'i' before 'e' except after 'c' - exceptions (a partial list)

This is a partial list - email me at: pal at dennisdarland dot com, if you know any more exceptions. I am now going slowly through a dictionary.

I realized this had probably been done before, so rather than completing my trip through the dictionary I searched the web finding:
i before e (1)
i before e (Wikipedia)
i before e (3)
i before e (4)

I have gone through the dictionary - I used Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (Completed 8/16/2011)
If you notice any missing cases let me know via the email address above.

  1. acrolein
  2. apodeictic
  3. atheism
  4. atheist
  5. atheistic
  6. atheistical
  7. atheistically
  8. aweigh
  9. beige
  10. being
  11. Berkeleian
  12. Berkeleianism
  13. bioscience
  14. casein
  15. caseinate
  16. Cecheid
  17. checkrein
  18. chow mein
  19. Chryseis
  20. cleidoic
  21. cleistogamic
  22. cleistogamous
  23. cleistogamously
  24. cleistogamy
  25. clupeid
  26. clypei
  27. codeine
  28. co-efficient
  29. coheir
  30. coheiress
  31. concierge
  32. conscience
  33. conscientious
  34. conscientiousness
  35. counterfeit
  36. counterfeiter
  37. counterscientific
  38. countersurveillance
  39. counterweight
  40. coup d'oeil
  41. coups d'oeil
  42. cruzeiro
  43. cueing
  44. cuneiform
  45. cysteine
  46. deice
  47. deicide
  48. deietic
  49. deification
  50. deify
  51. deign
  52. deil
  53. deinstitutionalization
  54. deinstitutionalize
  55. deionization
  56. deionize
  57. deism
  58. deist
  59. deistic
  60. deistical
  61. deistically
  62. deity
  63. disseise
  64. disseised
  65. disseising
  66. disseisin
  67. disseize
  68. disseized
  69. disseizing
  70. disseizin
  71. dreich
  72. dreidel
  73. dreidl
  74. dyeing
  75. edelweiss
  76. efficiency
  77. efficient
  78. efficiently
  79. eider
  80. eiderdown
  81. eidetic
  82. eidetically
  83. eidolon
  84. eigenvalue
  85. eigenvector
  86. eight
  87. eighteen
  88. eightfold
  89. eighth
  90. eightpenny
  91. eighty
  92. einkorn
  93. einsteinium
  94. eirenic
  95. eisegsis
  96. eisteddfod
  97. eisteddfodic
  98. either
  99. -facient
  100. facies
  101. feign
  102. feigned
  103. feigner
  104. feignt
  105. feirie
  106. feist
  107. feisty
  108. feistier
  109. feistiest
  110. feistiness
  111. flavoprotein
  112. fleishig
  113. flyweight
  114. foreign
  115. foreignness
  116. foreigner
  117. foreignism
  118. forfeit
  119. forfeitable
  120. forfeiter
  121. forfeiture
  122. fraulein
  123. freight
  124. freightage
  125. freighter
  126. gallein
  127. geisha
  128. geishas
  129. geoscience
  130. gleization
  131. greige
  132. greisen
  133. habeas corpus ad subjiciendum
  134. heifer
  135. heiho
  136. height
  137. heighten
  138. heightened
  139. heightening
  140. heine
  141. heinous
  142. heinously
  143. heinousness
  144. heir
  145. heirless
  146. heirship
  147. heiress
  148. heirloom
  149. heist
  150. heterogeneity
  151. hexerei
  152. hundredweight
  153. hundredweights
  154. hyperconscientious
  155. hyperconscientiousness
  156. ileitis
  157. insufficience
  158. insufficiencies
  159. insufficiency
  160. insufficient
  161. insufficiently
  162. intersocietal
  163. intersociety
  164. inveigh
  165. inveigher
  166. inveigle
  167. inveigled
  168. inveiglement
  169. inveigler
  170. inveigling
  171. isoseismal
  172. jadeite
  173. kapellmeister
  174. Klein bottle
  175. kyrie eleison
  176. langbeinite
  177. lei
  178. leishmania
  179. leishmanial
  180. leishmaniasis
  181. leister
  182. leisure
  183. leisured
  184. leisurely
  185. leisureliness
  186. leitmotiv
  187. leitmotif
  188. Lorelei
  189. lutein
  190. luteinization
  191. luteinize
  192. lwei
  193. lweis
  194. Madeira
  195. madeleine
  196. Meiji
  197. meikle
  198. meiny
  199. meinies
  200. meiosis
  201. meiotic
  202. meiotically
  203. Meissen
  204. Meistersinger
  205. Meistersingers
  206. meiamine
  207. milreis
  208. monotheism
  209. monotheist
  210. monotheistic
  211. monotheistical
  212. monotheistically
  213. monseigneur
  214. monseigneurs
  215. monteith
  216. mullein
  217. neigh
  218. neighbor
  219. neighbored
  220. neighboring
  221. neighborhood
  222. neighborly
  223. neighborliness
  224. neighbour
  225. neither
  226. nescience
  227. nescient
  228. neuroscience
  229. neuroscientist
  230. nisei
  231. nonrareil
  232. nonprotein
  233. nonscience
  234. nontheist
  235. nontheistic
  236. oei-de-boeuf
  237. oeilade
  238. oleic
  239. olein
  240. omniscience
  241. omniscient
  242. omnisciently
  243. Oneida
  244. Oneidas
  245. oneiric
  246. oneirically
  247. oneiromancy
  248. outweigh
  249. overconscientious
  250. overconscious
  251. overweigh
  252. overweight
  253. pantheism
  254. pantheist
  255. pantheistic
  256. pantheistical
