Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
Daniel C. Dennett
Penguin (Non-Classics) (2007)
In Collection
Philosophy, Religion, Religion - Controversial literature, Religion - Philosophy
Paperback 9780143038337
For all the thousands of books that have been written about religion, few until this one have attempted to examine it scientifically: to ask why-and how-it has shaped so many lives so strongly. Is religion a product of blind evolutionary instinct or rational choice? Is it truly the best way to live a moral life? Ranging through biology, history, and psychology, Daniel C. Dennett charts religion's evolution from ?wild? folk belief to ?domesticated? dogma. Not an antireligious screed but an unblinking look beneath the veil of orthodoxy, Breaking the Spell will be read and debated by believers and skeptics alike.
Product Details
Cover Price $16.00
No. of Pages 464
Height x Width 8.3 x 5.4  inch
Personal Details
Read It Yes (3/8/2008)
Store Barnes & Noble
Location BR
Purchase Price $14.40
Purchase Date 10/25/2007
Condition Mint
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