place in Culture - Essays on Science, Religion, Law, Literature, and Life
Susan Haack
Prometheus Books, Publishers (2013)
In Collection
Philosophy / General
eBook-Kindle 9781616144937
This engaging and wide-ranging collection of essays is informed and unified by the conviction that philosophy can, and should, engage with real-world issues. Susan Haack's keen analytical skills and well-chosen illustrations illuminate a diverse range of cultural questions; and her direct style and wry sense of humor make complex ideas and subtle distinctions accessible to serious readers whatever their discipline or particular interests. Putting Philosophy to Work will appeal not only to philosophers but also to thoughtful scientists, economists, legal thinkers, historians, literary scholars, and humanists. This new, expanded second edition includes several previously unpublished essays: a devastating critique of Karl Popper's highly (and dangerously) influential philosophy of science; a searching and thought-provoking analysis of scientism; and a groundbreaking paper on "academic ethics in a preposterous environment" that every professor, and would-be professor, should read.
Product Details
LoC Classification B72 .H22 2013
LoC Control Number 2013001484
Dewey 100
No. of Pages 345
Height x Width 9.0 x 6.0  inch
Personal Details
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Store Amazon
Location eLibrary-Kindle
Purchase Price $12.99
Purchase Date 1/13/2018
Links Library of Congress