  257. psntheisically
  258. paperweight
  259. parallel-veined
  260. oneiromancy
  261. peignoir
  262. pein
  263. pennyweight
  264. phenolphtatein
  265. plebeian
  266. pleiad
  267. Pleiad
  268. Pleiades
  269. plein air
  270. pleinairism
  271. pleinairist
  272. pleio-
  273. pleiotropic
  274. pleiotropy
  275. Pleistocene
  276. poleis
  277. Poseidon
  278. preignition
  279. preimplantation
  280. preinaugural
  281. preincorporation
  282. preinduction
  283. preindustrial
  284. preinterview
  285. preinvasion
  286. premeiotic
  287. prescience
  288. prescient
  289. presciently
  290. prescientific
  291. proficiency
  292. proficient
  293. proficiently
  294. protein
  295. proteinaceous
  296. proteinase
  297. proteinurea
  298. pseudoscience
  299. pseudoscientific
  300. pseudoscientist
  301. reichsmark
  302. reidentify
  303. reification
  304. reified
  305. reify
  306. reifying
  307. reign
  308. reignite
  309. reimage
  310. reimagine
  311. reimburse
  312. reimbursed
  313. reimbursing
  314. reimbursable
  315. reimpursement
  316. reimpression
  317. reimmerse
  318. reimplantation
  319. reimport
  320. reimportation
  321. reimpose
  322. reimposition
  323. rein
  324. reincarnate
  325. reinarnation
  326. reincorporate
  327. reincorporation
  328. reindeer
  329. reindict
  330. reiindictment
  331. reindustrialization
  332. reindustrialize
  333. reinfestation
  334. reinfection
  335. reinforce
  336. reinforceable
  337. reinforced
  338. reinforcement
  339. reinforcer
  340. reinhabit
  341. reinitiate
  342. reinject
  343. reinjection
  344. reinjure
  345. reinjury
  346. reink
  347. reinnervate
  348. reiinnervation
  349. reinoculate
  350. reinoculation
  351. reinsert
  352. reinsertion
  353. reinspect
  354. reinspection
  355. reinstall
  356. reinstallation
  357. reinstitutionalization
  358. reinter
  359. reinterview
  360. reintroduce
  361. reintroduction
  362. reinvade
  363. reinvasion
  364. reinvestigate
  365. reinvigorate
  366. reinvigoration
  367. reinvigorator
  368. reveile
  369. reweigh
  370. rottweiler
  371. rubefacient
  372. reins
  373. reinsman
  374. reinstate
  375. reinstated
  376. reinstating
  377. reinstetement
  378. reinsurance
  379. reinsure
  380. reinsurer
  381. reintegrate
  382. reintrgration
  383. reintegrative
  384. reinterpret
  385. reinterpretation
  386. reinvent
  387. reinvention
  388. reinvest
  389. reinvestment
  390. reis
  391. reissue
  392. reiterate
  393. reiterated
  394. reiterating
  395. reive
  396. sansei
  397. science
  398. sciential
  399. scientific
  400. scientism
  401. scientist
  402. scientize
  403. sclereid
  404. scleroprotein
  405. sei
  406. seicento
  407. seiche
  408. seidel
  409. seigneur
  410. seigneurial
  411. seigneury
  412. seigneuries
  413. seignior
  414. seigniorage
  415. seignorage
  416. seigniory
  417. seignory
  418. seigniories
  419. seignories
  420. seignorial
  421. seine
  422. seisin
  423. seismic
  424. seismicity
  425. seismogram
  426. seismograph
  427. seismographer
  428. seismographic
  429. seismography
  430. seismology
  431. seismological
  432. seismologist
  433. seismometer
  434. seismometry
  435. seize
  436. seized
  437. seizing
  438. seizer
  439. seizure
  440. semideify
  441. sheikh
  442. sheik
  443. sheikhdom
  444. sheikdom
  445. skeigh
  446. skein
  447. sleigh
  448. sleight
  449. societal
  450. societally
  451. societies
  452. society
  453. sovereign
  454. sovereignly
  455. sovereignty
  456. specie
  457. species
  458. speciesism
  459. speiss
  460. spontaneity
  461. stein
  462. subseizure
  463. subscience
  464. sufficiency
  465. sufficient
  466. sufficiently
  467. superefficiency
  468. superefficient
  469. surfeit
  470. surveil
  471. surveillance
  472. surveillant
  473. surveilled
  474. surveilling
  475. teiid
  476. terreplein
  477. their
  478. theirs
  479. theism
  480. theist
  481. theistic
  482. theistical
  483. theistically
  484. tholeiite
  485. theleiitic
  486. tie-dyeing
  487. tracheid
  488. tracheitis
  489. ultralightweight
  490. underweigh
  491. underweight
  492. unfeigned
  493. unfeignedly
  494. unscientific
  495. unscientifically
  496. unveil
  497. unveiled
  498. veil
  499. veiled
  500. veiling
  501. vein
  502. veined
  503. veiner
  504. veining
  505. veinlet
  506. veiny
  507. velleity
  508. vermeil
  509. vicereine
  510. villein
  511. weigela
  512. weigh
  513. weighable
  514. weigher
  515. weigh-in
  516. weight
  517. weighted
  518. weightless
  519. weighty
  520. weimaraner
  521. weiner
  522. weir
  523. weird
  524. weirdly
  525. weirdness
  526. weirdie
  527. weirdy
  528. weirdies
  529. weirdo
  530. weisenheimer
  531. wherein
  532. whereinto
  533. wisenheimer
  534. zein
  535. zeitgeber
  536. zeitgeist