Misc Handy links on the Web

  1. Wikipedia
  2. Wiktionary
  3. Dictionary
  4. HTML5 Cheat Sheet
  5. CSS3 Cheat Sheet
  6. TED Talks
  7. BuzzFeed Style Guide
  8. Wolfram Alpha
  9. Google Maps
  10. Movie and TV Show info
  11. Help end world hunger
  12. 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' - exceptions
  13. Open Courseware Finder
  14. Internet Country Abbreviations
  15. Internet Bandwidth Speed Test
  16. Wolfram Alpha - ask a question (especially math)
  17. The 25 smartest people of the decade
  18. QB1
  19. Buzztime games
  20. HTML Special Symbol Codes
  21. Rumor has it
  22. World Facts
  23. Mayo Clinic
  24. Human Anatomy
  25. making Government user-friendly
    Url left on my guest book by bush@gov.com.
  26. Chris Quigg's physics web site
  27. Illinois Physician information
  28. Illinois Licensing
  29. Iowa Licensing
  30. All State Licensing Boards
  31. Great Books Online
  32. Encyclodedia of Arda (Tolkien Online Reference)